Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Big boy Raid Update-- Editorial by Crazy Banner

#20314 Crazy Banner

Raid is over 50% complete and Crystal Meth is taking the city raid as a stomping grounds of it's own with no chance indication of slowing down or the need to sleep lmfao . News reporters are getting calls and pictures of the new Mob boss of the raid game. Any information that B.A.D.G.E. can use to bring this Crystal Meth Anubis into custody will receive a pat on the back or a slap to the head one of the two. Leads that bring valuable information on this character may be compensated. Hits from this Crystal Meth Anubis are being found all over ranging from 200 to the 400 range, and at any given time so no Intel on how to find this wild one but keeping your eyes peeled. What ever you do don't take a hit or it might blow you away .

On a side note the Raid is offering cards with manageable goals and good quality. Along with the cards it's offering the technology back we just had a chance to secure with AMA parts but also a New back only offered in this raid so far. To top it off though it offers 2 brand new sidekicks which are new content all together. They also hit on one more new feature I kinda really am enjoying also the raid cycles through what it is weak against which gives everyone a opportunity to capitalize on their best element of choice when it comes around. The outline of the raid flashes signaling what damage you should be using at the time to get the boost in damage output kind of like the 150% events except being incorporated into the raid. I think this should motivate more players to push for prizes since it's not a set damage raid if you know mental or magic is where you are going to do the most damage that is where you should sink all of you energy into is when them elements come around.
If you're not in the raid it's ok that just means you probably shouldn't raid just because you can it promotes growth not only to gear but also levels and cards we wouldn't want that. That way things like this doesn't happen.