Tuesday, April 25, 2023


BY: Todd Goode id# 12205

Welcome everyone to LWS 18- BACK TO BASICS round 1 highlights. I'm Harry Wankman, WHRT News, here doing the live commentary for the start of round 1. With 60 leagues facing off across 15 divisions, round 1 promises to have some great fights.

Its enough to make a fella thirsty and that's why I always pop a cold refreshing Heroes Energy Coke. Chock full of good stuff that increases your energy and stamina levels while the great taste leaves you relaxed and ready for anything.

"AHH!... That's refreshing and tastes great and no bad aftertaste either. I got my 4 pack. Did you get yours? Get yours today at your nearest Hero Consumable shop.

This drink is hard to put down but I gotta so I can do my commentary. Rather hard to drink and talk at the same time and still be professional.

Let's take a look at some highlights from round 1, LWS 18- BACK TO BASICS. You know, I enjoy those battles that have a close score all the way to the end of the round. Those keep you on the edge of your seat kind of fights. Let's see who they are.

In division 2, there was a close battle until the end of the round between the Disenchanted Brute Squad and the Angels of Sorcery. It sure was a close fight but the Brutes of Disenchanted pulled the feathers off of the Angels of Sorcery, 52-43, leaving the Angels disenchanted.

In division 8 The Star Force caught some kind of weird infection from Infected 5¹ that slowed the Star Force until they fell, 78-44. The Star Force was heard murmuring something about brains. Not sure what that is all about.

In division 10, ᗷOᗰᗷ❌Sᑫᑌᗩᗪ mini fell to Suffering in a close match. Suffering pulled their fuse and take the win, 49-43. The Bomb Squad no go boom today.

I also like a good beat down. Lots of action there as well. Let's take a look at those but first let me get another swallow of this great tasting Heroes Energy Coke.

What the heck was that? Some kind of hairy black blur just whizzed by me at top speed. I couldn't quite focus, it was so fast, but it smelled of all things like, well, a bear and my Heroes Energy Coke is gone.

Oh well, I still have three more. I'll just pop another one really quick, While I do my commentary.

There are a few teams handing out beatdowns that are just massacres. Here are the bloody beatdowns. Someone should call the medics. Teams on the receiving end are going to need them.

in division 1, Chaos Theory unleashed some real chaos on the Super Freaks but at least they didn't get totally skunked. The Super Freaks score two wins but fall in a hard way, 104-2 and 5th Precinct: Omniversal Traffic Cops fared even worse. They were totally skunked by WMD - NEW ORDER by a whopping 153 to zip.

Division 2 had some beatdown going on as well. COLONY 5¹ layeth down a penguin smackdown on 5Th Precinct: Omniversal Guardians. Yeah, I said it. Bite me Rock. COLONY 5¹ slammed 5Th Precinct: Omniversal Guardians, 162-1 but I gotta say, in the face of adversity, they went down swinging. Props for that.

In division 4, Fortress of Solitude put the Aussie Freaks back down under, 120-31. Their dirigidoo didn't.

All this action sure does make me thirsty. Time for another swallow of tasty and refreshing Heroes Energy Coke. As I pop the top and get the can to my mouth, this jumpy jittery racoon lookin fellow walks up and starts talkin and askin a bunch of rapid-fire questions that have nothing to do with each other. He was like, "Uh uh, hey man, uh uh, where's the bathroom at man? Why is the sky blue man? Why do they call asteroids, asteroids and hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids? Whoever named those things got it backwards, I think. I mean, uh uh, shouldn't they be the other way around? Like, you know what I mean? Meteors fall into a hemisphere and asteroids are just a pain in the behind.

I'm just sitting here, speechless while this Ritalin Racoon fellow keeps talkin nonstop and that hairy black blur just whizzed past me again and took my Heroes Energy Coke right outta my hand and racoon boy still askin questions. Hey man, uh uh, hey man, uh uh, do you smell a bear? I know Rocket racoon. He's my third cousin. Well, I gotta go now. oh look! A squirrel.

Yeah, I think I do and got a pretty good idea what's goin on but let me finish my commentary really quick. I'm almost done.

Finally, in division 6, $tα¢кє∂♦Ðê¢k close down Tygger’s Freak Show. No admittance for you but you can still have the popcorn. Tygger’s Freak Show get destroyed, 108-0.

Before I close out this commentary, I'm gonna set a little trap to catch the fuzzy blur of smelly bear hair. This should do it, five, 4packs of Heroes Energy Coke and a lil freeze spell that will stop anything that touches them.

Well folks, that wraps up LWS 18 - BACK TO BASICS round 1 highlight's. It's been an exciting round but it time to rest up for round 2. Good night and good luck in round 2. Imma catch me a bear any minute now.

There's the commotion I've been waiting for. It is definitely a bear alright. There he stands, mid stride, frozen in place. His big ole 19-acre sized paw frozen on all them 4packs of Heroes Energy Coke. Its Coke Bear playin a lil prank on me. He is one of those Animal Pharm fellas.

I walked over to him and laugh. That's sure was a fun prank. All in good fun but I'm gonna have the last laugh. You can have all those delicious 4packs of Heroes Energy Coke. Share em with the rest of the Pharm but that spell ain't gonna wear off for a couple hours. So don't go nowhere, as if you could. I gotta go now but if you want to be unfrozen faster, all you have to do is recite Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Coke Bear 25 times as loud as you can and you'll be unfrozen and free to leave.

As I walk away, I chuckle to myself, it won't unfreeze him but won't he look cute reciting Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Coke Bear for two hours. Hehehe.