Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Raid Conclusion: Lady Phoenix's Rage has ended...

by Chaz Hamilton

ID: 22349

It is often spoken of, the evil that dwells in the hearts of everyone. A constant battle between the brilliance of light and the void of darkness as they attempt to overcome one another. It often seems effortless to be bad. To not care for anyone but yourself. And doing right and good takes effort. It isn’t easy to ignore the temptation to do wrong when nobody is watching.

On the waters of the Atlantic, these desperate heroes have pushed themselves to defeat the Lady Phoenix, a being corrupted by these very dark influences that live within everyone. Where did their drive to do so come from?

Is it to honor a dead family member who taught a them an important lesson?

Did someone once wrong them and in doing so, created a person dedicated to being protecting the less fortunate?

Good parentage in the right household at the right time?

A divine spark that seeks to defeat anything that opposes its glorious purpose?


There are likely as many reasons for what has driven these heroes to take to the battlefield. The truth of makes them heroes could be buried so deeply into their persona that they aren’t even aware of their motivations.

It might be the leadership provided by Director Nova, or even Santa himself. Is there anyone who couldn’t be influenced by a desire to remain off the Naughty List?

Speaking of Santa, not long ago, he had taken advantage of an opportunity where the Lady Phoenix has been knocked to the ground, her fiery bird-aura extinguished. She fell beneath the combined might of many heroes working in unison.

Krystal Fae manipulated magical machinations making mystical munitions, moreover, manifesting magnificent morale-boosting measures.

The Awesome was still in the battle, swinging like a champ. 5th’s Nightmare before Christmas snuck in and was stealing every opportunity to inflict massive damage with maximum effort by doing the dirty work himself. Macaia’s Daughter has pushed at every weakness given by Lady Phoenix. Captain Bob, Fleagle,… There were so many active heroes that I could not identify many of them in the flurry of action. Before a bright, intense light flared from around her after she had fallen, two notable events occurred. An unknown individual leapt at her and Skelanimal struck her with a final, incapacitating blow.

And now, the battlefield is silent. A stunned silence triggered by an unexpected turn.

Just like the Grinch at the precipice of Christmas morning, Krampus returned, changed, and is said to have found his heart. The full story will likely never be known, but the murmur from the heroes is that Krampus has sacrificed himself so that Lady Phoenix, Agent Chase, and Santa himself will live.

An unnatural stillness fills the world around me right now. There are no longer waves of heat billowing to the shore from over the ocean. Smoke is dissipating, allowing blue skies to be seen. The stirred waters are calming, no longer churning in response to the ebb and flow of battle. And the heroes are speaking in hushed tones amongst themselves, trying to comprehend what would trigger Krampus to change so significantly, so momentously.

Perhaps, there may be a bit of good in every dark soul just as there is a touch of darkness to the good. A concept displayed by the yin and yang of Chinese philosophy. Did the crucible of his own creation burn away that which poisoned Krampus’s inner self? It is unfortunate that it took so much death and destruction for him to learn such a lesson.

In my final report on the battle against Lady Phoenix’s Rage, I want to thank everyone for following along. Think on this moment when you face a struggle. If Krampus can find it in himself to be noble and good, the possibility must live within us all.

Thank you to all the heroes as well. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened should you not have succeeded, an perhaps a tiny bit of Christmas magic was saved for each of you, as you did not need to cause or witness the death of one of your friends, allies, or companions.

I will close with the top damage dealers, as reported by B.A.D.G.E.

673,104 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

633,594 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

596,567 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

422,086 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

386,120 Damage: The Avenger

385,531 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

357,274 Damage: ~666~ Falconetti ♦♞♦

351,292 Damage: ♦the Island♦

300,785 Damage: ߣµε Drå§ô∩

283,316 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

Happy New Year to you all.