Sunday, March 13, 2022

Heroes Rising Fiction: Inquisition Part 11


Chase and Nova stood outside the lab, each trying not to cringe at the screams of agony coming from within. The screaming stopped and was replaced by an alarm. The computer announced, “Emergency protocol seven in place, emergency protocol seven in place.”

“What is that?” Chase asked.

“Nothing good.” Nova raced into the observation room and found lights flashing and the scientist in a whirlwind of activity. The large windows looking into the lab with Arx had massive metal doors covering them.

Dr. Henderson yelled over the sirens. “Shut down environmental protocols before the fail-safes destroy our work. Mr. Decker, redirect all incoming data to the back-up systems on deck one NOW! Computer, shut off that damn siren!”

Nova pressed his personal badge into a control station and the siren shut off instantly. “What the hell is going on?”

Dr. Henderson held up a hand in his direction, indicating she wasn’t able to respond. “Dr. Lightfoot, I need those systems back online asap. I want to know when it’s safe to go back in. Allison, get the emergency medical drones active. They will need to be on hand if we have a bio-hazard mess in there.”

“Yes, doctor.”

Nova came closer. “Did this go sideways?”

Dr. Henderson sat down on a short chair and looked at the computer screens before her. “Yes. Our systems were set to a specific level to gradually increase in power. However, all the programming failed at the same time, and the process activated at full power. Every computer system in that room was fried in an instant. We’re lucky that our systems are designed with enough back-ups. We got a lot of data out of him, but it almost didn’t work before everything went crazy.”

Chase whispered, “I...I will never forget the screaming.”

Dr. Henderson took a moment to answer that. “Neither shall I. I have violated my oath as a doctor and scientist in doing this. But the results could save millions, and he was willing.”

Nova quietly asked, “where can I view this information?”

“Go to deck four. I have the computer processing the information into a simulation there. It should already be compiling it. I’m going to check all our systems and see what the hell went wrong.”

“I will go see what we got for all this.”

Dr. Henderson grabbed his arm before he left. “Find something useful, please.”


Nova stood outside the doors of the simulator room. A small screen indicated the level of compiling left before it was ready for him to enter.

Agent Justin approached with robot 10915. “Director, I brought the robot?”

“Good. Robot, I want you to connect to the computer and record our observations.”

“Understood. Inquiry, Director. My primary role is operations of League Wars Arena...”

“You want to know why I asked for you.”


“All the other robots are hard at work maintaining this place with all the heroes present. Your role is currently on hold. Now, get ready to take notes.”


Nova pressed the now green blinking button, and the doors opened. They walked into what looked like the fever dream of a Hollywood celebrity. Images and settings that overlapped from all the various places Arx had been. His mansions and lavish apartments, celebrity parties and movie premiers. They walked through the set of The Afternoon Show where he was being interviewed.

“What are we looking at?” Justin asked.

“Arx’s memories, his life. We have ripped his very mind out of his body and put it on display. Now, we need to sift through this and find any part that was connected to Dr. Osteen’s work.”

“Okay....oh, I didn’t need to see that.” Justin held his hand over his eyes as they walked through the photo studio of the famous Playmodel Magazine shoot. Arx was their July centerfold nude model.

10915 pointed, “visual sensors have located evidence of a science laboratory.”

Nova walked ahead, and they left the famous life of Arx for the earliest days of his career. His bit parts in small movies and TV shows when he was still normal looking. They stepped out of that into a dirty old lab in the basement of a building. Arx was strapped to a table with a young Dr. Osteen standing near a computer.

“This is a nightmare. Look at this old equipment, and the state of this place violates all codes.” Justin sneered at the lab.

Nova said, “I don’t care how messy Dr. Osteen was. I need information. 10915 what do you have?”

The robot scanned with his mechanical eyes and then said. “I have found information on augmented morphonic powers.” it pointed at papers strewn near a computer.

Justin looked at the papers. “These are so clear. I can read them all.” He reached out, but the paper was as much a part of the desk as the paint itself. “Why can’t I hold it?”

“This is only a memory. Arx’s brain captured all the data, but only what he saw. 10915, is it enough to work with?”

“ provides over seventy percent of information required to decode process of augmentation.”


Justin pointed another direction. “The main computer is still compiling. Look, another lab is forming in the hologram.”

The trio left this laboratory for yet another nightmare, only this one was not dirty and disgusting, just filled with weapons. Arx lay on another table. This time he was already silver, but Dr. Osteen looked much older as he worked on him.

“I know this place.” Justin said.

“What?” Nova asked.

“The report we got from the others about the lab in Canada. This looks like what they described before it was destroyed.”

“This is likely that lab.” Nova said. He turned to say something when his one eye widened. “And I think we found what we’re looking for.”

They all gazed at a detailed blueprint of the anti-morphon gun. There were notes and studies taped around the board. Justin looked at the information. “Anti-Morphon Atomizer, or AMA. Looks like we have a name for it now.”

“What we have is a way to save our people and many others. 10915, report.”

“ is ninety-five percent complete. All information required to decode weapons is available.”

Nova actually smiled for the first time in too long. “Finally, a break. That man, he just saved this world.”


Nova turned and said, “Arx.”


Nova charged into the operations center of the station, with Justin behind him. Gar was in command and currently talking to a gloomy Chase.

“Finally, good news.” Nova opened up with.

Chase wiped her eyes and said, “did you learn something?”

“Yes. We have finally had two big breaks in this situation.”

“Then it was worth it.” Chase said.

Nova took her by the shoulders and said, “He saved us all. I know I said I didn’t trust him, but I cannot say anything other than praise for what he just did.”

“I didn’t love the man. He was arrogant and flirted worse than EB. But I sensed his broken heart in his last words to me. He finally understood right from wrong.”

“Arx will be remembered as a hero.”

“Arx?” Ambassador Talos came into the room.

Nova let go of Chase and addressed the Ambassador. “Yes. Arx just made a noble sacrifice to help us learn what we needed to know so we could turn this situation around.”

“ in the Hollywood celebrity who took over Los Angeles and committed mass murder?”

“The same. He had a change of heart.”

Ben gained a brilliant smile. “That’s wonderful. I mean, it is wonderful that he turned himself around and was able to help. I am sorry to hear that he perished. What did you learn from him?”

“Enough. We can now decode how they make these augmented people. But, more important than that, we have learned how to stop those horrible anti-morphon guns.”

“Those are incredible breakthroughs, and timely as well. I’m ready to return to the U.N. for an official visit. They have given me the floor to address all the delegates this week. With all the information we already had and now this, I’m sure we can turn the U.N. back to our side.”

“Good. Head down to the docking bay and find Strange Quark. He’ll get you there either by shuttle or portal.”

“I just need to grab my computer tablet with all this info on it, and I’ll be on my way. I have a lot to tell those politicians and this time they will listen to me.” Ben was off with a giddiness in his step.

Gar asked, “what do we do now?”

“Have some patience. Soon, we will move forward with a new plan to stop the World Corps, and this time, they won’t know we are ready for them.”
