Tuesday, March 24, 2020

LW2, Round 2, Division 4 ‡ ☠ⱾUเcเD€ ⱾQU₳Đ☠ ‡ vs Red Guard

By Kyuzio

Good Evening, everyone! this is Kyuzio from Red Guard reporting on our match up with ‡ ☠ⱾUเcเD€ ⱾQU₳Đ☠ ‡ for Round 2 of the League Wars.

I know, I’m a day late with this, and I apologize, but the doctors just released me from the hospital and I have regained most of the feeling in my arms and hands so I can type this out. I’m still not able to use voice commands, but they say that my voice should be fully healed in time for the next match! Good news, good news!

I think just from those few sentences you can see that we had a tough time of it against ‡ ☠ⱾUเcเD€ ⱾQU₳Đ☠ ‡. They came in strong and they left strong, so kudos to them! Kudos also to all members of Red Guard! We fought hard and that’s all that really matters!
