Tuesday, March 7, 2023


BY: Todd Goode id# 12205

It has been nearly three months since Miyamoto began working and training with Mitsurugi. Mitsurugi stands by young Miyamoto as he trains. They are working on strength training. Mitsurugi making sure no exercise is cheated.

Mitsurugi says, "You have come a long way in a short time. You are much stronger than when I took you in but you still have far to go. You have added muscle mass but are you strong enough? When you have finished these 1000 push-ups come to me in the center ring of the dojo. We will test your strength."

Soon, Miyamoto has finished his push-ups and meets Mitsurugi in the center ring.

Mitsurugi says, "Ahh, there you are. Why are you breathing so hard Miyamoto? It was only 1000 push-ups. You must learn to control your breathing, so you don't get winded so easily. I have an exercise for that but at the moment, I will test your strength."

"What do you want me to do?" says Miyamoto, still catching his breath.

Mitsurugi replies, "I am standing in the center of the Mound Ring. It is a confined space about 10 ft by 10 ft, large enough for only two fighters. The center of the ring rises upward the longer we're inside it. Your test is simply this, push me from the center of the ring and take over the spot where I stand."

"It will not be easy, there is a three-minute time limit and I do not like to lose, even to a kid. This will test your physical strength, balance and problem-solving skills. Enter the ring and start when the bell sounds."

Miyamoto enters the ring as Mitsurugi stands there like a statue in his Fudo-Dachi stance and the bell rings.

Miyamoto shouts, "Here I come! I will take your spot! I'll push you out!"

Miyamoto tries to push Mitsurugi back, but he doesn't even move in the least or lean in the slightest way.

Mitsurugi shouts, "Think! Why didn't that work? Try again! Your time is running out and the ring is rising. You will be off balance!"

Miyamoto thinks to himself, "I have an idea. I'll just pick you up and move you."

Miyamoto tries to lift Mitsurugi by the knees and then by grabbing him around the chest as the ring was rising. Miyamoto grunts and breathes harder from trying to remove Mitsurugi from his spot but there is nothing but failure and then the bell rings and the test is over.

Mitsurugi laughs and says, "Come, sit and rest. Do not be disappointed young one. For a small boy of 12 years, you nearly moved me."

"Really?" Miyamoto asked excitedly.

Mitsurugi chuckled, "No! You didn't even come close. I am nearly seven foot in stature and weigh over 300 pounds. You trying to push me back is like trying to move a mountain. Then you tried lifting me at the knees when the ring was flat and tried again to lift me around the chest as the ring rose up."

"You don't have balance like that. Strength comes from balance. You needed to have balance and make me lose mine when you lift or throw anyone or anything. Don't forget that!"

"I will give you an exercise to do after we talk for a minute. I have a new set of scrolls to sell."

"What is it Weapon Master?" asked Miyamoto.

Mitsurugi says, "It is a new movement scroll. I call it, Technodash. It gives a warrior the power to travel through cyberspace at a thousand megabits per second, processing information about any opponent. Then they can Technodash. They will have the ability to move in space time at even faster speeds. They can process situations faster than milliseconds and even as fast as the fastest presumed span of time. They will move in Planck Time. They'll be so fast; their opponent can't even see them much less hit them."

Miyamoto says, "Wow! That's incredible, how much will it cost?"

Mitsurugi says, "I've already made the posters with the power scrolls name, description and costs. A single scroll will cost 72 gold pieces. I give a deal for 5 scrolls for 288 gold pieces. I can upgrade scrolls and train warriors for 24 gold pieces per scroll. It is some of my best work. For that kind of speed, warriors will want many."

"You can hang the posters in the morning in the town square. Then I'll give you those exercises that will improve your strength and breathing I spoke about."

, "Have you ever heard that rolling stones gather no moss? If you haven't, you will. Oh, you will.