Tuesday, April 25, 2023


BY: Todd Goode
ID# 12205

Harry Wankman, WHRT News, back at the conclusion of LWS 18 - BACK TO BASICS, reporting the highlights of round 2. 

Highlights are an outstanding part of these events. Sometimes highlights are good. Sometimes highlights are bad. Sometimes highlights just aren't. 

Sometimes I report these events while outside standing. When you read these highlights, you know I do an outstanding job. HE HE HE!

Before we get into these highlights, a word or two from our sponsor, 

The Con Shop.
Before doing battle, don't forget to visit The Con Shop for their fine line of Elixirs. 
We have many to choose from. 

On sale now in The Con Shop, hit 'em harder with Potent Elixir of Attack. It will increase your attack powers by 3000. 

Don't want to get hit? Increase your movement with a Potent Elixer of Movement. Pop one of these to increase your speed by 3000. 

These elixirs last 5 hours and at the low cost of 10mp each, it's a great deal for all of that extra power.

Get yours today, on sale at The Con Shop.
Now also available in bux size. 

Now... back to the highlights.

Round 2 had a lot more beatdowns than close battles, but there were a few close ones to highlight.

In division 8, Pain Inc. had the antidote to The Infected 5¹. 
Infected 5¹ feels the Pain as they fell, 68-30.

Division 11 had a super close battle between Queen's Mate and The King's Gambit. 
Queen's Mate gets the Checkmate as Gambit loses its King. 
Queen's Mate wins, 82-79. next time let the pawns go first.

In division 12, relative unknowns, Scavenger of Wasteland battle The Surfers. 
The Surfers hang 10 and ride the wave to victory over the Scavengers, 20-11. Duuuude.

Now it's time for the beatdowns. 

There were quite a few but I'll just highlight a few.
Division 4 had ᗷOᗰᗷSᑫᑌᗩᗪ 1 blowup on The Aussie Freaks. Just a few pieces left after that explosion. 
ᗷOᗰᗷSᑫᑌᗩᗪ 1 takes the win, 108-14.
In division 5, Outlaws Inc. massacre the SOB HUNTER /KILLERS. 
Outlaws Inc. takes the W, 64-1. Bad Outlaws. Bad Outlaws.

Next, in division 6, $tα¢кє∂Ðê¢k does it again. With a second win in 2 rounds, the MIGHTY JUSTICE AVENGERS got the bad Joker and lose the hand they were dealt, 102-14.

In division 9, ᗷOᗰᗷSᑫᑌᗩᗪ 2 also gave a beatdown to their opponents, The New Freaks. 
The New Freaks get burnt, 70-3.

Division 10 had 2 beatdowns. Well, the ᗷOᗰᗷSᑫᑌᗩᗪ had a stellar round 2. ᗷOᗰᗷSᑫᑌᗩᗪ mini blasted the MacGregors!!, 50-0 


SUFFERING takes the win 21- 0.

In division 11, it's another ᗷOᗰᗷSᑫᑌᗩᗪ beatdown. 
ᗷOᗰᗷSᑫᑌᗩᗪ 3 against The Cursed Cats. Them cats ran out of extra lives, and they get skinned, 50-8.

Well, folks, that's about it for the highlights of round 2, LWS 18- BACK TO BASICS. 

It's time to get ready for the big beatdowns in round 3.

Who will take home the gold? 
We shall see as that round is starting soon.

Don't forget to stop at The Con Shop for your Elixirs and other helpful cons before the start of round 3 finals. 

Good luck and goodnight, everyone.