Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Heroes Rising has Got our Back!!!

Finally, a vital, iconic piece of gear has become available. We've had multitudes of headgear. We've had rings with various powers, and most recently the wrist has been the latest area of the body to gain beneficial adornments. 

Now, your heroes' back will soon become an available gear slot, not just a location for knives to be placed by traitorous individuals. (Remember, Delta is still out there somewhere...)

Sorry to those of you who had years of records on when each slot became available. This latest update might change a few things. Progress comes at a price, I guess. There is a lot to discover with the introduction of a back slot, as indicated by the options made available.

First, let's take a look at how to collect the AMA Parts (Anti-Morphon Atomizer, for those who haven't been reading Dan Peyton's Inquisition story). By completing Patrols in any of the locations available, a player can find anywhere from two to four AMA Parts while combating villains.

As a quick note to the game developers, this would have been a good time to have all random opponents during patrols to have been World Corps agents. Just sayin'. Tying together the game world and the story is never a bad idea in a game...

When choosing which locations to patrol, there is little difference. Each patrol is giving AMA Parts out, but some are a bit more giving than others. My largest successes have come from the new patrols in Neo Utopia. Patrols with a high rate of set award panels, like New Amsterdam or Purgatory Penitentiary, are the slowest to provide AMA Parts.

Once you have collected the AMA Parts in Patrols, what do you do with them??

Good question, random hero off the streets. Once you have found your AMA Parts, head to the Scrapyard which in located under the Powers tab.

 The Scrapyard is where you can use the AMA Parts to purchase a variety of new items for the BACK gear slot. This new gear slot will open on your character's Equip panel under GEAR when you pay AMA Parts for the item of your choice. I don't know if there is a level requirement on this slot opening up yet, so lower level characters might not be able to open the slot right away. I can tell you with certainty that at Level 74, only one Back slot is open, even if you purchase two pieces of equipment from the list below. 

Currently, there are six different back pieces offered, one for each core element.

A wary shopper will notice that the different pieces have varying prices. Does this indicate a possible rating system for elemental core choices? Why is it that the Elemental Butterfly Wings are less than one-quarter the price of Technological Cybernetic Wings or a Physical Morphonic Jetpack? The Elemental gear is 40AMA Parts cheaper than the Supernatural Black Cloak, but the only difference is a bonus of Super Life +10. The Magical Cape of Levitation is more than half the cost of the Physical or Tech gear pieces, but offers the the same Move bonus as one and the same Move bonus % as the others. And how many back slots will be opened as this collection event continues? Let the Sentinel know what secrets you discover and are willing to share. Our payment rates for informants, confidential or otherwise, are the best in the business.

There are also two Defense Power Cards available during this event.

Available at Level One, Particle Atomizer is comparable to Flaming Skin, the Defense Power Card available at level 5, which costs 36MP to purchase instead of the 20 AMA Parts. Particle Atomizer does have a resale price of only 1MP, so think hard about your investment.

At Level 90, the option to purchase Morphonic Shield becomes available. The stats on this card are also comparable with Bark Skin, the defense card available in the Armory at level 100. 90 AMA parts vs 49MP is a bit of a reversal on the differing costs compared to the Power Card available at Lvl 1.

It is uncertain if or when the back slot will open to everyone. Perhaps it is a perk only to be earned by those who take advantage of the event, or perhaps it isn't. Participating in the AMA Patrol hunt for parts might not be for all players, but it might be there to give an advantage to those who put the effort in. I'll ask Grandfather Time next time he shows up...

This AMA gathering event is scheduled to go on until March 20th, so there are still multiple days to hit those patrols and let the villains know, "Hey, villains, Heroes' got Back!"
