Thursday, October 31, 2019

LEAGUE WARS: An interview with Weezerd from Oz

By Todd Goode (AKA Donald Blake MD)

Hello everyone, this is Ray Stevens, your Action News Reporter at round one of the premier of Heroes Rising League Wars. There were some interesting developments earlier on in round one with the Weezerd from Oz. Let’s see if we can catch up to Weezerd and ask him about his first round. There he is.

“Mr. Weezerd from Oz! Mr. Weezerd from Oz! Hey, I’m Ray Stevens, can I get an interview for Action News?”

“You sure can but just call me Weezerd okay.”

“Weezerd, now that we are coming to the end of round one, tell us how you feel about your first round?"

“Well, we knew it was going to be a tough first round. We got paired up against The Avengers’ Varsity team. They are a very strong team but I didn’t let that bother me. I was gonna give it all I had. Too early to give up, there are others rounds after this one.”

“Excellent answer. Tell us about some of your fights.”

“They were all hard-fought rounds. Early on I was able to defeat Vapor’s elemental powers with my mind numbing mental strength for two wins and used the Magical arts to take down the PhantomAmongPhantom’s Supernatural abilities also for two wins. I got to admit those fights were close but they just didn’t have the strength to overtake me on those matches.”

“Yes, those were some great fights Weezerd.”

“I took a whoopin’ by Fiero, Island, Hanzo and just missed taking Mack Stallion for two wins but one was good enough for me considering I was a Colony Junior Varsity team member getting wins against The Avengers’ Varsity team.”

“Those were some hard loses Weezard, but you must have gotten a boost of hope with the Mack Stallion win?”

“I did feel good about that win and was hopeful but I didn’t have a lot of luck with Rakly either until later on when he underestimated the strength I had left in my tank after taking all those beat downs and I got a defensive win. I was really tickled about that win. Vapor took another loss also which gave me another defensive win but you know what they say, “A win is a win.” To say the least I was drained pretty well at this point but I still had more opponents to face so I sucked it up and had to move forward.”

“You don’t give up do you Weezerd?”

“No! Giving up is not in The Colony’s vocabulary but after the severe beating I took at the hands of The Fallen and Crossbones, I really thought about adding it back to our vocabulary, but no, I couldn’t give up. I still had two more fighters to face and the odds were slim but I summoned my last remaining energy and stepped up.

“You sure did Weezerd. You were the underdog but you handed out a couple of huge upsets. Tell us about them, they were the highlights of the night.”

“Sure thing Ray. I had two bouts left and I was determined to win. I stepped up to Heretic and took a deep breath and let it out slow and summoned up my best magic and to my surprise, I won. I had pushed through him like he was paper. He took me down on the second round. His magic was much stronger that round. It was like his power doubled. There wasn’t much I could do though I gave it another try since I’m a glutton for punishment. To no avail, I was defeated yet again and I had to regroup my thoughts and prepare for my last battle.”

“Yes, but score one more for the junior varsity team though, right Weezerd?” 

“Heck yeah Ray, it was an awesome victory and although I was beaten and bruised I was positive that I could get one more win in my last battle of round one against The Avengers’ varsity team.” That match is coming up next Ray.”

“Weezerd, your final battle was against Strange Quark and he was definitely strange. He seemed to phase in and out. How in the world were you able to beat him?”

“Well, my best guess Ray, it was my magic hat. I just got lucky but you know every dog has his day and today was mine, at least for that first round. I thought to myself, if I can beat him once I can beat him again. That didn’t happen and I tried several times to get that second win but it wasn’t to be. I threw everything but the kitchen sink at him and it didn’t do any good. I couldn’t get that elusive second win this day.”

“Look Weezerd, I know you’re tired and wanting to get cleaned up and takeoff but one last question.  How are you going to prepare for the next round?”

“Ray, after a long soak in the hot tub to ease the pain of a few bruises I’m going to eat a great big meal, get a good night’s sleep, wake up and meditate about the round one fights and learn from them and apply that knowledge to the round two fights and hopefully get a greater amount of wins.”

“Thanks for a great interview and those great highlights Weezerd. I hope you have continued success in round two.”

“You’re very welcome Ray, anytime.”

‘This has been Ray Stevens, your Action News Reporter with all the news that is the news across the nation at round one of the premier of Heroes Rising League Wars. Good night and tune in for round two battles of the premier of Heroes Rising League Wars.
