Sunday, August 9, 2020

Surprises at StarBux: League War 4 (Fan-Fiction)

By Chained Angel
    Chained Angel sat back in her chair near a small StarBux coffee vendor and sipped at a steaming cup. While most of the others of the Star Force explored the new space facility for the League Wars, she studied through the battle statistics for their next opponents: 5TH PRECINCT BUDDY COPS.

    “This looks like it will be a fine match-up. Even numbers between the two of our leagues. All but one of them have participated in several previous league wars, so they have an edge on us experience-wise.” She said to herself as she picked up her data-pad and scrolled through the other team’s roster.

    “We don’t have a heavy hitter like your team-leader, but we hold our own.” a voice said, interrupting her analysis.

    She looked up and recognized Ability Mage, leader of their upcoming opposition. He carried a cup from the same vendor in his hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” She held up her data-pad like a kid caught in the cookie jar. “I hope you aren’t offended.”

    “Not at all.” He gestured to the chair on the opposite side of hers at the table. “We’ve been doing our homework as well.”

    “Feel free,” Chained Angel said, agreeing for him to join her.

    “Actually, your leader sent me a message,” Ability Mage said. “He wished us well for the upcoming challenge and hoped both our leagues enjoyed a good fight.”

    “Sentiments I share.” Chained Angel set her pad on the table and offered her hand out to Ability Mage. “Here is to a good battle. I hope you bring it.”

    Ability Mage took her hand and shook it firmly. “Agreed, only if you do as well. I can tell from you’re outfit you’re already in warrior mode.”

    Chained Angel stood up and spun around, showing off her newest outfit. “I just found it online the day before we left. I figured if I’m going to go to battle with camera’s everywhere, it wouldn’t hurt to look like a warrior princess. Wait until you hear the war-cry I’ve been practicing.”

    “Just promise not to cut any of our heads off with your chakram.” Ability Mage brought his hands up defensively to his neck and laughed.

    The two of them chatted for several minutes before he finished his drink and departed to rejoin his team. They exchanged a final salute to one another as he disappeared into the crowd.

    “What are you doing, flirting with the enemy?” Wyldfyre inquired with crossed arms as he and Catalyst approached. “You better not be planning on us sitting by and letting them win like last round.”

    “Quite the opposite, Wyldfyre,” she replied. “He was very polite and extended his intent for us to share in a good fight tomorrow. I found the civility quite refreshing.”

    “So, we ARE gonna fight tomorrow?” Wyldfyre raised an eyebrow, a waiting-for- the-other-shoe-to-drop look on his face. “No holding back?”

    “I told him in no uncertain term, and I quote, ‘to bring it’.”

    “Good.” Wyldfyre clapped his hands together and rubbed them anxiously. “I didn’t have any luck finding babes last night, so I’m in the mood to light some fires.”

    “We will still be using strategy to win the round, not fighting unwinnable challenges. We won't be going in like a rampant…” Chained Angel cocked her head and cheekily continued. “wildfire.”

    “Ha, ha, ha,” Wyldfyre fake-laughed. “How long have you been saving that one for?”

    “Most likely since the first day she met you,” Catalyst slipped into the conversation.

    “Oh, you two are a comedy duo now. My sides are splitting,” Wyldfyre sarcastically stated as he turned and strutted away. “Later, Abbot and Costello.”

    The two of them watched for a moment with devilish smiles on their faces as he faded into the crowd before Catalyst turned to Chained Angel. “This place is unbelievable, but I think I come across something strange.”

    “What’s that?” Chained Angel held her hand up to the coffee vendor and motioned for another cup.

    “Not sure,” Catalyst said. “Most of my equipment is down in our headquarters, but I’m detecting some strange resonance frequencies coming from sections of the arena. I want to check them out further.”

    Chained Angel nodded to him. “Go ahead. This is a BADGE facility, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t have some of the equipment you needed here already.”

    “Good thought,” Catalyst agreed. “I think I will go look for Krystal Fae. She will know more about the building of the arena than I do. Might be nothing at all.”