Friday, August 14, 2020

Exploring the Game: Missions

by The Infinite Tempest

    I can be one of those people who has a compulsive need to explore every corner of a game, trying to find the hidden gems. Rare, or semi-rare, pieces that the developers insert into the game world that infrequently show up during game play.

    Missions have expanded to include Bronze, Silver, and Gold power cards to be earned by defeating enhanced mini-bosses. Pretty much every player has knowledge of this fact.

    Rarer than those boons, some of the mini-bosses also offer enhanced gear. For example, in the zone of New Amsterdam, there are Bronze, Silver, or Gold BADGE Combat Boots that have a 5% drop rate when fighting Impulse in specific Bronze, Silver, or Gold re-matches.

    The standard BADGE Combat Boots gear provides a bonus of +51 to each STRIKE, BLOCK, and MOVE statistic. The Silver BADGE Combat Boots gear increases those bonuses to +151. While not as powerful as Morphon gear, it is comparable, if not slightly better, than some pieces of gear purchasable with Crystals.

    Another useful fact about defeating these additional bosses is that they also provide Morphon rewards in various amounts. Some grant 4 Morphons for defeating the boss while others have an increased value.

    For budget and free players, grinding through the missions can reap some nice rewards. For everyone else, repeating zones could still have some collectable value for those who wish to find and own everything the game has to offer.