Saturday, August 15, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: A New Darkness Part 11


Starmaster knelt and looked through one skylight above the magnificent banquet hall. The computer tablet near him had the controls active on it that allowed him to disable any sensors and cameras nearby that would alert people to his presence.

Several dozen well-dressed members of North Onnotangu’s elite class mingled. Servants served wine, champagne, and a wide selection of finger foods.

“Chase, can you hear me?” He spoke into a wrist communicator.

Chase casually glanced upward as she sipped some champagne. She couldn’t see Starmaster, but she knew where to look. Her glance answered his question.

Just then a man approached her. “Ah, Shizue is it?”


In his native tongue he asked, “So, I was told you speak perfect English like an American.”

“Of course. I’m highly trained and sought after as a tutor. I have taught all our international spies.”

The old man grew giddy. “Oh, that is perfect American English. So perfect. And you are a lovely young lady.”

She smiled at him and took his arm. “This is also my first official function. I know so few of these fine people. Perhaps you could introduce me?”

“My pleasure, my pleasure. And, don’t stop speaking that English, it is so amazing to hear.”

“Oh, that would be my pleasure.”

Several hours passed while Mr. Otoro introduced her to every notable noble of the disgusting upper crust of this despotic nation. She received no less than five invitations to come and tutor the children of these elites. Several unashamedly let her know that they would reward the bedroom. Above her, Starmaster was ready to zap these pigs into the atmosphere, but Chase was cool and collected, leading these people on without slipping up once.

“Oh, Ms. Shizue, I’d like you to meet General Paneki and General Kaukatsu, two of the closest generals to the Dear Leader.”

Chase gave them the appropriate bow for this culture. “How nice to meet you.”

Kaukatsu gave her a curious look. “You speak English so well.”

“It is my specialty. I am surprised you didn’t know. I have personally instructed some of our top spies.” She went with the flow.

Paneki reached out to take her arm. “I would like to have a word with you.”

Just then a buzzer sounded from both of their phones. Every security detail in the room went active.

Mr. Otoro gasped. “Looks like the Dear Leader is coming. I am excited to meet him again. I suppose you two have duties.” He moved with Chase away from the two generals.

Both men sneered in disgust but obeyed the call of their supreme leader.

Chase smiled. “Oh, I didn’t expect him for at least another hour.” She said this for Starmaster’s benefit, as he had the secret itinerary on the tablet so they could keep tabs on the dictator.

Starmaster said in her ear, “He is just calling them so they can prepare some grand procession. We are still on schedule. Find those shards.”

Mr. Otoro asked, “Is something wrong? You look distracted.”

“Oh, must be too much Champagne. You know, I would like to get out of this stuffy room. I don’t suppose you could show me to a restroom?”

“Of course. This way.” He led her out of the banquet room and pointed her down the hall.

She smiled and hurried away, “Be right back. Don’t let anyone else get a hold on that strong arm.” She teased him, and it worked. He was as giddy as a teenager on a date with a hot girl.

Stepping into the bathroom, she quickly raced into a stall and changed. Starmaster spoke in her earpiece, “Strong arm?”

“Just keeping him distracted.”

“I think he was more than distracted. He has been staring at your cleavage all night.”

Chase pulled off the dress, revealing her catsuit, scrunched to hide. “I don’t care if he drooled on me, he helped me create the illusion. If anyone saw us together, they would dismiss me. He is known. That is all I needed.”

“Too bad you weren’t at your old game. Did you see the jewels in that room?”

Chase laughed and held up a gold watch. “I stay in practice.” She stuffed the expensive timepiece in her pack, pulled her hair up tight, and then checked from under the stall for signs of other people. Once clear, she was out of the bathroom and hiding in the shadows.

“Do you know where to look?” Starmaster asked.

“Yes. I have a good idea now. Northwest corner of the building.”

“And just how do you know that? We have nothing to go on.”

She dashed from one shadow to another, swiftly maneuvering herself across this massive compound. “Weren’t you listening?”

“Yes. And all I heard was you flirting with every man in that room.”

“Precisely. Alcohol and a pretty girl often loosen lips of undersexed older men. The scientists I talked to bragged about conducting business for their leader here. The head of security that touched my butt twice, he told me he had a secure place we could scratch his itch, the sealed labs in the southwest. And that gemologist told me all about the rubies he was working with in the labs. So, that must be the location.”

Starmaster gave off a slow clap. “Double O seven should take lessons from you.”

She stopped and carefully peered around a corner. “I don’t work with amateurs.”

At the end of a dark hallway, she stopped before a series of doors. They all appeared as simple, nicely carved doors, nothing particularly special. Pressing her ear up to each, she gave them a small tap, then finally settled on one. “This is it.”

“How do you know?”

She checked the panels along the walls. “Because the others are reinforced with steel, this has something twice as strong, and the echo tells me it is filled with locking mechanisms.” With a push, a hidden door opened and a card key slot popped out, blinking.

“I can’t even see you any longer. Your dot left the map five minutes ago.”

“That means I’m right where the security is the highest, which means they have something hidden here. Now, to unlock the door.”

“I know you are good at complicated locks but I doubt that is like a museum vault.”

She flipped out a security card. “No need, I have access.” Swiping it, the door allowed her in.

“Where did you get that?”

She tucked the card away and entered the lab. “I told you, I let that security guard touch my butt, twice. Well, I was touching him at the same time. He was aroused, I was snatching his top-level security card.”

“I...didn’t need to hear that.”

Chase crept through the laboratory. Most of the lights were off, only small devices and a few computers gave illumination. Weapons and other terrible gadgets were being worked on.

“What do you see?”

Chase pulled out a small eyepiece no bigger than a quarter. She placed it over her eye and scanned the room. “There, in that corner, I’m picking up a unique energy signature.” Walking over to a large, box-like device, she pressed a few buttons, and the top lifted, revealing a glass case with five red shards resting inside. Sensors were working diligently, gathering data at all times.

“I found them. And it looks like they have two more than we expected.”

“Awesome. Let’s get them and get the hell out of here.”

“One moment.” She went over to a computer and pulled out a special computer hacking device from BADGE. By attaching it, she bypassed the computer’s security and got into all the key systems for the entire compound. “Okay, I’m in. Now, to...just…there. The sensor system is down, they cannot detect superpowers. Transport in and let’s get this done.”

Almost instantly, Starmaster appeared in a flash of light. “Wow, this place is crazy. Good thing they’re having that ritzy party tonight. All eyes are over there.”

Chase walked him over to the case with the shards. “Looks like it has both an encrypted lock and a security field. I couldn’t deactivate either from the computer access. No problem. I can get this lock undone. If we trip the security field, you’ll get us out of here long before...” A hand grabbed her from behind and something was forced onto her neck. She reached for it, but it gave her a nasty shock and she hit the ground in a dead slump.

Starmaster was going to her defense when one of those collars slapped onto his neck. The last thing he saw was the faces of two generals and then flashing lights in his eyes. The world went black, and he was out cold.
