Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Fan-Fiction Contest: My Multiverse - Cracked Mirror

by Dark Mourning aka Kyra Slade (ID: 10894)  Multiverse Prime

I was an orphan by the age seven. My father was killed in a war and my mother overdosed on drugs. I lived with my maternal grandparents until my grandmother passed. Shortly afterwards I was adopted by my father’s brother and his wife. They invited my maternal grandfather to live with us. While AJ (aka “Vol Kana”) and I were raised as sisters, she is really my first cousin.

My first supernatural encounter occurred when I was nine. Shortly after my maternal grandfather passing, I walked down the hall to my bedroom and through his ghost. He was cold as ice. I helped him to transition to the other side.

As a member of B.A.D.G.E, I became known as “4 Ever” based on my forever DNA aberration research.

Eighteen months ago, I felt a temporal shift which triggered visions and the manifestation of another entity. These events changed my appearance, turning my blonde curls to black and my skin to a whiter shade of pale. I still consider myself as “4 Ever” but there is a place where they call me “Dark Mourning”. Whether “Dark Mourning” is a past reflection, future incarnation, or from a different reality, I do not know. I adopted the name “Dark Mourning”.

Three months ago, I had a dream of another “Four Ever”. She is like my “4 Ever” but also so much different.

Across the Multiverse: I step into the rift that takes me to “Four Ever” and her world.

“Four Ever” was waiting for me. She tells me she had a recent dream that explained my background. After we complete our conversation, she gives me a hug. Her supernatural origins echo mine with her maternal grandfather’s ghost. Also, with her work at BADGE with the DNA research.

The most significant change in Alpha was that “Four Ever” was not on orphan. After meeting her parents, the despair welled up inside me. Something dark remains deep inside, and I cannot reconcile my feelings. I truly became “Dark Mourning”. I wonder if the events of 18 months ago foreshadowed my despair.

It’s not that I resent “Four Ever”, she has the life I would have liked to have had. I recall something my childhood therapist told “You are greater than the sum of your experiences. No one else has had these experiences in the same order and at the same point in time in their life that you have had. That makes you unique. And never let one single event define you “. I realize if I had her life, I would be her, and not me. And I am very comfortable with me.

My mind was muddled and my assistance to “Four Ever” was filled with errors. The most significant was assigning our early BADGE points to monthly MPs Perk. In hindsight, increasing the Consumer Perk would have provided daily boosts with fights and energy. Another thing was that I was hung up about was the Movement Skill. It took a few days to fully understand the new combat changes where Attack and Defense are now more meaningful. There were also some changes to the Equipment Effects.

I heartily support that the new combat system and effects changes make it to the Prime Multiverse.

We hooked up with many of my friends from Prime to create the Multiverse Freaks League. We took the Silver Medal in the League War.

For MP powers, we sold any dropped MP Laser Eyes and kept everything. Any MP powers with a Level 1 primary score of at least 150 was trained to Level 5. Most Crystal and Bux powers were leveled-up as well. I relied heavily on Crystals in order to conserve and build my cash balance. "Four Ever" was not keen on harvesting Crystals.

“Four Ever” and I made the mistake of not conserving our energy consumables during the last Atlas. They would have been helpful during the Boss Raid and Explosion weekend.

Heading into the last weekend events, my goal was to collect 200 Multiverse points. My last mistake was not having the foresight to stockpile various consumables from the BADGE Shop earlier. It would have made things easier. Better late than never.

Late Saturday, “Four Ever” suggested “Let’s respec our skills all to energy.”

“There’s no return from that move, once they move, they're there forever. Pun intended.” I replied with a smile.

She talked to Alpha “Vol Kana” and both would respec skills on Sunday morning.

When the dust settled on Monday and the goal exceeded, “Four Ever” wanted to see how far we could go. We continued shopping at BADGE and plugged away at raids.

In the end, my foibles did not impact “Four Ever” too seriously. She became a strong and viable Supernatural superhero. If I ever get back to Alpha, I would like to get to know her parents better. I probably should bring that up at my next therapy session.

I’m happy with the results. I got to play in ways that I never imagined and had oodles of fun doing so. I am not telling what I brought back from Alpha.