Thursday, February 1, 2024



The monthly bonus for Sentinel editorials and Fan-Fiction continues in February with A NEW CONTEST in addition to the usual monthly editorial bonus for reviews, commentaries, game guides, gear talk, and origin stories.

Here is the contest prompt: post a link of an epic battle you had recently and write a short commentary not unlike the AI-generated ones (Life from the streets). Let's see if you can do BETTER than AI!

All entries that are submitted to the Sentinel page by the end of the month will be entered into the contest and awarded according to merit (2 to 5 Strange Fiction cards) and those selected to be published will also receive additional bonus rewards at the end of the month (see below).

As it was with last month, ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE SENTINEL PAGE that have been published will be assessed and given bonus rewards based on merit as follows:

PLATINUM: 7 Strange Fiction cards (only reserved for EXCEPTIONAL submissions)

GOLD: 5 Strange Fiction cards

SILVER: 3 to 4 Strange Fiction cards

BRONZE: 1 to 2 Strange Fiction cards

These rewards go out after the end of each month and are IN ADDITION to the usual Sentinel rewards from Daniel Andrade for published entries.

Here are the categories/prompts:

Category One:
REVIEWS/COMMENTARIES of ad hoc and regular events, including fan-fiction role play, etc.

Category Two:
GAME GUIDES, GEAR TALK, and other editorials about game mechanics.

Category OPEN:
What is your origin story? How did you end up in the Heroes Rising universe? (And any other Fan-Fiction.)

Just post your submissions to the Sentinel page as usual for Categories One and Two. To enter the OPEN CATEGORY post your entries to the Fan-Fiction forum with the following in the title: "FAN-FICTION CONTEST" and the title of your entry. Please also add a link to your entry in the Sentinel page so that we can monitor all entries.

Yours Quackily,