Saturday, January 1, 2022

A New Years Resolution: Maintaining Your Hero

Lykos - ID: 18321
It's a New Year and we just went through a major Raid against Father Time. Now is a good time to think about going over the maintenance of our Toons. If you have Alts, this is especially important, as it is easy to let them slip by and concentrate on one or two. So let's start the new year right by having all our toons up to date.
First up, go click on profile and grab all your crystals. This should be a no brainer and should be done every day anyway. While you are there, you will immediately see if you have unspent points in your skills. You know what you are doing best with your skill points; this isn't a lesson on how to build your toon, just a checklist of what to maintain.
Got everything resolved in Profile? Good, let's head over to gear and click on Equip. This is one is easy to overlook. When you level up, there is a good chance one of your gear slots has opened up. Make sure you don't have any empty slots. Look through your unused gear and see if you have any MP powered gear first. If you don't, do you have enough MPs to purchase new gear for that slot? If so, pop over to armory and see what they have. If not, look through your unused loot for crystal gear or go buy some crystal powered gear from the armory. Why leave a slot open when you can fill it with Something?
Now we head over to the biggie: Powers. If you have been reading Hanzo's instructions on building a toon, you may have your Gauge Cards all figured out. If you haven't been, you should head over there and take a look.
Let's start in Careers. Take a look to make sure you have not leveled beyond your next career path. If you have, go ahead and pay the training fees and start getting more money per hour.
So first question you have to ask is, do I have all my card slots filled. Go look in that upper left corner and see if your Attack, Defense, and Movement are all complete. If so, Bob's Yer Uncle and skip the next step.
If not though, then let's take some time to first look on the top far right, and see how much upkeep you have left to spend. If you just increased your career, you have probably have lots of extra dough coming in to your account now. Spend it!
There may be some debate in different circles about how much you want coming in hourly. I stand in the circle that I would rather have my card slots filled than have bux sitting in my hand each hour. To that end, I will always buy enough cards to fill up my empty card slots - Up to the point I have Net Income. I like to see that Net Income as low as possible if I have empty slots. If all your slots are filled, then you have extra bonus income to enjoy. It also means you probably need more in-game friends. That's another write-up for another time.
OK, you have filled up your Skill points, your gear, and your power cards. Go make sure you have Trained in your power cards to get them as leveled as you want. I tend to level crystals first, Bux second, and MPs last, but I am a free player so MPs are very precious on my account. There is again some great advice from Hanzo's School of Anything Goes that tells you how to pick and choose which cards to level.
Let's go check our gifts. From the Home Screen, the bottom row of tabs has a Gifts tab. During a raid, this tab is essential. Sending and receiving More-Fun bars, both large and small, will mean the difference between sitting and waiting for your energy to refill, or being able to jump back into the fray; raising your damage amounts, which increases your odds of winning new powers, consumables, and if you are lucky - gear. So go through and make sure you have sent and received all your gifts. This is another thing you should be checking every - single - day.
The more gifts you give, the more you get back, which gives you a ton of consumables for the big fights. People tend to just click "Receive" and then "Return favor", so you get back what you give. Switch it up occasionally. You know you are going to need More-fun bars during the raids, so send out small and large versions of those every couple of days. Do you like to do a lot of battles, either one-on-one or in the KOTM? Then send out Hatoraide so you get some of those back too. During certain events, you will see new items to send out, such as Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas presents. Spread the holiday cheer and share with your friends.
The final place to check on is your League HQ. Your league is your family, and like Vin Diesel says, family is everything. So you probably collected a lot of bux during the raid, maybe go share some of that with your league HQ and help build that new building. Drop some crystals in to whatever building is currently being developed. Be extra nice and put some MP in.
Go look at the Sentinel for your League. You might have some gear laying around you dont need and the big robot protecting your HQ could probably use some. Take a look and see if you have extra power cards that you no longer need, or even go buy some for the purpose of putting them in the Sentinel. The stronger he is, the more he can protect your HQ. You can pull your cards and gear later on if you need to.
OK, go back to your home page. Most likely, with all that maintenance you just did, there are some rewards waiting for you in the Quest section there. Collect your Bux for crystal harvesting, equiping gear, and buying and upgrading a power. If you want to round out the easy ones, go update your avatar and your bio to gain some quick Bux there too. Make sure you put all that in the Bank, and you are done!
Your toon has now gone through a thorough maintenance and gotten a nice overhaul. You are ready to start the new year right with a top shape hero.
Go Forth, and save the world.