Sunday, March 26, 2023

Heroes Rising Fiction: Eye of Fenrir part 5


The wind cut sharply around Nova as he approached the small park. The countryside was barren this time of year, with old piles of snow still resting in corners and shadows. There were no tourists or docents around this archaic stone, but it wasn’t in need of much protection.

Nova stopped before a circular path that had benches all directed inward. Everything gazed directly at an ancient runestone planted on a small mount of grassy earth.

“I wonder, is this it?” He muttered under his foggy breath.

Approaching the stone, he read the ancient script that ran around the outside of the image. With a clever smile he read, “Raised in monument to Ulfr. You sneaky snake, you made a monument to yourself to hide the keyhole.”

He pulled out the key and leaned in, looking at the face of the canine monster depicted at the center. The shape of the key, almost like a cookie cutter, matched the head of the beast.

“You can be clever, but not clever enough.” He whispered as he pressed the key into the face.

Chase held the stone in her hands, concentrating on her powers. She was ready to describe her vision, as normally she merely experienced the history in her mind and would be able to talk to those around her. However, the moment she truly began digging into the latent memory buried in this stone, she gasped and froze.

She was now the invisible observer of history. Her sight followed a man she recognized well as he walked along the grassy ground. Director Nova stood there, in rustic clothing from an age long ago, an eyepatch on his face, and a little more color in his hair. He approached a man who sat on a large stone, dressed in a roughly spun blue tunic with heavy boots and thick, grey pants of the same material. He had long hair and a thick beard. This person would blend into any crowd among the peoples of this land Nova had met. Only his eyes stood out in stark contrast, as they were a strange, glowing green hue.

The strange man smiled at Nova. “Another god of this world come to finish me?”

Nova paused and spent a moment sizing up this person. “Are you up for a fight?”

This drew anger from the strange man and he stood with a threatening posture. “I will not be bested by any pathetic creature of this world. I have eaten their strongest demons and crushed their most powerful myths. You, little human, are nothing to me.”

Nova was not intimidated. “If you’re so confident, why did you call me a god?”

“I sense something about you, something... strange. You aren’t like these pathetic meat bags.”

Nova casually approached the hulking man, “Then I have found the man I was looking for. You too are not of this world and are far greater in power, at least you once were.”


“Just a pause.” Nova added.

The man plopped back down on the stone with irritation. “It shall only last a few more centuries, ten at most. Until then, I will enjoy the hospitality of those meat bags that call themselves Vikings. They understand a good fight, a good drink, and pride.”

“They are also thick headed and doom driven half the time.” Nova added.

“Ah, but that’s what makes them fun. I don’t get attached to my pets, so it matters little to me.” The strange man laughed with a deep, hearty bellow.

Nova wasn’t laughing, his demeanor was cold and calculating.

The Strange Man’s humor lessened and turned to concern as Nova quietly observed him. “What do you want with me?”

“First, why are you here?” Nova asked.

The Strange Man gestured around him. “I told you, I like these Vikings. Their pitiful gods tried to have me killed, and I put them all to their own death. So, I celebrate their freedom with them.”

“You can lie to many people, but not me. For a man who claims to have killed the gods, you seem weak.”


Nova calmly said, “Why are you here?”

“Are you hard of hearing as much as you are hard of sight, winky? I said I like these Vikings!”

“I don’t mean these lands, I mean this world. I know who you claim to be. I know what the humans called you, Jormurgandr. You are a sign to the Nords of the end of time, Ragnarok.”

“BAH! I don’t care about their silly religion. I’m not the sign of the end of time. I’m just...”

“Extremely dangerous, unpredictable, and capable of killing many of the ancient titans who set themselves up as gods to the young humans.”

Jormurgandr snickered, “So, I am somewhat of a world ender. The word of false gods and pitiful deities. They tasted good, if I might add.”

“But why are you here, living as a man? I can sense your power. You aren’t nearly as strong as you could be.”

The Man leaned back on his palms against the rock’s surface. “I came here as I have to many worlds, seeking challenge, seeking balance between good and evil. I like things on an even field. I grew weak after the last world I balanced, and a creature called Loki summoned me here. He was what you call a god, but truthfully, just one of the titans of old who set himself up as a god among many in a pantheon called Asgard. I was fine. They were heavy drinking, partying, fun-loving people. That is, until the head guy, Odin, grew fearful of me once he realized who I really was. He threw me into the ocean and called on all the other titans to kill me. They threw everything at me, but they had nothing to compare. I ate up their demons and monsters, then I killed them. No titans, no problem. But, it cost me a lot of strength. Now I’m like this. I am not weak by the measure of a human, but I am certainly not the man I once was.”

Nova smiled. “I know of your story. I too came here to rid this world of the titans setting themselves up as gods. I and one other set out to bring peace to these people. The humans have a great potential they don’t even know yet.”

“Bah, who cares? When I am stronger, I will rid this galaxy of this world and move on to the next.”

Nova turned to him and said, “You will not. I will defend this world from all threats, including creatures as powerful as you.”

Jormurgandr leaned forward and said, “Just how do you plan on stopping me?”

Nova raise both arms and his body became a brilliant light that sent Jormurgandr tumbling backward off his rock and hitting the ground. Nova spoke, his voice booming like a great thunder rolling across the ocean. “I AM MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE AND YOU WILL NEVER CHALLENGE ME OR YOU WILL FACE A WRATH UNLIKE ANY YOU CAN FATHOM!”

The light died down and Jormurgandr trembled as he sat up. “What are you?”

“You have not earned the privilege of knowing my true identity. However, I see in you a kindness you hide well, a sympathy you hold in a secret place in your heart. This is why I sought you out, Jormurgandr. I need your help.”
