Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Hero Highlights- Ice Ray Academy

I have the distinct pleasure today to introduce a little known group of heroes. I first encountered them in dimension S-H-C, and have been quite satisfied to call them allies.

Can you tell us your name, or would you prefer your Hero designation/code name?
A3~~"You can call me Aphrael but my name is AphraeltheFaeChildGoddessofInnocenceversion3.0. My students here are Corrine Daniels and Jenna Firemage."
CD~~I'm Corrine Daniels, and I am a Time Magic specialist. I can slow or speed up time and travel through it, but I can only change the past by changing violent acts into peaceful ones, or by stopping enemies of ours who also travel through time causing chaos. I may look young but secretly I am over 150 years old.
JF~~Hello. My name is Jenna Firemage and Corrine is my much older cousin. While I mainly use fire elemental attacks, I should not be taken lightly because I hold tremendous power within me that in the past has literally shaken non HR dimensions, but only those cleared by Aphrael herself, such as Krystal, can learn of these secrets. I can say, though, that I use more than just fire magic.
Are you working thru B.A.D.G.E. or are you independent?
A3~~We work independently from B.A.D.G.E. through our Academy, Ice Ray Academy, which has been a magical school in many different realities throughout time and different dimensions. Our school is our home where we learn to harness the magic we learn and from within us to battle the Legion and meta criminals too.
Are you currently in a League, and if so, would you care to tell us about it?
A3~~ Not a League, per se, but an Academy. It is known, to the few we have come to trust, as Ice Ray Academy.
Can you tell us a little about your powers? Are all of your powers Morphon based?
A3~~Ah... my powers you ask? (Aphrael smiles slightly) Well, they are pretty much summarized in my bio. I can't be more specific than that, since I am a true deity/goddess, after all.
We have already explained our non-secret powers, chime in Jenna and Corrine. But we have secret ones, that like Aphrael, we can not give further detail on unless a situation very specifically calls for that and the High Council of Ice Ray Academy must vote to allow us to assist BADGE only at those times.
Do you have a sidekick?
A3~~I prefer partners to sidekicks.
CD~~We act as sidekicks to a degree. (Jenna nods in agreement.)
Could you tell us a little about your origin?
A3~~ (looking very faintly pained and misty-eyed)
My Oracle, Sephrenia Darklighter, and I are the last of our actual race. Long ago on a parallel Earth, my race once flourished in peace. But then came a wicked being known as Nicol Bolas.
He not only orchestrated massacres of my followers until I had only one, which left me weak enough for him to destroy my physical form; over the centuries that followed, he plunged my race into slaughter by other races, until only myself and my Oracle, Sephrenia, remained. We became the last two Styrics in existence.
To save ourselves we sought out a mighty mage, who not only sent us to a version of Earth. Bolas had not come there yet, and they also helped us meet the one known in legends as Merlin. He helped form what is now known as Ice Ray Academy.
CD~~(silently wiping a tear from her eye) "My own story is sad. but far too involved to provide here. I will provide the details at a later time.
JF~~I was once an innocent child, along with my twin brothers, in another version of Earth. It was a quiet and peaceful land though that was not to last. At a certain time, an old enemy of my family overthrew the good and honest Council of Ice Ray Academy and set themselves up as an evil tyrant to rule the Institute by fear.
My family rebelled against this being, my parents and all their families were killed, or worse turned into...(Jenna gulps) ...Driders, to serve the wicked being known as Spider Queen of Dark Elves, Lolth, as punishment. My twin brothers, known as the Chad twins, and I were the only known survivors. Aphrael and Sephrenia, with the aid of a few surviving teachers, protected us until we became teenagers. We trained in order to avenge our family and restore our school to honor and peace.
What is your favorite piece of gear? Why?
A3~~None at this time. (both Corrine and Jenna shake their heads)
Do you have any advice for new Heroes?
(All nod)
JF~~More important than spending on equipment or powers is to make strong allies whom you can depend on...
CD~~...who are full of positive virtues.
A3~~This will help you become stronger in heart and mind to benefit those who are weaker than you, or not benefited by Morphon abilities.
Is there anything else you'd care to add?
A3~~Learn from our tragedies that you do not allow negative emotions to ruin your lives. Use your strengths in honest ways to protect the powerless, or you will end up worse than the villains you strive against.
Thank you, ladies, for your time and insights.
Till next time, my friends.