Wednesday, March 25, 2020

LW2 FINALS: SuperActionSports Team Early Access

"...and they managed to extricate the whole thing with the minimum of discomfort. And now it's over to the SuperActionSports Team with an early look at the final rounds of the League Wars"

"Thanks Kennie"

"How's it looking over there Robert Jnr?"

"Well the weather's stabilised by the force field surrounding the stadium, and visibility should be perfect unfortunately the amount of dust, debris, body parts and weapons fire in the air right now is making it hard to get a clear view."

"Do we have any results in yet Jay C?"

"Well Kennie, the score cards have just been updated let's have a look... Division 1 in the championship match Avengers are taking an early lead against Suicide Squad, and Spawn are just ahead versus Seraphim Angels."

"D2 is looking good Avengers again in the championship match, but don't count WMD out there, great leader good fighters they won't stop till the final whistle."

"And over to D3 where the third Avengers team is behind by 12 to the Wildcards"

"Isn't that Fleagle's team?"

"Yes it is Kennie and I can guarantee we will be hearing all about it shortly. NMDS versus Realm defenders is a slow burner with NMDS 6-0 up."

"D4 and Suicide Squads second team is bringing the Pain to Pain. 51st State beating SOB, 5th's Wiseguys 2 point lead against Red Guard and 6th 1 point ahead of Huggers Freak Show"

"Over to D5 Suffering are definitely suffering at the hands of Total Vengeance. Freaks leading 101st Spacerangers, 5th beating 5th... that's Space Force versus Buddy Cops.. and the 5th Police Academy have made a great start against Shadow Warrior"

"Last we go to D6... Henchmens Tale against the Organization is a 1-0 nailbiter. And Purple Onion are clear leaders in their final round against 5th's New Recruits."

"Controversy surrounding the Onion today guys!"

"Yes Kennie, they appear to have changed the name and it's definitely sparked a bit of debate."

"Avengers 6.0" Rise of the Purple Onion... are they claiming to be the fourth Avengers team?"

"I'm just gonna stop you guys I have Super Rakly on the phone right now. Rakly I know you are busy with your final rounds right now but how are you responding to this hold claim by the Onion?"

"The Onion? Who are they Kennie? Never heard of them."

"They have been in the bottom division for both League Wars."

Oh wait, aren't those free players? Ask anybody, Avengers doesn't know how to build winning teams without money. I'm going to ask my team to DT them all and get them to remove any affiliation with the real Avengers."

"How's it going for your team right now Rakly?"

"Can't really talk right now Kennie firefight!"

"Thanks for your home Rakly"

"Those were tough words Kennie"

"Indeed Jay C"

"Wouldn't want to be part of the Onion when the big boys come a calling."

"Nor me Robert Jnr not me. Anyway we'll be back with you guys later for an update."

"Later Kennie!"

"Coming up we have a report on some disturbing restaurant data hacks in California and a guide on where to get your hands on the best fresh shellfish ... all that and more after these words from our sponsors."