Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Stone Age Part 11

 Adrianne waited in the operation room of ATLAS with a few of the other trainees. The others looked a little disheveled after last night’s party, but were in good spirits. Adrianne appeared as though she were going to be ill.

“Hey, didn’t see you much last night after that amazing dance,” A young man said.

Adrianne didn’t catch anyone was talking to her.

“Musta had one hell of a night.” He nudged her arm.

She jumped and then looked at him. “Sorry. Did you need something?”

“No. I was just wondering what happened to you last night. You danced with Mr. Arx and then disappeared.”

A woman across from them slyly said, “Arx vanished as well. I saw him leave and not come back.”

Adrianne said, “Look, don’t get any wild ideas. He and I... are working friends. That’s all. He was called away for some BADGE business and I didn’t feel much like doing more dancing.”

“Where is he, anyway?” The young man asked.

Adrianne said, “I was just wondering that myself. I really need to talk to him.”

“Sure you do.” The pestering tone of the woman across from her made Adrianne want to give her a real icy chill right about now.

The screen in the table came alive with Arx’s face. “Hey, everyone. I’m called away for some important business in the main Operations. So, for today, there’s a list of standard training programs. Each person will pick two from the list and run them in simulator seven. Work at your own pace for now. You’re all doing great. Arx out.”

“Damn.” Adrianne whispered under her breath.

The computer on the table displayed a long list of simulated disasters for ATLAS to cover. The others were selecting their two for the day, while Adrianne grew more nervous by the moment.

“Look, honey, he has a great chest and cute butt, but you have work to do. Stop fussing and pick your two.” The girl rudely stated.

The young man said, “Becky, you don’t have to be like that. This isn’t High School.”

“I know what it is. But even up here, drooling over the teacher is not cool.” She snickered.

Adrianne was about to tell her where she could stick her opinion when the seismic sensor went off again. The others didn’t notice it, but she recognized the sound from when she was in here before. On the smaller screen on the left wall, two distinct earthquake signatures were showing in Chad, Africa.

“I have to find him before it’s too late.” Adrianne rushed out of the room.


Nova left the Operations center for the conference room at the back. Inside were Arx, EB, Torrik, and Chase. All poured over information on tablets, while three videos played on monitors around the room.

“What have you found? Torrik, what are you doing here?”

Torrik almost spoke, but EB answered, “I asked him to come. This is some serious magic to untangle. Normally, I’m really good at this. Like, a total pro. But, this is big trouble, and I didn’t want to make any mistakes. I know, it’s not like me to call in help, but even I can need help. This one time, I went to Bavaria when I was trying to figure out this new cake candy bar... sorry...” EB shrunk down in his seat at the withering glare from Nova.

Torrik said, “Krystal Fae is powerful and clever. This spell she used proved to be extremely complicated. In a strange way, it keeps track of important things for the past few days before it becomes active. Apparently, it is always there, and it works only if she’s in deep trouble.”

“Good to know. What did she send us?” Nova sat beside them.

Arx pointed at the video monitors. “EB and Torrik were able to translate what she saw into these videos. Snippets of what she saw each day, important things. There are several of her and Alex investigating those orbs, then going to a Fight Club in Tripoli and talking to the gym leader there. Then... well, look at this.” He pressed a button, but nothing happened.

“Oh, sorry. This is magic, not technical.” EB waved his paw at the screen.

They were looking at the world around Krystal from her eyes. It showed Krystal and Alex join forces with the small group in Africa. They saw the capture. While Krystal lay on her side, they witnessed the conversation between Antaeus and Mama Pepo. They even watched as the witch cast a spell over Krystal and she stood and spoke for a camera being held by the chief of Antaeus’s security.

When the images stopped, Nova said, “I want to know who this Antaeus is.”

Arx said, “We had the computers run searches across the globe and couldn’t find any information. Other than historical data about the Antaeus from Greek Mythology, we have nothing. The facial recognition program cannot seem to find any information. His stone face seems to cause the program some issues.”

Nova said, “Don’t tell me this is the real Antaeus, son of Poseidon and Gaia.”

Torrik said, “You can’t dismiss the possibility. Though doubtful he is a demi-god, he could be something like EB. An ancient alien who has only revealed himself again. Or something like that.”

“I have been around for a long time...” Nova started.

EB added, “A LOOOOOOOONG TIME. I mean, Nova is really, really, really old. Super old...”

“Thank you, EB.” Nova cleared his throat. “I have never encountered any Antaeus.”

Arx said, “We found some information on this woman.” He pointed at the witch. “Born Arafa Izou in a small tribe in Chad, Africa. She gained a reputation as a threat among the locals for her early involvement in forbidden tribal witchcraft. Locals accused her of cursing cattle, crops, and other women, but the justice system could not intervene because of the lack of tangible evidence. The locals started calling her Mama Pepo, or mother demon. BADGE registered that three years ago she gained morphon powers and has used them to enhance her witchcraft. She has been off our radar since she has done nothing to require the attention of BADGE... until now.”

Torrik said, “Apparently, from what I could tell, she is using some kind of morphonic magic to brainwash people. Through Krystal’s eyes, I can see that several of the surrounding people are currently being brainwashed. I doubt they know what they are doing.”

Nova said, “I don’t like this. If it were just this Mama Pepo, then we go in. But, I want to know more about this Antaeus. What kind of threat is he? Is he another puppet of hers?”

“No.” EB said, “Torrik and I checked every glimpse we could. He has no magical influence over him. He’s clean.”

Arx said, “But he is a threat. More than once, we witnessed earthquakes from Krystal’s eyes. I know ATLAS has been following minor quakes in that area recently,... a lot of them. I thought it was natural and nothing to worry about. But, now I believe he can do this. We could see he has a lot of control over the ground and rocks, so it adds up. But that also makes him a dangerous threat.”

Nova said, “Then we have little choice. This Antaeus and Mama Pepo have kidnapped BADGE agents, countless hostages, and others. They are a threat to that region and could present far-reaching dangers outside of that. So, I am going to authorize a full strike. EB, Torrik, I want you to help prepare our heroes for potential mental attacks. I don’t want any more brainwashed heroes. All leagues near there will be alerted for a full atta…”

“No! Please, don’t!” Adrianne rushed into the room.

Nova shot up and had his gun out, aimed right at her. “What the!”

She slid to a stop and found her arms being held by vines growing up from the ground under Torrik’s control. EB had two eggs ready to throw.

“Adrianne?” Arx got up and approached her.

“Please don’t attack him.”

Nova demanded, “How did you get in here? This is the most secured location on this station.”

She said, “I... had a card.”

“Oh, no.” Arx realized where this came from. “I gave that to you because I trusted you.”

“Please, understand. I had to come. I can’t let you do this.”

“Do what?” Nova asked, still livid.

She whispered, “Please, don’t kill my brother.”
