Monday, August 22, 2022

August Fan Fiction Contest: "Once Upon A Time, It Was A Dark and Stormy Night"- A Poem

By Crossroads, ID 11004

Once Upon a Time, It was a Dark and Stormy Night,
These storms began at the dying of the daylight.
So tempestuous it was, that it gave many a fright.
So dark a gloom, it obscured even a hero’s sight.
The storm-wracked violence built, reaching unparalleled height.
The air thrummed as some force performed a wicked rite.
Suddenly the Darkness gave birth to an unholy Wight!
It shuffled and shambled, ignoring the Hurricane’s might,
Coming for vengeance for some imagined slight. Onward, it slowly progressed, It’s eyes shone eerily bright.
Heroes came to defend the innocent and all that was right,
But still it came, unfaltering and relentless, a terrible blight.
Weakness, fatigue, and pestilence afflicted all who beheld this sight.
Like wheat before the scythe, heroes were felled without requite.
Until, at last, this evil menace slowed as it reached its intended site.
Then, through the storm, the monster began to glow a sickly white,
And all who had fallen to its power arose and began to fight.
Whether friend or foe, whether by scratch or bite,
These zombie heroes now fought at the monster’s delight.
Though demoralized, the surviving heroes bravely withstood their plight,
Knowing, as heroes do, that a savior would soon upon yon pinnacle alight.
For that is how the stories always proceed, no matter how trite.
The monster will scream and howl when appears the Champion Knight
And a mighty battle will ensue, and soon the monster will flee, despite
All that its evil can invite.
Its control on the zombies, which was so tight,
Shall be broken and then shall hope ignite!
The wight shall fall from the Champion’s final smite,
And victorious will the Heroes stand upright.
They will look to each other, knowing all was put aright,
Vowing that should this pass again, they would all reunite,
To battle and defeat the wrongs that evil would incite,
To right the wrongs and to the darkness bring light,
So that historians shall record, children recite,
And Authors will embellish as they write,
What happened Once Upon a Time on that Dark and Stormy Night.