Tuesday, March 8, 2022

LW 12 Round Two Wrap-Up

 Good evening League War fans! Wasn't today just a great day to watch our favorite heroes battle for dominance in another epic round of battle. This is Chaz Hamilton, here once more with a brief recap of today's action. Let's get right to is, shall we?

WMD: Black Order secured their place in the fight for gold in Division one. They took the Mayor's Gym to the mat, 94-3, BUT I do have to give credit to Wendigo. As ShadowWalker(2x) and DaMon(1x) challenged him, he managed to turn the tables on them and earned defensive wins. This isn't to say that all the members of the WMD didn't do exceptionally well, but being able to be defeated on occasion makes their team a little bit less Mary Sue and just plain Karens. In the other match, the Colony51 team locked the 5thPrecinct team into a fight for third against the Mayor's Gym, winning the match 116-2.  

As part of my research, I did come across some unusual documents pertaining the Mayor's Gym league. Is this league being funded by the city's government? Are tax dollars going to maintaining the equipment used there? The only answer I received was from an uncertain, unidentified source.

Chaz Hamilton: "Is the Mayor's Gym just a front for organized crime?"

Villains Inc. Rep: "Speaking for the gym, yes it is. Speaking for VILLAINS Inc, we always blame Mayor Justice. Mostly because it's usually true, but also because we like to torment him. He's our Lebron. Lot of hype. Chokes a lot."

Division 2 had Angels of Sorcery emerging triumphant after engaging Into The Darkness, 120-0. The other match found the Disenchanted Brute Squad mounting a sizable offensive against Legacy of Spawn, winning 102-38. The impromptu baby shower that was thrown for Krystal Fae by various heroes during one of her matches was a touching moment for the expectant mother, but the one gift the Disenchanted Brute Squad didn't plan on giving her was any chance at seeing a silver. 

AV51 took the sky out from Seraphim Angels, defeating them 76-0, in Division 3, while Villains Inc. DVS defeated the RAVAGERS 64-35. That means we should have an interesting showdown in this division next round as AV51 goes head to head with RAVAGERS. 

Division 4 had the Avengers51 facing, and trouncing, SOB Hunter/Killer, 96-1, as 5th Precinct:OG broke through the Realm Defenders and took their round, 60-48.

Division 5:

In order to save up some of my chatter, I decided to use some visual aids to help show the progress of our some leagues. Here in Division 5, there were some intense fights going on between these four leagues, but unfortunately, it was proven again that is is better to be a Sheepherder or an Outlaw than a Freak. Freak on freak action next round, though!!!
Division 6:

In a surprising turn, the 51AV league fell before the card sharks. The Avengers51 organization is still strong in other divisions, which likely makes the Stacked Deck L&D league even prouder of their achievement. 
Creatures devoured the Galaxy Rangers in a very messy display.

Division 7:
In a strong series of fights, Division 7 has proven itself to be worthy of some attention. Avengers51 Walking Dead took down BowTie Karaoke, securing a spot for the gold, while the Star Force surprised many by defeating VI Ravagers II. The Walking Dead have proven to be a solid group, so the Star Force will have to burn extra bright if they plan on stealing the win.
The Freaks of Nature proved to be superior to the 5th Precinct by a narrow margin in their round, while the Scottish Claymores: The Ghost Riders had an easier ride as they rolled over JEFFEREY&TRACEY LEAGUE 51.

Division 8:

PAIN was felt at the the injection site as they stuck it to The Infected 51.

The Bomb Squad 2 left The Magnificent Seven in the dust.
NobleGates told the Unusual Alliance "You shall not Pass!!"
NobleGates23 tied a rope to the Earth's largest satellite, keeping the Bad Moon from Rising.

Division 9:

Mostly one sided fights going on in Division 9. 

If you want to know the rest of what happened, you know where to go to find the information.

Good luck to all leagues who will be taking medals next round. To everyone else, take what you learned here during LW12: Year of the Tiger and apply it to your arsenal for next season. This is Chaz Hamilton signing off. Chow!