Monday, January 17, 2022

First to 500 -- Hot Wings Soars to a New Height


Hot Wings has reached the milestone of making it to level 500 in Heroes Rising. 

If you go to the profile page for Hot Wings, you will notice the long list of events this current member of the WMD-Black Order has taken part in. Nine League Wars, fourteen RAIDS, and 159,087 attacking wins during the course of reaching this accomplishment.

His brief bio describes his humble beginnings:

][☣][ Hot Wings ][☣][ -- 

"Earth is the only home I know but I was raised with the knowledge that I am not born on Earth. My enhanced abilities are only now beginning manifest themselves. Parents were genetically enhanced but were uncertain if any special abilities would be passed onto me. I have incredible agility and superior strength. My vision is extraordinary. I can see detail for incredible distances. With the introduction of morphons into the atmosphere, wings began to grow allowing me to fly. As my wings continue to grow, I have noticed my skin is stronger and I am able to withstand a great deal of physical damage."
to be continued...

This continuation has made Hot Wings one of the most recognized names in the Heroes Rising universe of players and given him several appearances in the Lore stories for the game.

Let's all give a big round of applause to him for reaching this milestone.

(If you are a player who has reached a notable milestone in your character's journey, please contact the Sentinel so we can feature your accomplishment as well.)