Thursday, March 3, 2022

Heroes Rising Fiction: Inquisition Part 2


The World Corps Court quietly waited while Judge Alpha spoke from the central podium.

“I’m aware of the concerns you have for your nations. Rest assured that this will be fine. We will only apprehend true villains. Many will be set free once we have cleared them. Soon, everything will be back to normal, only much safer.”

A light beamed down over the representative from Australia. He said, “where did the World Corps recruit those other heroes? Why haven’t we heard or seen anything about them yet? I was under the impression that the MHA, the Meta Human Activities branch, would not be like BADGE and have their own hero teams.”

Alpha smiled. “It was determined the military operations of our task force should remain secret. Those volunteer heroes are dedicated to our goal and are only employed to make sure we don’t face opposition our normal security forces cannot deal with. The MHA under Marshal Gamma is strictly a task force, not a league of heroes like BADGE.”

A light beamed down over the representative from North Onnotangu. “What about those anti-morphon guns? I am not comfortable with such deadly weapons.”

“The guns are only an insurance that we won’t face deadly resistance. They will only be used in extreme circumstances, such as the lethal attack on Washington D.C. So far, we have yet needed to use one since the D.C. attack. Now, enough questions. I have matters to attend to. Thank you.” Many more lights came on, but she ignored the questions sent her way.

Stepping down from the podium, Alpha walked out of the room and down a corridor. She entered her office and then twisted a planter near a wall. A door opened, and she walked into an elevator. Soon, she was inside the dark room where Delta and Gamma waited on her.

“I don’t like to hear their suspicions.” Gamma stated.

Alpha said, “I enjoy them. By being suspicious, they appear legitimate to the world. They seem actually concerned about the well-being of the people.”

Delta added, “as long as they keep debating the merits of our plans, we can continue. Politicians have a wonderful way of taking their time coming to decisions. This gives us ample opportunities to finish what we started.”

Gamma said, “I don’t see why we need them? What use are these politicians working for us if they aren’t part of the scheme?”

Delta coolly answered, “our court of puppet politicians will one day replace the U.N. Then, not only will our little organization run things behind the scenes, we will have complete control over the puppets running things in front of the public. It is a perfect plan.”

“Enough of this.” Alpha sat down at pressed a button. A screen activated with a figure hidden entirely by shadow. “Beta, can you hear us?”

A disguised voice answered. “I have clear access.”

“Good.” Alpha turned to Gamma. “Update on the gathering of heroes.”

Gamma said, “it’s going slower than expected. BADGE has declared a League Wars event and that has sent many of their registered heroes scurrying up to that space station of theirs. Also, two nations have declared our presence illegal. We need the support of the UN to bypass any barriers in our way.”

Delta said, “Let them host their little competition, it will play into our hands. Right now, BADGE is running away from us and that is perfect. When we reveal the grand finale to this, there won’t be any BADGE to stop us, and the heroes hiding in Australia or Onnotangu will be easy targets.”

Beta spoke through that strange voice. “I hope you’re right. We can’t change anything now. Everything must go according to plan.”

Alpha said, “don’t worry. Everything is. It really doesn’t matter how slowly Gamma’s gathering of meta-humans takes. As long as you play your role, this will all fall into place. Are you ready, Beta?”


“Good. Get started right away.”


An old school bus raced down the highway, dangerously coming close to several cars. Behind it rolled two large military vehicles with the World Corps symbol on the side.

Justin drove the bus, sweat beading across his forehead. Five children held on tight, two crying loudly as they almost hit the floor.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let them get you.”

He dodged another car when a bright green blast hit the side of the bus. It almost went off the road. Two tires lifted and then slammed back down. One of those gray heroes flew beside the bus, her hands filled with more green energy. She yelled, “STOP THIS BUS!”

Justin pulled out his laser pistol and shot the glass out of the window and nearly hit her. “LIKE HELL!” He plowed his foot into the gas pedal and tried to outrun the hero.

There came another green blast, this one hit the back of the bus. One third of the bus exploded, sending the front half careening down the highway toward the edge of a large city. Justin kept it from completely rolling, but they hit several cars and slid to the side before coming to a complete stop.

Justin gathered his wits and looked back. “Is everyone okay?”

The eldest child, a teen girl, emitted a strange energy that protected the center of the bus from damage. This protected the other children from that catastrophe.

He grabbed a small child and then rushed out the side door. “Come! We have to run!”

The children followed him down the road. Cars screeched to a halt with the highway now blocked by wreckage. The military vehicles behind them plowed through the bus debris. Their accompanying hero flew toward them, that green energy ready to fire.

“They wouldn’t kill children, would they?” Justin said as he ran for the city limits.

A green blast hit the ground in front of Justin, and he went flying. Rolling, he kept the child safe just as he hit a light post. The kids got to him and cowered as the augmented hero and the military vehicles arrived.

A legion of those weapon toting soldiers rushed out and surrounded Justin. Their hero hovered overhead.

The commando in charge ordered, “release the children into our custody. By international agreement we...what the hell?” The gun in his hand changed into a tommy gun.

All the soldiers’ guns changed. Their communicators turned to walkie talkies, and their uniforms appeared from World War 1. Suddenly, a fire hydrant hit the flying hero, and she went down.

Rutkowski and his gang came around the cars, his hands emitting a gray light. He spit out a toothpick in his teeth and looked at the World Corps military. “This here is my city. Yous guys wanna cause trouble, ya gonna deal with me. I don’t like bullies, and I don’t like nobody hurt’n no kids.”

Steelfist had a post box in his metal hands and was just about ready to throw it.

Private Eye Peyton and the Neo Utopia police showed up next. Peyton had a gun trained on the opposing military. “As of noon today, Neo Utopia is a safe zone. Kids, get behind us, now.”

Justin got up and ushered the kids behind the gangsters and police officers.

The leader of the World Corps military threw down his tommy gun and pointed a figure at Rutkowski. “by international law…” a bullet flew right by the man’s ear. It came from Peyton’s gun.

Rutkowski said, “now, yous gotta know, I don’t care much for laws, specially bone headed crap like you try’n ta pull. Get your butts outta my territory and don’t show your face round here again, capeesh?”

The World Corps people all spent a moment waiting, but soon enough, their commander gave them a signal and they returned to their vehicles and left. The Neo Utopia police rushed out to help the pile-up of civilian cars on the highway.

Justin stepped up to Private Eye Peyton. “What’s going on?”

Peyton looked at Rutkowski and smiled. “Let’s just say he offered to do community service.”

Rutkowski sneered, “I don’t like work’n with flatfoots or coppers, but I really don’t like these world corps goons. I like to steal stuff, but those jokers are taking kids and grabbing people like me and mak’n em disappear. For now, my gang will help keep those jokers outta this city. Just tell Nova to do something about this.”

Justin shook his head. “He’s not gonna believe this.”
