Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Collaborative Fan-Fiction Best of February

Happy March! Another month of quackiness!

It's time to announce the winner of the collaborative fan-fiction for February.

Once again, it was nice to see active collaborative fan-fiction. One thread in particular deserves mention:

Madam Marvelous: Chapter Seven -- Will You Be My Valen-clone?

In addition, a special mention goes to Tryangle for the thread: Unraveling Consequences: A Realm Defenders' Story


Keep up with the awesome stories!

Note: Participants of other non-winning threads who made outstanding contributions will also receive rewards.

Reminder: Those who still want to contribute individual (non-collaborative) stories will continue to receive Reality Writer reward cards for their effort, and outstanding contributions may be featured on the blog and home page in-game. Furthermore, various types of fan-fiction contests will be organized from time-to-time, so look out for announcements on the Heroes Rising Players page.

Yours Quackily,