Friday, March 4, 2022

Heroes Rising Fiction: Inquisition Part 3


With a sour sneer on his face, Nova quietly listened to Justin give his report. Beside Justin were two men who hated each other as much as anyone could. However, all three were standing in united.

Justin finished, “that’s when Peyton showed up with Rutkowski and saved us. We would’ve all been captured had they not stepped in.”

Nova frowned at Rutkowski, but then turned his attention to Peyton. “How did you agree to work with this scum?”

“HEY!” Rutkowski barked.

Peyton said, “I know, I know, he ain’t trustworthy, and I’d be damned if I believed he was being honest about anything else. But I know the man better than anyone, including you. He is a lot of things, but he ain’t no liar. When he told me he wanted to help protect super humans, I knew he was tell’n the truth.”

“Look here, cyclops,” Rutkowski interrupted, “I don’t like you, BADGE, or Peyton. But one thing I ain’t abiding is kidnapping kids. You just don’t do that. These people are bad news and I aim to keep them away from my city, got it! I don’t need your lip, blinky.”

Nova let a moment of silence pass and turned his attention back to Justin. “Are you safe?”

“Right now, yes. The city is protected. Between Rutkowski’s men, the police, and a few local heroes, this place is sealed tight.”

“Good. What about their superhuman that attacked the bus? Did you get a picture of her?”

Justin shook his head. “No. Nothing solid. I can say that she had the same skin color as the augments that attacked Washington. Can you send a League here to help out?"

"No. The League Wars started today. I know it seems like the time to summon up the heroes, but we can't show too much force yet or the World Corps will paint us the aggressors. Right now, we need to stay a low. Holding League Wars will keep our heroes occupied for a time while we hopefully will sort all this out."

"I don't like it, but I guess it has to be done. This place will be safe for meta-humans."

“Alright. Stay in Neo Utopia for now and help. I will check in on Gar and Chase.”


The small nation of North Onnotangu was still recovering from the incident with Skelanimal and

Krampus. There was visible damage all around the capital, but it was on the mend.

Right now, Chase and Gar were being escorted through the capital toward the border of the land. They rode in the bus with a few officials.

“The Prime Minister is near the West Border that runs alongside the capital city. We will reach her in moments.” An official from the palace stated.

Chase looked at a large gathering of people in a park. "Big celebration today?"

The official said, "oh, yes. We love League Wars here, it is the most popular sport to watch now that we can. Our people love to cheer on the heroes. We have fan clubs."

Gar commented, "you are probably the only ones. Most people aren't watching this time."

Chase looked out the windows and smiled. “Look at the change. The last time I was here, this street had large sections of the alleys covered in cardboard with tattered tents all over the place. Oh, and the trash was practically waist deep.”

The official said, “With help from the UN and BADGE, our people are pulling themselves out of the poverty that was life for too many years. Many of the condemned buildings have been refurbished to give the poor and homeless a place to sleep that is warm and dry. We began a program that paid people to clean trash from the streets. And several private charities have given our people a lot of food and clean water to restore our health. This is a good time for our people.”

Gar said, “I hope it only gets better.”

Chase asked, “Shizue said that the World Corps was originally helping them.”

The official sneered, “the World Corps was caught attempting to scan and detain our people for suspicion of being morphon powered. Minister Shizue would not allow this violation of our rights and threw them out of the country. She is determined to make this country both safe and free.”

Chase added, “that is, if we stop this evil organization from causing any new trouble.” She gasped, “what the?”

The bus pulled up to a large brick wall that ran as far as the eye could see. It was five stories tall and had a large military force just inside.

Gar asked, “what is with the brick wall?”

“That is our protection. Come, Minister Shizue will be waiting for you.”

The bus came to a stop. Chase and Gar were escorted off and over to the wall where a small section was currently open. A healthy contingent of military officers stood around a well dressed Minister Shizue as she spoke to someone on the other side of the wall.

Chase and Gar stopped at the extent of the soldiers. They could see the forces of the World Corps stood with one of their gray skinned super humans.

The super said, “Minister, it is in the best interest of your people if you agree.”

“I am sorry, but your assessment of our interests is inaccurate. Human rights prevent me from believing that it is in anyone’s best interest to let a foreign agent come and detain my people without probable cause.”

The super said, “our goal is for your own good, for the good of this world. Sort out the good super humans from the villains. North Onnotangu should be the first nation to understand this goal. You were nearly destroyed by a villain. The ensuing fight with BADGE only did more damage.”

Shizue answered in a sweet, diplomatic tone that was underscored with strength. “My nation was under the oppressive thumb of idiotic despots. Our former leader and his loyal military generals were not morphonic super humans, they were simple, normal people. They were far worse than the enemy that attacked. So, you see, your logic is flawed. You wish to sort out evil from good, then you will never succeed. Evil grows in the hearts and minds of anyone, whether or not they have super powers. My people are recovering from all that our former leader did to us, and they don’t need your kind coming in and causing problems. Now, kindly leave.”

The super was obviously annoyed, but kept her calm voice. “It is difficult to discuss this with you, a superhuman. You're biased against us because of your fear we will interrogate you. So, since it seems you’ll blindly ignore the threat of villains, we will have to consider alternate options, including using force. Is that what you want?”

Shizue smiled, “do what you think you must. However, consider all the implications of your actions before you take them.” With a wave of her hand, the wall filled in with bricks and cut the World Corps people off from this country.

Once the wall was closed, Shizue swayed and had to be held up by one of her own soldiers. Chase came rushing over. “Minister, are you okay?”

Shizue stood up again, “oh, Chase, Gargoyle, it is nice to see the both of you. Pardon my weariness. Keeping this wall intact is taxing all my strength. Having to negotiate with these fools isn’t helping.”

Gar asked, “aren’t you worried they will attack?”

“No. They aren’t ignorant of the repercussions of that action. If they attack us without provocation, then the world will turn against them. All their allies in the nations that support this violation of human rights will suddenly question everything they’ve been told. Let them reveal the villains they are, and then we will have them.”

Chase held Shizue by the arm to walk her back to the bus waiting for them. “You’re a clever politician.”

“No, I am a woman who has spent her whole life protecting the ones I love. Now, I’m pleased to see you. I have something to show you.”

Chase asked, “out here?”

“No, no. Back at the Palace.”

“The official told us to meet with you directly.” Gar said.

Shizue nodded, “I know. I told them to bring you to me when you arrived. I did not realize these World Corps people would show up now. What I have to show you I have kept a secret, in case any spy might find it.”

Chase helped Shizue board the bus. “I’m glad we came out here. I got this.” She held up her wrist comm and showed a small, but clear picture of the super standing on the other side of the wall.


“Would you shut up!” Arx bellowed.

EB hopped around in the hallway just outside the invisible barrier to Arx’s holding cell. “Nope! You need to tell us what you know, so I’m gonna get it from you. Nova said I’m not supposed to use any magic on you, but that don’t mean I can’t talk, and boy do I love to talk. This one time I actually got a criminal to confess while I was out hiding eggs. It was a glorious time. He was this big-shot local thug that was doing this whole protection racket thingy. I was...”

Arx slammed his fist against the forcefield. “Look here, rodent. You can blather all you want. I can’t tell you guys anything more. I don’t know any more.”

EB stood there, uncharacteristically silent for a long least for him. “Fine. Perhaps a little time will jog your memory. Nova said you could watch television, so let’s just watch the news, shall we?” EB jumped up and pressed a button on a wall monitor.

The news was in the middle of a story with a reporter inside a school. “...the principal has said there is more to be expected. As parents arrived, many are searching for their children only to find a form letter from the World Corps informing them they will see their children again after they are questioned. Local authorities have raised the question, ‘why interrogate a first grader who didn’t even know they had morphonic abilities yet?’ “

Arx stopped his raging and leaned against that energy field as he watched the screen. There was a flicker in his eye as he saw the footage of children being shoved into military craft at gun point.
