Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Editorial: Bux and Boosting For Competition

Contributed by John Schoenfeld (aka The Closer)

Hello, this is The Closer, from 5th Precinct, and the subject we’re discussing is in-game cash, and the art of making your hero as strong as possible in competition. This is especially important for the non-whale, budget, and free player.

The term “boosting” refers to using in-game cash or “Bux” to purchase more powers than one usually carries.

The reason we don’t max boost all the time is that our hourly “deficit” (the amount of “bux” it takes to support our powers) can become very expensive, very quick. The average player will carry a small negative deficit, say -1 to -30 “bux” per hour. If you like math, you may think this doesn’t make sense. Why wouldn’t you want to have positive income?

Well, income is great, if you are online, and can “bank” it. If you aren’t you’re probably just filling someone else’s bank. The odds are that someone will figure out that you have bux out, and make a habit of collecting some from you every day. There are those who take that risk for the chance at positive income. I am not one of them. I carry a deficit, and I don’t expect to change that philosophy.

Either way, the budget player is always hoarding cash. Very few will carry huge deficits, preferring to bank as much cash as possible every single day. They do this in preparation of competition. This is when playing smarter, and slower, suddenly pays off! The player with more in-game cash can carry the extra powers it takes to beat opponents they usually couldn’t. Not to mention, that this happens on the day it matters most, when everyone is watching!

So, League Wars is approaching, and you have a huge stash of cash, what do you do with it? The answer is not, “buy a bunch of powers”! The first thing you must do, is a bit of counting. (Insert booing here.) You still only have so much money, and you can only carry so many powers. That total is your “team size” or level, multiplied by 5. The game is nice enough to display this total on the “buy” and “train” power screens, on PC, and the “train” power screen, on mobile. You will first want to know if you’re carrying more or less, than that total.

Now it can be as complicated or simple as you like to make it. If you’re carrying less than your total, you may choose to just top off available powers with the strongest available ability, or the strongest you can afford. To choose which, you probably just need to figure out how much cash you can afford to spend as an hourly budget to last the entire competition.

If you want to boost further, or are carrying more abilities already, then it’s a bit more complicated. The extra abilities are already not carried into battle, and must be ignored when considering how best to boost.

I would upgrade a sample of each bux card you’re considering boosting with to tier 3. This allows you to make certain you know how strong those cards will get.

Now, find the weakest abilities in the stat you are looking at boosting first: attack/defense/movement. Consider all 3 of the cards' stats. You may find cards that sacrifice the main stat a bit, for a nice bonus to the other two. If you are satisfied to boost over that ability, count the number of that card that you “use”, and move on to the second weakest and add to that “used but can be boosted over” total. Once you have these totals, from all 3 stats, you can decide where to spend your hard earned bux.

I would consider that a “dodge” is a guaranteed round you will survive, and possibly add to the damage against your opponent. I would very strongly consider a max boost to movement, before moving on to defense, and attack, but this is just an opinion. We don’t know everything about the calculations happening in these battles.  The other stats can certainly affect damage output. This will be more evident against weaker opponents though. I translate that as a limited return on investment, but not non-existent.

After movement, I would attempt to max boost defense. I’m assuming here that a defense win is still a win. We’ll find out later if that is so. This is only important if you can’t afford to carry a full boost of all 3 abilities. You can still buy some attack powers, level them up, do an attack run, and sell them off to relax the deficit until your next attack run. There are some scenarios where this isn’t cheaper, because of the cost of leveling those powers. I suggest pulling out the calculator and make sure.

Every situation is different, so you didn’t find all of the answers here. Hopefully it at least helped you to start thinking in the right directions. Don’t be afraid to post specific questions in the player’s groups. Happy hunting!
