Monday, July 22, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Stone Age Part 3

 Arx struck a confident gait as he approached the new ATLAS sector of the BADGE space station. Originally, they had designated a refurbished meeting room and some extra storage space for ATLAS. Under Justin’s administration, the team completely rebuilt the section of the station for the purposes of ATLAS.

“Morning, Arx. Working with the new recruits today?” Marge, one of his team members, greeted him as she headed for the mess.

“Twelve new people, all ready to join our work.”

“Love it. Hope some choose to stay up here. We have plenty of extra room in the ATLAS quarters.”

“I’ll encourage them to think about it.”

“Nice to have company during down time.” Marge turned a different corner toward the mess hall, “Oh, they got some great roast beef at the Jacks Buffet and Grill, you should try it.”

“Will do.” He left her for the main meeting room.

He walked into a large room with screens all around it. Three robots with ‘ATLAS’ painted over their designation numbers worked at the computers. The large screens had maps of the Earth. Some were tracking weather, some were looking at ocean conditions. In the middle of the large, circular room was a set of computer stations that allowed communication access for ground teams. In the middle of that ring of computers were tables with holo projectors in the middle of them.

Seated at the tables were all the new recruits from the recent influx of morphon infused people. There were people of all ages and races. An elderly man using a cane smiled at him, seated next to an aboriginal woman who looked as nervous as a cat. It was not uncommon for these new people to be nervous. This was a strange place for most people to experience. There was the same girl he met in the shuttle bay here as well, and she was not nervous. She was smiling at him with a flirty glint in her eye.

“Welcome to ATLAS, I’m Arx. I lead these teams and will be your instructor and guide. Today, I’ll acquaint you with our operation and answer your initial questions. After that, we will give you a series of papers to read about our work so you can study and be ready for tomorrow’s first sessions with the trainers.

A young man stuck his hand up and spoke at the same time. “Sir, will you assign us quarters on this station, or will you move us back and forth each day?”

“You’ll have a room on the station. In fact, ATLAS has its own quarters for our heroes. If you choose to stay and make this a career, you will have the choice of joining one of the ground teams or the base team here. Both locations have designated space for ATLAS members to have a room.” He saw the nervous Australian girl slowly putting her hand up. “Yes?”

“Do we have to wear costumes of the heroes like you?”

Arx gestured to his loose chiton. “It is not a requirement of the ATLAS people to be suited like heroes. However, during your education, you will have the opportunity to try hero costumes. You might find that the costume is not just a fashion statement, it is designed for the strenuous work you will need to do. But, as ATLAS members, you have a choice. Now, let’s save any further questions for the end. I would like to introduce you to the primary operations center for Atlas.”

He went through his normal introduction session he has practiced and performed many times before. In explained the weather, seismic, and volcanic sensors on display. He showed them several videos of former ATLAS events in action. He finished by explaining the sort of training required to join and the training expected to maintain membership in ATLAS. With the last of the questions answered, he finished this seminar into ATLAS. Several of the permanent ATLAS residents of the station entered the room just then.

“Okay, on the table are computer tablets for you to use. We have assigned each person present an individual computer tablet. You’ll find your name on the screen and a waiting place for you to press your thumb into it. On that will be your room assignment, the reading required for tonight, and FAQs on ATLAS. The people in the back will help you find your rooms and show you around. Don’t be afraid to explore the station. There are restricted areas, but there are also many things to see and do. Enjoy. You’re dismissed.”

As the gathering retrieved their personalized tablet and met up with one guide, Arx went to check in with the robot, watching the main sensors. However, that same girl he had already met approached him.

“Mr. Arx, sir, can I ask you a question?”

He smiled. She was cute. “Um, sure. And, don’t call me mister. Arx is fine. We go by hero names first.”

“Oh, sorry. I was just wondering about the uniforms. I’d love to have a hero uniform. How do I get one?”

“That’s no problem. We have a special area where robots will fit you for a uniform. Lots of selection. You’re Adrianne, right?”


“You were amazing in the assessment. The powers you have are better refined than most new people.”

She blushed, “Thanks. I only got them recently, but I had some time to practice. Someone I know already had powers and was teaching me before I got summoned by BADGE.”

“Oh, who? Another hero?”

“Just someone at the local Fight Club. You know, one of the trainers.”

Arx frowned, “That’s unusual. Fight Clubs aren’t supposed to train people before BADGE fully assesses them. But I guess no harm, no foul.”

“Well, I suppose I should... oh, the others are gone.” She looked back to find no other ATLAS members.

Arx said, “No problem. I can show you to your quarters.”

“What I’d really like is something to eat. I’m starving.”

“I haven’t had lunch either. Why don’t I show you to the mess first and then your quarters?”

“Sounds like a splendid plan.”

The robot near them announced, “Seismic activity registered: 15.4542° North and 18.7322° East.”

Arx looked up at the map. “What level?”

“4.1 magnitude.”

Adrianne asked, “Is that bad?”

“No. That might shake up a few people, but it seems to be centered where the potential danger is minimal at best.”

“So, there’s nothing to worry ATLAS about?” she said, keeping her eyes fixed on the dot indicating the earthquake. A hint of fear in her eyes.

Arx shook his head. “Not now. But, this is odd. This has happened on and off for several weeks now, in that area. Nothing bad, but enough to see it. I don’t know what to make of it. Robot, register a report for Nova to look over. I’d like his input.”

“Understood. Sending.”

“Now, I hear the buffet has... Adrianne?” She was still staring at that dot.

Shaking this off, she said, “Lunch sounds good.”

“Something wrong?”

“Oh, no. Just... tired, I guess.”

“ATLAS deals with natural disasters much worse than this. If you’re shaken up, it could be dangerous for you out there.”

She shook her head. “I’m not shaken. Don’t worry. Now, come on.”

He led her out of the room, dismissing the alert and her concern as he fought hard not to turn on all of his flirting.
