Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Harbringer RAID: What We Know So Far

Good evening, this is Chaz Hamilton bringing you, the Sentinel News readers, to where the action is happening. There is chaos on the ground as a situation unfolds that even I don't fully understand as of yet.

 Director Nova has called in all of the world's heroes to help fight one of BADGE's own, an agent identified as Torrin Wolf. This individual, who has undergone some form of unknown physical alteration, has attacked a World Corps transport carrying a full compliment of children due to be returned after to their families in Pretoria, South Africa, after having been taken into custody for questioning by the World Corps. The shuttle was completely destroyed, but no reports have come in yet about any survivors or fatalities having been found yet.

The agent, being identified as Harbringer currently, has displayed a wide variety of powers, the most unsettling being the ability to reproduce himself and attack this city as two separate, individual threats. While his clothing identifies him as a BADGE agent, the powers he is displaying are not on record, and he was last known to be protecting UN official Ben Talos to a speech that was meant to be an exoneration of the superhero organization, but turned out to be a report on BADGE and Director Nova teaming up with the former supervillain, Arx.

There is much to unravel in this tale, but as of this moment, BADGE heroes are currently battling these two augmented villains who seem determined on spreading death and destruction. Both versions are displaying a level of more complex capabilities compared to past threats. Their defensive abilities shift, making various attacks less effective while others become more effective. This shifting of vulnerabilities has made this fight a challenge, as heroes constantly have to shift their tactics and equipment to maximize effectiveness.

As always, BADGE scientists are on site trying to "science" the situation. The two versions of Harbringer vary in power. The more powerful of the two is being fought by the most powerful of our heroes. Several members of the WMD are showing up as heavy-hitters in this fight, but a new name has taken the lead in most damage dealt so far, with this version of Harbringer showing a significant 70% drop in his life signs. Here are the top ten bringers of the hurt so far:

  1. Crystal Meth Anubis 
  2. Miðgarðsormr 
  3. ♦ Magnificent punlork♦ 
  4. skynett 
  5. ][☣][ Hot Wings ][☣][
  6. ][☣][ §レαgα†h⊕☈ ][☣][ 
  7. ~666~ B$C ♦♞♦ 
  8. Derdy Bumhole 
  9. ★♕☠HELL☠LION☠♕★
  10. Sygtrygger
Of the lower powered Harbringer, I can report that the rest of the heroes fighting him have not done an equal measure of damage, but still a significant one, nonetheless. The "minor" villain is almost down to half his beginning energy and continues to drop. One thing I've heard frequently from BADGE observers is the number 13,332. Supposedly, this target number should be a goal for each lower tier hero to try to reach, as it will benefit each individual hero and the ongoing fight against Harbringer the most.

Of the heroes fighting against the weaker of the two Harbringers, here are the top damage dealers so far:
  1. Rïñg M姆êr 
  2. Madam Marvelous 
  3. Dun Ringill 
  4. Wyldfyre
  5. Unearthly Mitch the Lich 
  6. T-2 
  7. T-1
  8. TH€ PAIN£€$$
  9. ‡Furious Immortal‡ 
  10. Angelus
There has been a rapid learning curve for our heroes during this fight but there have been improvements that if taken advantage of can have a sizable impact on their efforts. The BADGE Armory has been available for some time, but recent additions to the warehouse of equipment available for heroes to use has the capability of noticeably improving a heroes damage output. Multiple pieces of gear purchasable by budget-wise individuals offer specific damage bonuses. When utilized to create a specific elemental power build, these new gear options can increase any heroes efforts for a successful conclusion to this battle.

This fight cannot wrap up soon enough, and while I'm sure of the BADGE heroes good intentions, there are some hard questions that must be answered, by BADGE, the World Corps, and the UN. How was this allowed to come to pass? Where was the oversight to safeguard the public from either of these groups? How did a BADGE agent turn into the latest threat to our planet's population while safeguarding a UN representative? What of the children?

These answers cannot come soon enough, and if they aren't forthcoming to the public from these organizations, trust that I will find out for you and share this important information with the Sentinel's loyal readers. Let's all pray that Director Nova and BADGE can end this immediate threat with expediency.

Good night, and stay safe. Chaz Hamilton signing off for now.