Friday, November 10, 2023

Fan-Fiction: The Day Dew Bee Became A Superhero!

Chapter 1


It was a regular Wednesday afternoon. Dew Bee was busy with his chores as the Chaos Theory janitor. It wasn't the most prestigious job, but it did get him rubbing elbows with the world's most powerful super team, Chaos Theory. The pay was basically non-existent, but he got other perks like access to the gym. If only he had the power some of his employers had, he could be a hero too, like them! But that hadn't been his fate. No, he was merely a lowly janitor in their meager employ. His only super power was being super ugly. He was so ugly, he had a face even a mother couldn't love.

As he mopped the floor, he daydreamed about what it would be like to be a real hero. Not the kind that risked their lives daily, like fire fighters, disaster rescue volunteers, or law enforcement. Those guys had no powers. More like the kind of heroes who didn't risk their lives saving people because their powers negated any risk. That was more up to Dew Bee's liking. The thought of potential death or maiming is why Dew Bee wasn't out there risking his life to save people already.

But what if he had an Infinity Stone, like Neo, or the strength of entire forests, like Woody? What If he had the money to design hyper advanced tech like Super Rakly or Avenger? What If he had the size of Midgardsormr, or the fighting skill of Heretic? Oh the possibilities! Everyone would know his name! Pretty girls would faint when he walked by, and blush when he smiled at them. Little old ladies would bake him cookies and pies! The guys at the YMCA would give him high fives instead of wedgies. Oh, if only he had the means.......

Punlork was walking down the hall Dew Bee had paused to day dream on.

"Hey, Dew Bee! I was just checking the mail. You got a letter."

"Really????" exclaimed Dew Bee. "No one ever writes me. Is it my birthday?"

"I don't think so, Dew Bee." answered Punlork. "It's from the Sentinel. Maybe they want to interview you about how great it is being behind the scenes at Chaos Theory. You know, without you, this place would fall apart. While we're out there saving the world, you're here making sure we have a comfortable place to come back too."

"Oh yeah!" replied Dew Bee. "This is a glorious job! I can't think of anything better or more fulfilling to do than pick up after you guys."

Dew Bee rolled his eyes a little as Punlork continued on his way, oblivious to the sarcasm in Dew Bee's voice. Putting his mop down for a minute, he turned his attention back to the envelope Punlork had given him. It's probably another rejection letter for one of his freelance articles he kept sending them. He wasn't much of a writer, but if he was going to ever be a hero, he had to start somewhere. Who better to emulate than Superman, and that's how he got his start.

Fumbling a little as he opened it, Dew Bee nervously pulled the letter out and unfolded it.

Dear Mr. Bee,

We are happy to inform you that we have accepted your latest article for inclusion. Along with this message, we have included a check as your payment. Thank you, and we look forward to contributions in the future from you.


As he looked at the check enclosed with the message for payment for one of his articles, Dew Bee's eyes bulged out of his head as his jaw dropped to the floor.

"WOOOOOOOOOOO DOGGIE!!!!" he screamed as he danced and ran like a madman out of the Chaos Theory Gym.