Thursday, September 5, 2019

Art Post: Geo-Kinesis

The rocks obey your very thoughts. With one swift idea, boulders crush your enemies. A simple notion and you save miners from a cave in. It's when you got that headache that the north half of San Francisco lost power and...well, just stay away from big fault lines in the future.

Geo-Kinesis was a fun card to make. Nick had been asking me about doing more close-up images of the heroes in action. This left me with a bit of a problem, how many different powers can you display via a face? I had to stretch myself a little and I realized that I could play around with the background a bit more. Longer, body shots of heroes tend to lead art toward a forward power, showing energy shooting from their hands or eyes, or bullets bouncing off their chest. But, close up, you can see more what's going on behind them.

For this art I had a few things I wanted to approach. Not only was I looking at the close up face of the hero, but I wanted to change from the norm. Instead of a handsome, young hero, I went with a distinguished older hero. Perhaps not the standard person you expect to see in the comic book world. I want to remind the viewer of the art that the story of Heroes Rising is that people are suddenly being given powers, and not just handsome, strong youths, anyone. (Which is why an old lady is blasting lasers from her eyes at the villain in my own fiction.) I also attempted something unique for me, hard coloring and shading, which lends itself to comic book style of art. Finally, I love motion in art, especially for an action based story. The rock in the background is his weapon, it has to be in motion. The shadow beneath gives it lift while the generic background actually shows motion through color variation, size of pattern, and fading. This should look like the moment just before you are blindsided by a ten ton chunk of sandstone.

All in all, I hope you appreciate the various levels this art gives to the power that will grace your own hero in the game.
