Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Fan-Fiction: Krampus Defeated and the Raids on Christmas Fear Successful

By Todd Goode (aka Donald Blake MD)

Well boys and girls, it’s been a rough month for Santa but everything has worked out just fine and even though there were some unpleasant moments but us heroes have made Christmas bright.

It was a frightful thought of Santa being taken and hidden from the world and having no more Christmas. He needed to be rescued and can you imagine a world without cheer and laughter? Thank goodness we heroes were able to find Santa and rescue him from Krampus’ evil elf minions and release him from his enchanted naughty kid sack. Santa was a little mad but also relieved to be rescued and started making preparations for Christmas deliveries.

While Santa was preparing his sleigh for Christmas night, the Spirit of Halloween tried to raid Santa and prevent him from making everything ready for Christmas. That old spirit of Halloween tried to ‘reindeer nap’ all of Santa’s reindeer from his stable and be a distraction for Krampus and his evil plans to eat all the naughty children but failed miserably. We heroes of the world were called once more to help and the Spirit of Halloween was beaten into a pumpkin pie for is troubles and Rudolph gave the Spirit of Halloween the ole middle hoof but the troubles were not over.

Shortly after, Krampus sent another of his allies to slow us heroes and make trouble. We were chasing Krampus and were lead into a trap at the South Pole and it was not the winter wonderland everyone liked to see.

It was a frigid blizzard of blinding snow and if that was not bad enough, the snow became alive. We were confronted by an abominable beast made of only snow brought to life by the evil magic of Krampus.

We heroes fought against the towering snowman, weathering a blizzard and a storm of frozen snowballs that were harder than Chinese algebra. It took a bit of doing but we finally defeated the snow beast, Ole Frosty was no more but Krampus was able to evade us yet again.

 Some of us decided to help Santa at his palace while we awaited new Intel for the new whereabouts of Krampus. It wasn’t long before that Intel arrived.

Krampus had been spotted back at the old castle ruins in Austria, making ready his plans for Christmas Eve and that is where we quietly surrounded the evil Christmas demon and began our attack.

Krampus was so enthralled with his evil plans that he did not notice our arrival. We had caught him unaware but that didn’t make the battle any easier. Krampus now had morphon powers added to the power he already harnessed as the Demon of Christmas.

The battle lasted all day and night and went on for hours. Krampus tried to beat us down with a huge bundle of birch branches but we turned them to ash. He tried to deafen us with loud ringing bells and crush us with his demonic chains but we disarmed him from his morphon imbued weapons and destroyed them. That just made him mad.

Krampus had morphon powers now and he had a few surprises us. He made dozens of smaller clones of himself to fight us. They had their own morphon powers and we had to destroy them to get to Krampus.

They took a few heroes out of the fight but they will recover. It just made the rest of us more determined to defeat this evil creature and protect the children of Earth from a quite nasty end.

Krampus was losing this battle but he had one last trick to us against us. He created a clear shielded dome around himself in which he could fire sonic energy blasts through and his aim was pretty good.

The dome was nearly impenetrable but the ground beneath him was not. We decided to split the attention of Krampus to his left and his right. We fired every energy and lightning bolt we had at the dome until it started to crack.

While Krampus was completely distracted, a group of elementals and magicians flanked his six. The elementals silently phased the magicians under and up through the dome and they cast simultaneous power draining spells on Krampus. The spells drained his morphon powers and his demonic powers quickly and Krampus was unable to sustain his shielded dome nor was he able to fight any further.

Santa arrived to finish Krampus but Krampus used his last remaining power to teleport himself back to the safety of hell. The battle was finally over. Santa was happy and full of cheer that the demon was defeated and the children of the world were safe once again.

It was almost time for Santa to start his Christmas deliveries but before Santa left he healed all the heroes that were hurt by Krampus. He also thanked the heroes for all they had done to help save Christmas and rewarded them with extra powers and a few other trinkets that would come in handy with future battles with The Legion.

With his sleigh loaded with gifts and his face all aglow, Santa sprang to his sleigh and as he drove out of sight I heard him exclaim, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”
