Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Hanzo Ninja Clan School of Anything Goes Martial Arts Presents: How To Become A Raid Master........ OF DOOOOOOOOM!!!!

Super Rakly (disguised as Red Skull) and Fuma Hanzo stood side by side. The two warriors were faced off against their opponent, the rampaging Cupid gone mad. These brothers of battle were mirrored foils. One, dressed in ancient red Oni armor, adhering to an ancient code of tradition and secrecy. The other, in his red, leading edge, hi-tech armor, taking his team into the future.

"You flank him on the left, Hanzo!" said Super Rakly, the man in the futuristic techno armor. "I'll take him on the right!"

Hanzo injected himself with an adrenaline booster. It allowed him to recover his energy at twice the normal speed. He began attacking Cupid at a furious rate, and the value of the added boost was not lost on Super Rakly.

Super Rakly wasn't sure what Hanzo had injected himself with, but he had a few untried surprises of his own. Reaching into his utility belt, he produced a single chocolate candy.

"This will give me energy." he mentally told himself, before popping it in his mouth.

Rakly did indeed have a sudden burst of energy. He tore into Cupid for 6 solid hits before he realized something was wrong. Something was very, Very, VERY wrong! His stomach started to gurgle and cramp. He fell to his hands and knees and began puking his guts out.

"Hanzo, help! I can barely move! I've been poisoned!" Rakly yelled to Fuma Hanzo.

Still embroiled in his battle with Cupid, Fuma knew he couldn't afford to break away and give Cupid any quarter. Still, he couldn't leave his team leader in such dire straights either. As he dodged Cupid's axe, Hanzo reached into his belt and pulled out a syringe, not unlike the one he had used on himself earlier. In a lightning fast spin, he sent it hurling towards Super Rakly. The needle hit Rakly like a dart, injecting him with the same booster Fuma had used on himself.

Suddenly, Rakly rose to his feet. His stomach returned to normal and his strength and energy reappeared. Feeling newly invigorated, Super Rakly joined his teammate, Hanzo, in continuing to try and subdue the rampaging Cupid, before the insane demigod could do any more harm.

Today's lesson is dedicated to the many heroes that helped defeat Cupid! The law of averages tells us that to get maximum rewards, a player needed to do 90,000 damage during part deux. So for every player that did more than that, mad props to you. At that point, you weren't just fighting for you. You were fighting for all of us. We all greatly appreciate it!

Now, back to why you came today. Unlike regular fights, Raids simply require you to be able to hit hard and often. The key is to maximize your damage and use your energy as much as possible.


Let's start off with the meat, maximizing damage. The first part of this to consider is resistance. At the bottom of the Raid description is a list of the Raid boss's resistances. It will show 2 options, weak and strong. Don't let the weak confuse you. In parentheses you'll see (MED).

The (MED) resisted elements are still resisted, just not as much as the strong (HIGH) resisted ones. The Boss's real weakness are the elements not listed. These are the elements that he has no resistance against. So, when designing your suits, take this into serious consideration.

If your core type is resisted, you'll do less base damage than you should. Furthermore, any +dam of an element type resisted is also reduced. However, gear that increases base damage isn't directly affected. So if the boss has a resistance to elemental, and your elemental Plasma Arms add 14% each to your attack, the resistance to elemental will not effect the added damage when the extra attack adds base damage to your hits. So unless your core is also resisted, this damage addition does not get penalized, since base damage only gets resisted if the core is resisted. Since xdam is directly connected to base damage, it too is unaffected directly by resist.

Now, +dam is king. xdam is 2nd, and +/%attack comes in 3rd. So try to get in as much +dam gear as you can of the unresisted gear element types, while avoiding +dam gear from the resisted gear element types. There's usually only 2 unresisted element types.

After you have done this, fill out as much as you can with xdam gears of any type, but leaning hard towards the same element type as the core you're planning on using. Remember, the core adds +dam for every gear that matches its element type.

Now, look at how many gears of each element you have and pick the core that coincides with the most pieces of matching gear, and will result in the most bonus +dam from the core bonus.

Lastly, fill out the rest of the open gear slots with any gear of the core type. This will at least give you the core bonus +dam. +/%att gear isn't a bad choice, in the absence of better ones.

Remember, the idea is to get as much +dam as possible, with secondary support from xdam, and a good base damage.

Aside from gear, you can also increase your base damage by increasing your attack stat with cards. Besides your normal card set collected regularly through the game, you can also increase your base damage by running a deficit. All 3 types of cards increase your base damage if they increase your attack. You want to purchase the most attack you can in bux cards, first filling empty power slots, and then, if you can, replacing cards weaker than the fully tiered bux cards. Once done, of course, tier these cards completely. Be sure your reserves in your bank are enough to cover the upkeep throughout the duration of the Raid.


Unfortunately, energy refills from videos and mps are suspended during Raids. However, there are a few ways to get extra energy for these raids elsewhere.

The obvious route is saving your gifted energy items on the day of the Raid, and using them for it.

If you plan it right, you can level up during a Raid and add a little more energy. You might even be able to level up more than once.

Prize consumables can also give you some needed boosts. Each chocolate from the Cupid Raids refills all of your energy. You can use 3 a day. That's 3 free energy refills. Furthermore, some do added bonuses like increased damage or extra experience gains, which allow you to level faster. However, some can have a negative effect like halving your energy recovery for 2 hours. But fear not! There is a cure on steroids!

During the Krampus Raid event, we got consumables that doubled our energy recovery time. Not only is this a great way to get double damage for 4 hours, if used AFTER the chocolates, it ALSO negates the effects of the energy recovery reducing chocolates! Be warned, if an energy recovery reduction consumable, like some of the chocolates or the Thanksgiving turkeys, is used after the double energy consumable is used, it will negate the double energy consumable. So be careful!

The increased attack consumables help some, but I would suggest saving them for LWs. The increased defense, life, and speed consumables are completely useless in Raids.

When trying to gain energy through leveling, combining consumables for added effect can create nice added bonuses. For example, if you are gaining energy at 2x the normal speed, and also use a consumable that gives you extra exp for each exp point gain, you'll be gaining experience at a considerable rate, allowing you to level more often during the raid. If you use the extra exp consumable before you open your daily mission reward for completing all missions, you will also gain extra exp on your mission reward exp. (This was shared with us by Strange Quark.) However, if you save your reward till just before the day changes and use the combo then, you not only get extra from that reward, you can also rush through your new daily missions immediately after the clock changes, and get the bonus on that day's reward too! All this equals leveling faster and gaining that extra energy.

Consumables of the same type do not stack.


It's intuitive to think that when a reward says there is a 10% chance to get it for every 1000 damage done, then it should only take 10,000 damage to guarantee that reward. However, this is false. Odds don't work that way. If you do 5000 damage and still don't receive the reward, that doesn't mean you now have a 60% chance on your 6th attempt. You will still only have a 10% chance on each and every attempt.

This creates the variance you see in damage versus reward differences between various players. Some get lucky and get max rewards for minimal damage. Others get shorted a reward or more, even though they thought they did max damage to "guarantee" their rewards.

Personally, I have bad luck when it comes to odds. So I always double what I calculate max damage should be, or at least I try to. In the case of Cupid Part Deux, 90,000 damage was the damage needed to get max rewards. So my goal for myself was 180,000 damage. Rakly and I started racing and, of course, we wanted to complete the raid for everyone's sake, so we kept going till it was done, because that's what heroes do.
