Thursday, March 24, 2022

"Turning Point" - Harbringer RAID Fan Fiction

ID #33880

"...... ......"

KnightShadow whispers to himself as he watches the screen with steely eyes draped by furled brows. Mere hours ago, a shuttle with liberated children was en route home when it was swept out of existence by a high-powered being draped in B.A.D.G.E. attire. Now the city of Pretoria is in flame as Earths' Best and Mightiest struggle to hold this abomination in check. At the same time, a U.N. meeting has turned into a B.A.D.G.E. witch hunt. All of which makes for must-see tv from the networks.

He has always fought alone. From even before his powers mainfested, KnightShadow always felt removed from others. He uaed to chalk it up as being an introvert. His childhood did little to dissuade him from that. As he grew, he felt little trust for others. His experiences taught him to rely only on himself. Once he became "powered", he applied that same mindset to his "war". A war as much against his own demons as it was against outside threats.

This was different.
His battles and intermittent interactions with other heroes and begun to change him. He saw many of them, often boasting B.A.D.G.E. emblems, fight and die protecting those who could not protect themselves. He had begun to trust them. He had occasionally even relied upon some of them. His "war" was theirs as well. His battles, theirs. Those Fallen had given everything for people they would never know. And now, these same people who fought, hurt, bled, and sometimes died, were being called "traitors" and KnightShadow found himself trembling with an almost unfathomable rage.

"Damnation!", he bellowed aloud, the veins in his head throbbing in anger. A bright purple flash enveloped him briefly before he regained his composure. He took a deep breath. He quickly realized this newest development would only make the war harder for heroes like him. Now, in addition to fighting the war against the Zandraxi and Legion, he and those like him would have to fignt the war of Public Opinion. Many of the population at-large had always seen the emergence of the heroes as suspect; an unnatural jump in Human Evolution spurred on by alien interference. In the minds of these conspiracists, the "heroes" were no different than the invaders themselves. This turn of events only solidifies that bias in the minds of many. Humanitys' defense just got a LOT more difficult.
KnightShadow watches the live feeds in silent frustration. He has neither the means nor the power needed to join the fray. But he is not powerless. He understands that there is a hidden Maestro directing this recent series of events. An unseen hand guides the Chaos unleashed upon the World as of late. Is it Legion? The Zandraxi? World Corps? Or a new, unseen player sticking to the shadows? 

"The shadows are MY domain", KnightShadow thinks to himself. 

He turns to "appropriated" Zandraxi equipment; computers and analyzers taken as spoils of war. He WILL find the connection. He WILL unmask this "secret adversary". The time has finally come to choose a side. There is more at stake here than his own designs.

With a deep breath, he sends a coded message to B.A.D.G.E...

