Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Heroes Rising Fiction: Inquisition Part 1

 Screaming children raced through the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Cars screeched to a halt, and the local police yelled out orders from the megaphones attached to the tops of their cars. Marching down the streets were a small unit of black clad military soldiers. With them were a pair of gray skinned super heroes, flying along.

The super hero at the front held up a small device and spoke into it. His words translated into the tongue of whoever was listening. “Please, do not panic. We are here for your protection. No one will be harmed. All meta humans will present themselves for questioning and examination. No exceptions.”

A woman rushed over and threw a bottle at the hero, smashing it and its liquid contents all over the place. She yelled, “you cannot take him!”

The hero flew toward her. The bottle thrower screamed and cowered at the sight of his imposing presence. Without a word against her, he merely looked up at a man hiding behind a car. “Take him.”

The soldiers rushed over and grabbed the man like a wanted criminal. He struggled and yelled. The soldiers aimed their anti-morphon weapons at him and this ceased all resistance. The soldiers took him away, binding his hands with a super-power suppression cuff.

“Jorge!” She pushed the superhero and tried to run after him.

The super grabbed her and pulled her back. “If he has nothing to hide, he has nothing to fear. We are only sorting out the villains from the heroes. We will return him and the others at the earliest possible time once questioning has been completed.”

She fell to her knees sobbing as the unit of military continued on their way through the town. One soldier separated and escorted Jorge to the nearest landed craft from the Word Corps.”


The command staff of BADGE watched the events from the Operations Center on the space station.

Nova huffed hard, fury written in his eyes, but a calmness to his posture. Chase had a hand on her mouth, covering the constant gasping. Gar stood stone still, sorrow in his features. On the screen, he watched a dozen news casts from across the planet. Each one spoke about the people being picked up by the officials from the World Corps.

“Screen seven, sound on.” Nova commanded.

The screen activated and a reporter spoke on the streets of New Orleans in America. “Earlier today, teams of the World Corps officials entered all the public and private schools and escorted out twenty-seven students. Most of these students were unaware of their hidden morphonic talents, but sensors employed by the World Corps can detect the latent powers. So far, the World Corps press department has declined response to inquiries about abduction of children. It was spelled out to our national leaders that the World Corps is only looking for active villains. Local government representatives are bound by the Federal Government’s decision to allow this. However, they have raised the concern about abducting children who obviously have committed no act of villainy.”

“Sound off. Activate sound on feed fourteen.” Nova commanded.

The screen nearer the bottom moved up and expanded, the sound activating. A parliament member from the UK was being interviewed. The Parliament Member said, “we are curious who these heroes are who are serving the World Corps. They appear similar to the heroes that attacked Washington, D.C. earlier this year. None of them show up on any records we have and BADGE has not indicated they are registered with the BADGE official system. This leads us to believe that BADGE has been harboring the villains and these heroes are stepping up now that they can contend against the nefarious deeds of BADGE and their cohorts.”

The reporter asked, “does it not strike you as concerning that no cameras have been able to get a clear image of any of the reported gray skinned heroes?”

“It is troubling that they somehow can deactivate any visual recording of them at a close range. Yet, what is more troubling is the fact that known villains have been seen working with BADGE. I’d say we can give this World Corps some leniency on this matter.”

Nova waved a hand, and the sound cut off.

Chase quietly said, “how can they justify kidnapping children? How can these government officials blithely ignore this?”

Nova said, “It has been my experience that politicians worry more about image than the good of the people. Right now, the people are scared and believe what the World Corps has said. Instead of contending with actual facts and obvious flaws, the politicians are allowing this injustice to sate fears and make themselves look better.”

Gar said, “how can they turn on us so quickly? We have saved this world over and over. My fathers died to keep this planet safe.”

“Don’t sell yourself to the anger.” Nova said.


Nova turned away from the scattering of news stories and said, “heroes have always dealt with the ungratefulness of humankind. It will always be that way. As a group, people and scared and stupid, but individually, they will begin to question this. Our job is not to feed into their fears by becoming the enemy they believe we are. We will figure this out. For now, we must do what we can.”

Chase asked, “have we seen any of the superhumans working with them?”

Nova shook his head, “no, and that bothers the hell out of me. We have got a distant glimpse of them, but nothing close enough to register. Somehow, when they arrive, all local security systems go offline. No footage, no sound. All we get is what little the media is allowed to show and a few eyewitness accounts.”

A bright blue flash filled the room, and suddenly both Strange Quark and Chaz Hamilton stood there. Chaz spent a moment gathering himself as he said, “wow, that always makes me dizzy.”

Quark said, “it’s okay. Next time, eat peanut butter before we travel.”

“It keeps you from vomiting?” Chase asked.

Quark grinned, “nope, it just tastes the same coming or going.”

Chaz looked back up, less green now. “Thanks. I’ll log that away.”

Nova said, “what do you have?”

Chaz said, “I have some good news. Australia has declared themselves a safe zone for heroes. They aren’t allowing the World Corps any footing. Prime Minister Shizue in North Onnotangu has also declared her country a safe zone. Heroes will be safe there.”

Quark said, “Neo Utopia’s city council is considering making the entire city a safe-zone, against the Federal orders, but so far they are still just talking. The good thing is, the World Corps hasn’t made it to Utopia just yet, so there is time.”

Nova shook his head, “Thank you, Chaz, for being our contact. Now, we have to do something about this. I hate the idea of telling heroes to go hide in safe zones while the world is in crisis.”

Chase said, “if we don’t keep the heroes safe, then how can those heroes keep the world safe?”

“Fair point.” Nova said, and then clicked on his communicator’s emergency signal. “Nova to all Heroes. Be ready, we are hosting a special League Wars that starts right away. Get ready to leave Earth. Nova out.”

Chase asked, "League Wars?"

"It will get heroes away from the planet for a while and hopefully we can sort this out before they all go back home. It is a stop-gap measure, but it is all I have right now."

Quark asked, “what do we do next?”

“Quark, Gar, head for North Onnotangu. We need to find any info on those guns.”

“We’ve already…” Quark began to protest.

“I know we’ve tried. Try again.”

Quark said, “it would help if we had Chase with us. Her powers could prove useful.”

“I’m willing to help.” Chase added.

Nova looked at Chase. “I promised Santa I would keep you as safe as possible. Quark and Gar are both devoid of Morphonic powers. They’re safe from those guns. But, you aren’t.”

Chase said, “I can handle myself. Besides, Shizue has made her country a safe zone. She is the only meta-human world leader. I know she’ll do her best.”

“Fine, Quark, zap them both there and return here. Chase, get me some information.”
