Wednesday, February 7, 2024

(Player RP- 10879) Requiem for a Legend

(This was composed before the publication of Chapter 14 of The Ragnarok Prophecy was released)

"We salute those who gave their all, in defense of this world and its people. Each and every one of them deserving of a glorious tribute and a place in the annals of history. Among them are various heroes within our collective leagues as well as men and women of BADGE who rose up during moments of doubt and fear, to conquer and overcome.

"To adapt a famous quote often used in literature, and especially apt considering the themes of Norse legends, 'HAIL THE VICTORIOUS DEAD!'"

Some in the audience immediately raised a glass, and repeated the chant, "Hail the Victorious Dead!"

"Many have offered words of tribute and acknowledgement of the being some call Midgard, some call Jormungandr, others more familiarly, The Serpent. Amongst my friends, I've called him Snakey, but would never dare say it to his face."

Some chuckles from the assembled people present, allowed Tri-blade a brief moment to pause and reflect. He continued.

"Some people have called him a villain, others an anti-hero. His tale is long, tightly-weaved, and spans years countless to most of us. For those of us who have met his acquaintance in this and other realms, you'll understand his character cannot be reduced to such simple terms.

"Some saw a creature brash or belligerent. Others saw the humanity behind the piercing scales, booming voice, and immense mass particularly when transformed. Like many humans though, he had a fondness for the outdoors, the thrill of a hunt, the laughter among friends.

"My personal interactions with him weren't many and pale heavily in comparison to his leaguemates in this realm and in S.H.C., but they were always insightful and revealing. In my very last conversation with him, he took the time to personally thank myself among others for driving him to increase his strength in a distinct aspect of battling. At the time, I brushed if off as faint praise, but over time I have come to recognize the genuine respect that he carries, even for rivals... no matter the disparity in strength or influence.

"Some myths suggest that Midgardsomr was destined to rend the world asunder, be a world-breaker. I saw it much differently, and the events of the past months showed exactly that.

"He. Loved. This. Realm.

"Few here have such an intense, genuine, love for this realm. To him, his drive was balance. Fairness for all, each person being able to achieve with whatever gifts they possessed. We all may argue about methods or the best way to achieve this, but his passion was unmatched.

"Hail the Serpent. Hail his quest for balance. May his efforts be ever-felt in the hearts of us all."
