Friday, April 12, 2024

Fan-Fiction: Easter Village... or Groundhog Day?

It was a beautiful, brisk and sunny day outside the training dojo. Tri-blade wasn't usually one to stop and smell the proverbial roses, but the atmosphere felt so pleasant that he took a more leisurely walk towards his training site. For the past couple of weeks, he took at least one day a week to walk a couple of miles to this tucked-away location not far from New Utopia City but not particularly well-known. He was on good terms with the manager, and it was easy to book morning sessions, without interruption from fellow metahumans or the paparazzi.

His comms buzzed just as he entered the dojo. He smiled but continued to set up the workout equipment.

"Aye, what's up?"

"Oh, it's that time of year, huh. Guess I better not settle down too much, that rabbit has a habit of whisking people at the strangest time."

He looked at his weapon holster, currently mounted on a set of hooks on the wall, then resumed wiping down a bench.

"I don't know how that bunny is able to tag every BADGE-registered person, but at least nowadays the veterans among us are expecting it and can prepare accordingly."

"Yeah, it's a bit inconvenient to say the least,... but he means well. And the children love the hoopla about the eggs and chocolate... what's that?!"

Tri-blade whirled around at the sound of rustling behind him, arms already held forward defensively. Tri-blade looked at a man, clad in a silver-coloured helmet, battle gauntlets and light metal boots that covered his lower legs. Around him, energy crackled mightily, and was most heavily concentrated in loops around the set of claws he wielded in each glove.

It was an unfamiliar look, but there was no doubt as to who the interloper was.

"Um, Shinobi?" he asked. He ignored the voice on the other end of the comms asking what was going on.

Shinobi nodded, then dropped one of his claws, only to pick up a bamboo basket.

"Glad I found you so quickly. Now. LET'S DUEL!" He lunged in, quick as a mouse, and Tri-blade barely avoided a strike from the swinging basket.

"Shinobi, what the devil, I'm not even -"

A basket materialized in his right hand.

Realization hit him quickly. "Oh."

They engaged, but the battle was not at all what Tri-blade expected. Over the past year, Shinobi's strength had surged while Tri-blade's held steady. Ordinarily, his one-time rival would have flattened Tri-blade 99 times out of 100 without breaking a sweat, but Tri-blade found himself holding his own, albeit with baskets replacing their usual weaponry. After a few minutes, Tri-blade struck a decisive blow, sending Shinobi tumbling against the wall. He collapsed, then rose to his feet, giving a ceremonial bow.

"Until next, time, friend," said Shinobi, before throwing a Flash Bomb to the ground.

Tri-blade groaned, but the smoke cleared quickly and he found himself alone again.

"Sorry, you still here?" Tri-blade called out to his comms unit. "I fear this is going to be one of those kinds of days -"

Tri-blade whirled around at the sound of rustling behind him, arms already held forward defensively. Tri-blade looked at a man, clad in a silver-coloured helmet, battle gauntlets and light metal boots that covered his lower legs. Around him, energy crackled mightily, and was most heavily concentrated in loops around the set of claws he wielded in each glove.

"Wait a minute!" shouted Tri-blade.

Shinobi already had a basket in his hand. "Glad I found you so quickly, Tri-blade. Now. LET'S DUEL!" He lunged in, quick as a mouse, and Tri-blade barely avoided a strike from the swinging basket.

Tri-blade looked quickly at the basket still in his hand, and sighed. "Guess I'll have to talk to you later, this is definitely going to be one of those kinds of days."

They engaged in battle again, this time Shinobi's movements were a little different, but Tri-blade found himself parrying and countering with ease. After a few minutes, Tri-blade delivered a solid strike with his free hand, sending Shinobi tumbling to the ground.

He quickly rose to his feet, giving a ceremonial bow. "Until next, time, friend," said Shinobi, before throwing a Flash Bomb to the ground.

Tri-blade immediately dropped his basket and ran in the direction of the smoke, to no avail. Shinobi was gone yet again. Tri-blade had no idea how much time had passed during those two battles, but he didn't feel any real fatigue. It was an unusual situation, to say the least. Scratching his head, he started to walk back to the bench.

Tri-blade whirled around at the sound of rustling behind him, arms already held forward defensively. Tri-blade looked at a man, clad in a silver-coloured helmet, battle gauntlets and light metal boots that covered his lower legs. Around him, energy crackled mightily, and was most heavily concentrated in loops around the set of claws he wielded in each glove.

"SHINOBI!" cried Tri-blade.

Shinobi already had a basket in his hand. "Yes, it is I, Tri-blade. Now. LET'S DUEL!" He lunged in, quick as a mouse, and Tri-blade barely avoided a strike from the swinging basket.

"I. Am. Getting. Too. Old. For. This..." grunted Tri-blade as he swung, already feeling the basket in his hand.

Despite being made of bamboo, the baskets clashed with each other as though they were blunt weapons, and each of the warriors felt the impact of their strikes. Empowered, Tri-blade stopped trying to parry, and simply exchanged blows with Shinobi, who didn't seem bothered by the unusual tactic. Eventually, Tri-blade's bludgeoning attack sent Shinobi sprawling to the ground. The ninja-esque character shook his head rapidly, then rose to his feet.

"Until next, time, friend," said Shinobi, before throwing a Flash Bomb to the ground.

"Oh dammit..."

The smoke cleared.

Feeling trapped, Tri-blade only had one intention.


"Wow, that's one heck of a summon, usually only Chase or Nova, or sometimes Agent Justin, can call my name that loudly," said Easter Bunny as he materialized in front of Tri-blade. "Well of course the Snake fella was louder than all of you guys put together, but now that he's moved to parts beyond, the competition for loudest caller is probably back up for grabs. That reminds me of this reality show where a bunch of bikini-clad people do crazy stunts for -"

"Bunny," said Tri-blade, walking away, not willing to endure the soliloquy.

E.B. caught the hint and hopped towards Tri-blade. "How are you enjoying the Eastertown - wait, I haven't even put up the egg-painting..."


E.B. looked on silently.

"Am I in some kind of temporal loop with Shinobi? What's going on?"

"Well," E.B. stammered, "someone offered a business opportunity to get the flowers-and-chocolate market to reach new heights, and it's a win-win for everyone involved, Tri-blade. You'll love it! Your D.W. numbers will skyrocket, blank eggs will ooze out of the wazoo, and the guys in Vegas are going to be super psyched!"

"Why me, though?"

"Word is you have a really strong chin?" offered E.B.


"Let's just say some people are able to max out their scores against you, as long as they avoid defeating you."

Tri-blade nodded. "I get it now. Well, I suppose I better try and get something out of the weekend, then."

"That's the spirit!" yelled E.B., his hindleg tapping the ground rapidly.

"But please don't interfere anymore. I still have things I want to do this weekend, don't want to be battling nonstop the next 72 hours."

"Okay. I won't add any more people to your hit list this time out," said E.B.

"Wait what now? More -"

E.B. dashed away quicker than a speeding bullet.

"I wonder if curried rabbit is a thing," Tri-blade muttered before hearing a rustling behind him.

Tri-blade whirled around, a basket already in his hand.

"Aha! Face me!" called a voice.

"And then, me!" called another.

Tri-blade blinked. In front of him was a man, clad in a silver-coloured helmet, battle gauntlets and light metal boots that covered his lower legs. Around him, energy crackled mightily, and was most heavily concentrated in loops around the set of claws he wielded in each glove.

"Hi Shinobi. But who's that..."

"Um, hey, Tri," was the sheepish voice in response.

"Mage? What the -"

"LET'S DUEL!" shouted Shinobi as he charged in.

Tri-blade sighed, then engaged in battle. To a side, Ability Mage absent-mindedly twirled his basket, whistling a tune.