Monday, March 2, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Golden Hunt part 2

Part 2
In the wee county of Louth, near the city of Carlingford, a mangy old pub bustled with activity. Locals and tourists alike enjoyed the rustic Irish atmosphere as they downed another pint of the local favorite.
“Oi! I want to watch the game” A man bellowed as the bartender changed the channel.
“It’s last week’s game. I want to watch the breaking news from Paris.”
The televisions all rang out with the same music as the breaking broadcast came on. An American newscaster spoke while they showed images from Paris. “This is the footage we have so far from the incident in Paris on Valentine’s day. Reports of a winged man, claimed to be the legendary Cupid, attacking people with an ax came shortly before what appeared to be a massacre of heroes the likes of which we have not seen before. However, our drones showed that some unknown method revived these heroes. We have no confirmation, but some believe the incident in Paris may have something to do with what happened in the state of Oklahoma days before. Few images have surfaced from that event. The villain involved there was not the same man. As to the risks ahead from this situation, we do not have any information. BADGE has refused to answer direct questions and continues to insist we rely on their official statement. The enemy is no longer at large, or so BADGE claims. However, national leaders across the globe have their security at high alert and ask citizens to report any unusual activity...” The bartender turned the volume down.
“Eh! Nothing new. Just blathering the same stuff again.” The patron grumped.
No one noticed the tiny head peering over the side of the table while the eyes were glued on the report. Those twinkling little eyes watched the scene with rapt attention. Just then a bottle of whiskey was sat on the table right in front of him as the bartender delivered the order.
“Ana thing else, Henry?”
“Naw, just...Oi, wheres the whiskey?”
Both looked up as the wooden window pane slapped shut. Each looked at the other, not sure if they had seen a bottle go flying out the window or not. Without a word, the bartender grabbed another bottle and joined his friend.
A tiny, plump fellow with a thick red beard and a nice suit with tails dragged a large bottle through a small hole in the ground. When he stepped out, he was in not a dirty rabbit warren, but a nice, elegant little home built just his size. He stopped for a second and shined the buckles on his exquisite shoes and smiled at his reflection in the pristine leather.
“Now, where did I put my glass?” He pondered as he pulled that bottle through the home and into another room.
He now stood in a significantly larger room that had many bookshelves filled to the brim. Several comfortable chairs sat before a roaring fire. Beside one chair was a table with a tankard on it.
“Ah, there it is.” He pushed the bottle until it sat upright, which made it nearly hit the ceiling. He snapped his fingers and the cork came out. A small amount of the fortified liquid danced out of the top and found its way into the tankard. Lifting the now filled drink he smiled, “Ah, just what my old bones needed tonight.” He took a swig. Then he saw it, a shimmering letter resting on the table where his tankard had been. “What’s this? Oh, another one. How did he get it in here? Oh, right, the chimney.” He read the warning letter from Santa, telling him about the mysterious stranger after their relics. “That old fart is nothing but a worrier.” He tossed the letter into the fire and then paused, “Perhaps I should...” he pondered this for a moment and then drank the rest of the whiskey.
Setting out from this room, he walked through the extensive home built deep in the ground. The last room was the largest by far. A full-sized human could stand in this place. There were no books, chairs, or fireplaces, only a couple lamp-stands for minimal light. There was nothing but a single pedestal with a crock of gold on it.
Walking over to it, he brushed a hand across the surface. “No doubt he’ll be after you.”
