Sunday, March 6, 2022

LW12 Round 1 Wrap-Up

 by Chaz Hamilton

Hello Heroes! Chaz Hamilton here with a report on the first round of battle of League War 12: Year of the Tiger. It won't be long until we find out who the true Tiger Kings and Queens will be, but until then, let's pay attention to the journey. 

First off, Director Nova and the BADGE staff wanted me to thank everyone for joining us on the BADGE Stellar Arena for this event on such short notice. I'm certain all of you are aware of what's been happening back on Earth with the World Corps, but you have to agree, coming up here and competing in a league war has to be a much better way to pass the time than dealing with their bureaucracy and inquisition against you all for what I, and the rest of the world knows, to be false. I'm sure many of you would rather be down there tearing them apart, but let's be honest, for the most part. you don't care who you're fighting. Let BADGE deal with the irritating pencil-necks while you all hone your skills for the day a real threat shows up.

Now, let's talk League War 12!

In Division One, four teams entered, two team didn't even manage to score double digits; 5th Precinct: OTC and The Mayor's Gym. It takes a lot of effort to get to the top ranks of league war challenges, so a big hand to all those involved in getting there, but it is clear to most that WMD: Black Order is still determined to be dog in that particular bullpen, but we also have an Colony51 squad in this division again. Like the immortal phoenix, are they going to rise again? I made my way to the arena to ask some questions of this first round for them and managed to catch fan-favorite Crossroads for a brief statement.

Chaz Hamilton -- "Crossroads. Hi. Disappointing results for this battle round. Should the 5th Precinct team change their name to Meter Maids after this?"

Crossroads -- "Pretty harsh judgment on 5th Precinct in Div 1, Chaz! Seven of the ten highest level players are in WMD: Black Order, a league that has been nearly undefeated in every League War they have competed in...Why don't you come down from the press box and see how you fare when you aren't hiding behind that Press Pass? I'll be happy to take you to the hospital afterwards! (Crossroads, ID 11004)"

Sorry, Crossroads. I didn't mean to strike a nerve there. Let's move on to Division 2. Here we find Angels of Sorcery  overwhelming the Legacy of Spawn, 117-27. Not a good first round for last league wars first time Gold winners. I've asked the Sentinel's own Krystal Fae for comment, but it seems she's unavailable for comment at this moment. The other battle went between The Disenchanted Brute Squad and INTO THE DARKNESS. I'm thinking the brute squad might have found a bit of enchantment seeing that they took this round, 174-4.

Division 3 has a serious competition going on between the AV51 and VILLAINS INC:DVS. In a final push during the final hour, AV51 pulled out a narrow win, 51-45. The Ravagers league also defeated the Seraphim Angels, 63-20.

Another close battle happened in Division 4 as SOB Hunter/Killer smote the 5th Precinct: OG, 88-76. Power Bottom took on seven of his opponents in the last hour of the match, hungrily trying to swing the battle his way, but in the end, he couldn't manage to top his opponent's league. The Avengers51 thwarted the Realm Defenders, 58-18. It must be said that the Realm defenders had a very interesting line-up, with three members near the top tier of competitors and the other four being significantly less experienced. 

The 666-Sheepherders wrangled a win from the Aussie Freaks, 64-37, in Division 5. In that same division, Outlaw Inc. defeated Tygger's Freak Show, 88-13. I'm guessing it just wasn't a good day to be a freak. 

51AV captured another win for their organization from the Galaxy Rangers, winning 58-42 in Division 6. The Stacked Deck L&D had the winning hand over Creatures of the Night, 129-7. Will another win be in the cards for them in Round 2? Unless you have Father Time's pocketwatch, we will have to wait until tomorrow to know the answer to that question.

Division 7 returns us to eight league match-ups. First, the Star Force shines as they defeat the Freaks of Nature, 100-36. BowtieKaraoke has a song in their heart as they win 137-8 over Scottish Claymores-The Ghost Riders. VIRavagers rips apart another 5th Precinct league, The Space Force, 65-36, and finally, Avengers51 Walking Dead takes the brains from JeffreyANDTracey League 51, 61-0.

PAIN is once again victorious as they leap over NobleGates, 39-0 in Division8. The Magnificent Seven overcomes Bad Moon Rising,168-39. I'm not sure what's in their syringe, but the Injected51 wipes out the Unusual Alliance, 53-8, and then in the last match of this division, The Bomb Squad 2 blows up in NobleGates23's face, taking the round 18-11.

The BORG Team L&D drinks LUSH under the table with a 77-71 win in Division 9. Townsville has their way with the MacGregors!!, 97-27. The Bomb Squad has a good time with the Firefly Fun Haus, winning the round 54-20, and in an overwhelming triumph, The Star Force: Junior League took no pity on the A-Team with a huge win, 83-0.

If you want to know the results of the last few divisions, you can find their scores on the Main Page. Twelve different divisions is a lot to comment on, so I'll take leave of you and venture out to see what word is around the arena. Don't forget, the Sentinel is looking to hear your stories and comments about this League War. Shoot us a post and we'll make sure you get your on-air time.

Otherwise, for now, this has been Chaz Hamilton, reporting from LW 12. Rest up heroes. There is more to come tomorrow. Good luck to you all.  

