Thursday, November 3, 2022

RAIDS!!!! Free Play Just Got Way Better!!!!

Player ID: 25104

Well, October is over. But before we move on, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on last month. There was a writing contest, a costume contest, a take a picture with a box on your head contest, a raid, a lws, and even trick or treating. Some folks gave out some really big treats for trick or treat. I got about 8 pieces of gear I can really use on my newest toon, just from trick or treat. Just from the contests and giveaways, I managed to acquire about $100 worth of MP. And honestly, I probably spent less than 2 hours total acquiring them. That's pretty big, especially for free and budget players. I'm neither, and that's still big to me. So there are all kinds of options for players of all categories to gain the means to grow, not just stronger, but competitive as well. Which brings me to the newest method, RAIDS!!!!

While we have had world raids for awhile now, the much begged for player summoned raids have just now hit Heroes Rising. These raids go fast, in their current incarnation. The 1st 3 were finished within hours, despite the 2 day timer. Once more players start rolling in, this will only compound itself. I feel there's one of 2 options here for players to get enough damage in to see good rewards. Either Justin will have to increase the life of Raid Bosses, or else players will have to start limiting who they share raids with. I'm hoping for the former. Still, these raids are still in the beta test format, so who knows what changes are to come? We can be sure of one thing though. Justin will soon be on the boards asking us for our opinions and suggestions.

Now, early mumbling seems to revolve around players not getting as good or as many drops as they would like. Let's take things into perspective though. These aren't World Raids. Unlike World Raids, that come every 3 months or so, these raids can be summoned whenever and as often as we have materials for. As soon as they launched, we had 3 going and done within hours. So if you didn't get that raid drop you wanted, keep raiding. It'll come in time. In the mean time, the cards are great. Most are crystal cards, so tiering them up costs no MP. And they're GOOD crystal cards! The MP cards are also pretty top notch for prize cards. I have a feeling a lot of players will be able to go a long way with their toons if they combine and work at Raids and FC.

I'll be honest, I felt like I was playing SHC again when the Mayor summoned that 2nd Raid. Ever since Justin took over, things have been getting better. Instead of feeling like a fool's prison, it's starting to feel like home. I expect Raids will make a lot of people happy and hopefully be a trumpet call to those who have already left and those who never came, to finally return home too. I earnestly look forward to what else Justin brings to the table. I do have a little bit of an inside scoop, and I can assure you that Raids are just the beginning. It's about to get wild up in here! I hope I see the rest of you here with me once all the dust settles.

Also, a big shoutout to Justin! Thanks Justin! You're the REAL MVP!!!!