Tuesday, November 1, 2022


BY: Todd Goode id #12205

People often wonder, what do the patrols offer that is so good. Well, the answer is easy. You are playing a game that's based on creating a character to destroy another character and to create a character you must build it. Part of building a great character is having some great cons (consumables) to help back-up your character toon's power count or the max number of cards for your current level and having more cards than your level max only helps you have to do a little less building when you reach your next level.

Do where do you get these cons anyway? You find them in the patrols, but which cons are the best? How can I find them; a lot of them and keep my xp to a minimum.

Well, you're going to make some xp but you can control the rate at which you acquire it and its not by sitting or camping but crawling. Moving forward at a steady but slow pace. Let the speedsters do the heavy lifting.

"If I only knew where the best cons were?" That is what you may be thinking. Well, there are a few cons that you can find in certain places.

You should be aware, that there are some consumables that drop in every patrol zone. The stimpaks, energy drinks, hateraids and more-fun bars can be found dropping in every patrol, but others that are of great use, drop in particular patrols and zones.

(BREAKING NEWS!!!!! We'll get back to this consumable chart after this brief Announcement. For a very short time in the New Utopia patrol, find THE NIGHT BEFORE HALLOWEEN zone and play it until after Halloween ends. You are looking for pumpkineggs cons to drop. There are 3 +6% cons to boost your attack, defense and movement and a 5% con for + 5% life boost. Get them while you can. Now, back to our consumable chart.)

You can find a rare Turtle Shell con that give a 10% defense bonus amongst other things like mp, and stronger power cards.

Purgatory Penitentiary has a great many cons to find.

Some of the best cons offered can be found in Ardeal. Play all three patrol zones in Ardeal to take advantage of the fighting cons you can find there.

There are some other cons sprinkled around all patrols that are very rare. Some are good, some not so much, but they are there.

You can find AMA parts in every patrol.

Every patrol zone has a "Finish Now" button if you would like to finish the zone and restart and get to collecting faster. Currently, it will cost you 12mp to speed up and finish and start again.

Every patrol will every once and a while drop Supercharged Test Tube cons that when used, increase a random power card by 1 point to their respective attribute. It doesn't sound like much until you realize that you can add hundreds and sometimes thousands of points to a cards power. Sometimes they will drop for free but most often they will cost 20mp and can be found in your inventory after purchase to use at a time of your choosing. Also, when used, the randomness will often go to the power card you have the most of. That knowledge may help you choose when and how to use the supercharged test tube.

I hope you find this helpful in your search for cons.