Thursday, November 9, 2023

Robert Steele's Top Toon List

Robert Steele here to give you the top 20 toons

1) The Avenger sits on the throne. At his age every 2 Hour’s or so when trying to sleep.

2) Super Rak is number two. Damn Avenger just heard that and ran to the bathroom.

3) Backwood Batman enters the list at #3 . Martial Law seems jealous that he still has wood.

4) The Big Serpent at 4 Do I see envy in Martial Law’s eyes.

5) §レαgα†h⊕☈ ][. Martial Law? Wasn’t he a division one toon? What? He’s in our league?

6) Heretic Just cancelled a trip to Barsealona. Too much of a Spain the ass to get there.

7) JV Moves up after winning gold in division one with some members of Chaos theory. Did someone in his league perk up at the mention of members?

8) Skelly Animal Where is that barking coming from?

9) Damon Who let the dog out? Who! Who!

10) Shinobi He’s been working hard and it’s paying off. A lesson to be learned?

11) The Wizard Closing in on the top 10. He still has some bite.

12) Chainz Unlocks his way onto the list . He’s really been whipped into shape.

13) Woody Why does Martial Law gaze longingly at him?

14) The Gentlemen Are you sure this isn’t just another whiny B**tch list?

15) Night Shadow Hiding out in the top 20. Damn Ninja’s.

16) Painguin 16…F**k Robert Steele.

17) Slayer B.A.S… 17...F**K Painguin… Not in that way get off my leg.

18) Sevon up the list.

19) No Bueno I think maybe you don’t know what that means.

20) Frank the Rabbit Hopping up the list as the new age is catching up to the old guard.

Martial Law missed the top 20. I hear he is all Barse no bite.

Avenger ID# 14779