Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Golden Hunt part 4

Part 4

The hooded man walked through the hills near Carlingford. There was a park suspected to be home to many leprechauns, but it was nothing but a tourist trap. As it got darker and the night covered the area, few people were around to bother him. He didn’t want to kill too many people along the way, that would draw too much attention to his presence.

“I knew you were good at hiding. I didn’t think it would be this hard.” He muttered to himself as he prowled around the dark hills looking for evidence. “I know you’re out here, I can sense your magic.”
There was a sudden noise in the distance, and the hooded man pivoted. A shadowy figure dashed away and then vanished behind some rocks.
“What do we have here? A hero following me? This ought to be fun.” Holding out his hand, a misty black smoke formed, ready to strike. He walked toward the rock without fear of whatever this hero might try. “Don’t be foolish, I’ve taken down hundreds in seconds.” When he got to the rock, there wasn’t any sign of a person.
His head snapped to the right as he felt something. “Magic.” He whispered. This was a strong feeling of a specific magic he knew well. Letting go of his own misty attack, he smiled and headed for the source of this spell. To his great surprise, he stumbled across a pile of clothing, including a weapon and communicator. He knelt down and examined it.
“A BADGE uniform...but where’s the soldier?”
Then he felt it again, that magic. He was close. In the distance, he saw the silhouette of a mound of earth. It was almost perfectly blended in with the natural surroundings, but he knew it was not crafted by nature. As soon as his eyes fell upon it, he could see the magic. Holding up his hand, a ball of red energy formed over his fingers. “Time to play Santa.”

Inside the Leprechauns home, a streak of red energy shot down the chimney and stopped in the middle of the room. A small hooded man appeared, standing next to a large bottle of whiskey. He kept his hand up with that red energy still glowing.
“After all these years, I finally found your home.” he mused as he looked at the old shelves of books.
a kids sticker, which in here was the size of a poster. It had a comical cartoon of a leprechaun dancing. Three knives protruded from the center, thrown at a distance.
Leaving that behind, he walked through the place, searching for his target. The little red energy ball hovering over his hand danced and flickered, which gave him reason for concern. Walking through that last door, he stood in a room tall enough for him. In the center of this room was a glorious crock of gold.
That red energy flickered again, and this time vanished. He suddenly shot back up and nearly hit his head on the ceiling. After a moment of disorientation, his greedy eyes were flecked with golden light as he approached his goal.
Then a small voice spoke behind him, “I’ve been expecting you.”
