Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Getting to know you: Community in HR

Toon id 23119

By shooter mcstabbin

So at this point we understand that not everyone in game is an extreme extrovert. We have people that play just for the fun factor and are happy in their bubble. That’s all well and good.

But I’m often surprised by the lack of communication and community in virtually every league except avengers/colony, villains inc, wmd, pain, 5th. For instance I’m astounded that as big as freaks league is, they communicate almost exclusively on the in game league chat board.

For the purpose of war this is highly highly considered an extraordinary disadvantage. Game breaking in fact. The magic that was shc was captured in the community. Players should do everything in their power to recapture that sense of community. Know each others names. Form fb league groups. Form fb messenger chats to communicate in game needs through shared resources. Work together to build up your leagues. Even if a single off shoot league at a time.

I will soon be launching a new league in game and will be moving some of my toons into it with the sole purpose of trying to motivate a small handful of committed players into coming aboard and learning how to share igc, how to work together in events. How to calculate league averages for wars. How to best optimize their gear.

If interested comment guid below or pm me. I’m not aiming for gold with this team. I just want to help build some players up. And if we can get a strong silver performance out of it, fantastic. I just feel like 90% of the players are playing at 20% of their potential.