Monday, February 5, 2024

The Definitive Guide To Building A Monster Toon On A Budget; The Final Volume

Presented by:
The Hanzo Ninja Clan School Of Anything Goes Martial Arts


While this series and all my articles have always been intended to help all players, the primary focus has always been to help the free and budget player find ways to grind out a toon that could be competitive with the pay to win players. Well, you can take every article I have ever written and throw it out. They no longer have any value. Every time I write an article that shows play to win players how to move their toon forward, the development team here nerfs it and takes it away from you. So there's really no point in writing them. Trying to give you any kind of advantage merely causes me to lose it. So I won't be writing any more. If you have questions or need advice from me, most of you are more than welcome to ask directly.

As far as SC toons go, the increase in tokens for Krampus raids and the removal of sc from all but hero raids has firmly taken the advantage building an sc toon had, out of the hands of free and budget players and put only in the hands of the big money players and those who got in early enough that their sc build is either already finished or damn near. I'm sorry if you ruined your toon to pursue building an sc toon, just to now discover it will take years or lots of money to complete now. I know many who did. I wish I could change that for you, but the league led by a pay to win player and filled with toons that already finished their sc builds, successfully campaigned to take the affordable sc build out of your hands, and keep you from catching them. I'm just as disgusted as those of you that ruined your toons. GL with the rebuild, and for those players that aren't pay to win or didn't have an sc build near completion before this drastic change, I hope you can enjoy the parts of the game that aren't pvp and pay to win.