Sunday, April 7, 2024

Atlas Crisis - Meteor Defense 04/04/24

Lykos ID: 18321

Bonus Goal Reached! 15.5 Million Meteors came screaming towards the planet and earths heroes rose to the challenge. We only needed to stop 14 million, but I am sure citizens of earth are happy we stopped that other 1.5 million.

The meteor defense atlas was Defense based. Last article, I wrote about the effects you can use to increase your score above what the number is listed on the card. For the first time, I gave this a try myself - Can't talk about what I don't know about... or something witty.

I saw an increase per card of about 30-40 extra points per hit. I have my decks set up so that just about all of them are pretty even in power for the stat we were using, so not much changed there, but the extra hits for my gear did a pretty nice increase. I am going to try again on the next Atlas to test more results.

Let's Get To The Good Stuff!!!

In Division 6, we had a total of 45 participants, with the top 9 doing more than 1 hit attacks each. Our top two managed to break the 10K barrier.

As you can see, Babylon was able to take the top spot pretty handily with a total score of over 41K. The Icepick came in second with 17k, and followed by Ant-man with 8K. Breaking that 10K barrier is very impressive for this division, so well done!

Up in Division 5, I love to see a prediction come true. - More on that in a bit. We had 37 Operatives help out with meteors here and 30 of those were willing to hit more than once. Now lets look at the results.

There she is - Lich Queen sitting in the number one spot. Not only in first place, but doing it with 100k points to boot. This is almost twice as much as the next person down. Long Live the Queen... wait... Liches are dead... nevermind.

In second place, with no small score, is the CadaverDog - moving up a space from third to second. Finally we have Chronic in third who wasn't even in the top ten last week but blasted up there with 48K! A round of applause for Justin Case, who also broke the 10K mark, but slipped from first to 4th this round.

Division 4 saw the rise of the Freak! While only fielding 13 operatives, the top three winners did a great job of doing some heavy lifting.

Harry F Freak took the number one spot having often been lower on the division list. Harry soared past everyone to the top spot. Yojimbo went from 3rd to 2nd this round with less than 4k points behind Harry. Overcast took the number 3, also moving up from 4th to 3rd this round. Overcast was almost 1k less than Yojimbo, so it was a very close race in this division.

Division 3 had some new and old faces in the tops. 36 Operatives were battling it out for a spot in the Top Ten, but only ten made the cu... wait...

In first place we have a newcomer to the winners circle, Erockeris! Erockeris was a meteor smashing machine wracking up a staggering 320K points. Princess Sarai moved up from 3rd to 2nd, taking an additional 200k+ points for herself. And Orion Star leap-frogged over the competition to go from 10th to 3rd this round. Orion's points were not far behind the princess, and almost caught up to her.

Division 2 was a smaller field, but as we know the higher divisions usually take the brunt of the work. On this occasion though, we had less points being earned than in Div 3!


Well, that's ok, because every point counts and everyone gets a trophy. What? Not everyone gets one? oh..

So we can see that Captain Picard was able to score a nice 308k points to take first, Metalord had 251K for second, and ChaChing earned 160k for third place. Let's give them a round of applesauce.

In Division 1 we had some more participants than last time, and they went to work!

Beating out 13 other operatives, The Gentleman moved up from 2nd to first with a mind-blowing 3.5 million points. Shinobi gave up his top spot but still took an impressive 1.7 Mill for the second place finish. Sarg kept his 3rd place spot and did it with almost 1.5 Mill points.

I have to admit I was very worried about this Atlas while it was going on. At 2 and a half hours left we were still about 2.4 million points away from goal. But the heroes were able to really push to get up , over, and well past that goal mark.

We have a weather report for next week coming in... TORNADOES! Lots of and lots of twisters for the heroes, villains, and everyone in between to stop on April 11th @ 8pm Server time. This will be a Movement Atlas, so get your Move It, Move It cards set and take a look at your gear to see if you can improve your points.

Attack cards will be boosted with Elemental Damage effects. Defense cards can be boosted in points by wearing Resist Elemental effects, and Movement itself can be boosted with Weaken Foe Movement % gear. Take advantage of all the points you can get!

I do want to apologize for my late article this week. I will try not to let the time blow away like that again.

Until next Time... See you in Oz!