Saturday, March 5, 2022

Heroes Rising Fiction: Inquisition Part 4

 Chase and Gar followed Shizue back to the palace. The large gated wall that surrounded the place had been torn down and replaced by a secure but accessible fenced area.

While stepping off the bus, Chase asked, “Where are the limos and other government cars I saw earlier?”

Shizue used Gar’s hand to help get off the bus. “We still have a few of the armored vehicles for special events, like escorting a dignitary. But, many of the luxury cars were the over indulgence of our former leader and his people. I had them sold, and the money given to our public transportation program. We needed buses, not limos.”

An SUV with heavily tinted windows rolled up with two police escorts. Gar asked, “who is that?”

“That is Ambassador Ben Talos, from the UN. He just flew in today. I was expecting him a little later, but you get to meet him. He has been a good friend to Onnotangu.”

A man in a nice suit stepped out. He had a brilliant smile, nicely kept sandy blonde hair, and was about as tall as Gar. He approached with a quick step and an outstretched hand.

“Why, if it isn’t Chase and Gargoyle from BADGE. A pleasure to meet you!” He pumped Chase’s hand and then took Gar by the hand. “Wow, you really are made of stone. Amazing!”

Gar was grinning in almost the same manner as this man. “Yes. I am stone. You are a very nice man.”

“Why thank you. I try. Oh, I hate I am missing League Wars. I love following that, but I have so much on my plate.” He turned to Shizue. “Now, I know I’m early, Minister Shizue, but I just couldn’t wait to get here. I have wonderful news!”

Shizue walked the other three up the steps to the palace. “Ambassador Talos has been working hard getting aid for North Onnotangu since the fall of our last dictator. So many nations and we don’t have a single ambassador to send out, not yet anyway. So, he has done the work for us.”

“My pleasure, my supreme pleasure. This nation deserves a chance, and I mean to help. So, I just got word from Japan that they are donating enough school supplies to completely restore all of your public schools. Desks, computers, whiteboards, and a lot more.” He was practically glowing.

Chase stopped him. “Ambassador, may I ask your position on the World Corps situation?”

“I wondered if you’d ask that. I think it’s an absolute travesty. No one should be allowed to violate human rights for any reason. This World Corps organization has gone too far. I can’t do much in my current position, but I’d sure like to help put a stop to this so it can be handled better. I would sure like to talk with Director Nova about it, see what I can do.”

Chase was pleasantly surprised. “I’ll see what I can do to make that happen. Right now, the Director needs political support in the UN.”

“I’d be glad to help.”

Shizue said, “Ambassador, if you would please meet with Minister Tamoko about the school supplies. I have a private meeting with my friends from BADGE.”

“By all means. Glad to meet both of you, and don’t forget to get me in touch with Nova at once.”

Shizue bowed to him and then led Chase and Gar into the building.

“He is a nice person.” Gar said.

Shizue answered, “he has helped us in so many ways. Our roads wouldn’t be built, our hospital wouldn’t have a full staff, and we wouldn’t have the trash service without all his efforts. Now, come this way.”

She led them into her office, which was the opulent office of the former leader. There was a bookcase in the back that opened up with a secret panel. Inside was another large room that had several people working around computers and equipment.

“What is this place?” Chase asked.

Shizue snarled, “this room was our former leader’s personal pleasure den.”


“I now use it as a secret room to study the last bits of tech left from Dr. Osteens’ work. I don’t want anyone getting their hands on this.”

Chase asked, “why haven’t you sent this stuff to BADGE for disposal?”

Shizue stopped and looked at a set of strange instruments that appeared like torture devices made for a bad sci-fi movie. “Osteen and his people experimented on my people with this tech. Many are still in the hospital or permanent care because of it. If we can learn a little more about how it worked, we might reverse some of the damage. I know, BADGE is better suited for that. I just want to take care of my people.”

Chase put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. I trust your intentions are noble. Now, what did you want to show me?”

Shizue waved over one scientist. He bowed and then said, “Agent Chase, we have found something that be believe was once part of Dr. Osteens’ personal computer. Just before he was captured, he destroyed his equipment. Until now, we didn’t know there was any part left. It isn’t anything we can use but...”

“You think my powers can help.”

“Yes. If you would.” He held his hand out and showed her the shard of plastic and metal that was once part of the casing for a computer.

Chase put her hand on it and closed her eyes. “I can see us entering the room. Now it is going back to when it was found days I am going back faster. It is dark, in a dark place. Now, I see it being destroyed by a hammer.” She pushed herself, watching Dr. Osteen move backwards as time passed in reverse around this object.

Gar asked, “do you see him working on the morphon guns?”

“No…nothing yet. Wait, I see schematics of the weapon. But I don’t see him building any. Now, I am going back before he came here, when he worked at a laboratory in California. Wait...who is that? No, it can’t be. It’s Arx, before he was all silver skinned. Oh, my god. He paid Dr. Osteen to enhance him. Everyone knew he paid someone to make him more powerful for his movie roles, but Dr. Osteen. Wait, I see more data on his computer about augmentation...gah!” She dropped the shard and held her face.

Gar rushed over and held her. “Chase!”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine. I just...pushed myself too hard. I can watch things in reverse, but it gets harder to see details the further back I take something. I tried to stop the flow and that gave me one heck of a headache.”

Shizue asked, “did you find anything of value?” her tone was hopeful.

Chase nodded. “I think so. We know Arx is deeply tied to Osteen. He may know more than he is letting on. I also know that most of this equipment here was part of Osteens original experimentation. We need to bring it back to BADGE. It might hold the key to stopping those awful anti-morphon guns.”

Shizue looked at her scientist for a long, quiet moment and then said. “Pack it all up. We are sending this back to BADGE.”

“But, Prime Minister...” The lead scientist began his protest, but was stopped when she calmly held up her hand to him.

“However, BADGE must promise to give us information they find that could help our people who have been hurt by this.”

Chase said, “you have my word that we will help.”

“I trust you. Now, hurry.”
