Monday, January 13, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Tiny Nova

Hello Heroes. This is the first chapter of a four part series of Heroes Rising Fiction. This is canon fiction written by me. Stay tuned for the continuing story...

Chapter 1: Complications
Director Nova sat at the conference table in the heart of BADGE HQ. In front of him was a dozen tablets displaying various reports. He signed one with his finger and then set it on a larger stack in the seat next to him. Sliding the next over he began to read it.
“Attention, BADGE, the Canadian Government would like a follow-up briefing on the Krampus issue… blah blah blah...” He scrolled through the verbose letter that he had seen a dozen times by now, at the bottom he got to the meat of this, “We require five reports on the radiation studies, clean up processing, and identification of all heroes involved in Canadian territories.” He groaned and typed in his usual response and set that on the stack.
Just then Gar walked in, “Director Nova, you have been here since I saw you this morning.”
“That’s because I have been under this pile of paperwork since this morning.” He snarled at the remaining tablets, “Correction, I have been under this pile of paperwork since the day after the heroes sent Krampus fleeing.”
Gar frowned as he picked up a tablet, “What is paperwork for?”
“The usual. Every time we have any villain incident larger than a bank robbery, every government official wants to complain and get another report to file. There is a price to pay to get international government funding, and this is it. They all want their hands in the pot and it falls on me.”
Gar handed him the tablet, “One would imagine people would be satisfied with the vanquishing of bad things from this planet.”
“Sure, one would think. But, that is not what they do.” Nova tossed the tablet on the table, unwilling to read it just yet, “What did you need? Did you finish that project I sent you to do?”
Gar smiled, “Yes. I studied the video footage from drones and learned more about military maneuvers. Why did you ask me to learn of this?”
“You’re still learning, I want you to understand basic human defenses. Defending this planet isn’t just the job of superheroes. The military gets involved and we need to understand how they operate. Besides, you like to study and you need to relax after all that work with Krampus, so it seemed logical.”
Gar smiled, “I did like learning things. But, this is not why I am here. Dr. Henderson requested your presence.”
“He asked to see me,” Nova stated.
“Is that not what I said?”
Nova got up, “Yeah, but you talk so formally. What’s the doctor need?”
Gar shrugged, his enormous wings expanding slightly, “I do not know. His work baffles me.”
“Me too. Why don’t you take that stack in the chair and download my responses to the transmitter and send them off? I will go see what he needs.” Nova left the room.
Gar picked up the stack, reading the top one. His eyes widened, and he smiled at the colorful way Nova told the French Government to stop bothering them.
Nova strolled into the laboratories of the BADGE HQ. These were the areas where one would find more humans working and not just the standard robots. He stopped and stretched his back, still stiff from sitting all morning and most of the afternoon.
A robot approached, “Greetings, Director Nova.”
“Where’s the doc?”
“Doctor Henderson is in laboratory seven, this way.” The robot led him to the most advanced lab in this base, which was saying something.
A heavy-set man with long blonde hair and a white lab coat worked furiously at his station, checking data in a tablet and then returning to a myriad of vials of liquid in every state from frozen to bubbling.
“Doc?” Nova waited.
Dr. Henderson turned around, “Director! Great, glad to see you, good, I needed to show you something.”
“Obviously.” Nova respected this man's extreme intelligence but found his talkative nature a little bothersome.
Dr. Henderson got up and went to a wall with a huge monitor on it. He took a tablet and directed the information. Screens appeared all over the place. “You asked us to collect all the contaminated snow from the battle with Krampus.”
Nova tried to follow the images that blazed by, “Yes. He lost a lot of blood and I wanted it tested.”
“We tested his blood, well it really isn’t blood, but I don’t know what to call bodily fluids from a mythical being. It has an energy signature we recognize, morphon radiation.”
This grabbed Nova’s attention, “Morphon particles? The air is still permeated with that crap. So?”
“The particles in the atmosphere have leveled off and remain airborne, this is entirely different. It is a new type of morphonic radiation.” He scrolled the images by, showing all the detailed analysis. “The concentration is higher than any known source of morphon radiation. And, we also found the same morphon signature in the surrounding snow. I sent a team of drones to collect all the top layer of snow in the battle zone.”
“You did? I didn’t authorize that?”
Dr. Henderson turned with a curious look, “I sent the request to you yesterday. It was a basic tablet form, didn’t Gar get it to you?”
“Oh, he probably did. I have been signing so much crap I probably just signed it and now it’s being sent along with the other responses… hehe… that’ll confuse those bureaucrats.”
“Never mind? What about this snow?”
Dr. Henderson smiled and walked him back over to the table of various liquids. “I got back the initial samples this morning. After some tests I was able to distill down most of the water, leaving me with a liquid form of this advanced morphon particle.”
“Liquid morphons?”
“Yes.” Dr. Henderson picked up a small vial. “With this, we might craft morphonic abilities that can be given to a person able to handle them. Thus, we can create heroes.”
Nova was not excited about this, “I have already had five different governments attempting to force superpowers on their soldiers. It doesn’t work out there and I certainly don’t want to encourage creating them in here. We are not in the job of manufacturing heroes, we merely organize and guide them.”
Dr. Henderson said, “Oh, I understand that. It’s one of the main directives of the science labs of BADGE. However, we might craft powers for existing superheroes. Give someone a leg up in battle, so to speak.”
Nova grunted at that, “That is treading a thin line.”
Dr. Henderson said, “Well, we are only at the theoretical stages now. What I’m trying to determine is what these powers would be. These particles don’t react like others we’ve studied. They are infused with some kind of energy that defies all analysis. In the past, we have seen that harvested morphonic particles from the blood of heroes demonstrate the powers of the hero. Thus, if a hero can fly, the particles show that. This energy is in the same area as those tests would show, but we can’t define the powers if any.”
Nova said, “If they came from Krampus, I didn’t notice any powers in him he didn’t already have before. We have him on record and the particles seemed to just enhance what he had.”
Dr. Henderson said, “We have never tested post infused particles from a specimen who did not exude extra abilities.”
Nova spent a moment untangling that sentence in his mind and then finally agreed, “Fine. Keep learning what you can, but don’t experiment with any power creation without my explicit approval and that means in person, no tablets sent over.”
Nova turned to leave just as one robot came walking by with a bucket. Both collided and Nova was soaked from the chest down by this cold water. “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!”
“Oh, my. Get the director a towel at once!” Dr. Henderson ran over and picked up the bucket.
“What is all over me?” Nova growled.
“It’s just water. This is the liquid distilled from the process.”
“Distilled, so it’s...”
“It’s clean… mostly.”
Dr. Henderson quickly said, “I mean, it is not potable, I wouldn’t drink it, but it’s clean of any particles… as far as I can tell.”
The robot came back and was about to wipe off the director, but Nova snatched the towel from him and dried himself off, “Just get back to work. I have my own job to deal with.” He walked out, leaving a nervous doctor behind.
Director Nova left a nice trail of sloppy footprints behind him as he stormed back to the conference room. He continued to dry himself off while he muttered about this all being worth it.
“I could have stayed with the Guard Forces… but, no. I had to organize this nonsense. Seasonal villains, nut job scientists, heroes that act like teenagers… wasn’t this a hand towel?” He stopped in the hall, holding that towel over both hands. “It’s… getting bigger?”
He let go of the towel and held up his arm and his sleeve went past his fingers. “What the?” He checked his other sleeve and then noticed that his collar was touching his ears. “This water made my coat get… bigger? This is not right.”
Nova continued toward the conference room, confused and still mostly wet. Just when he saw the doors of the conference room, he tripped and fell over. He had stepped on his pant legs. Scrambling back up, he got to his feet just when his pants hit the ground. “Oh, crud.” He yanked his pants up and dashed for the conference room, but he didn’t make it before his pants were far too big for him to run and he had to ditch them. And, then went his underwear. His coat was dragging the ground and he could not keep it with him. All he had when he got into the room was his key card, which allowed the doors to open.
Once inside the room, a tiny, naked Director Nova held his key card with both arms and he yelled, “HELP!”

Continued Tomorrow...
