Thursday, December 17, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Chase the Myth part 8


Tri-blade knelt at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. Peering through a special set of binoculars, he observed the growing structure over the water. Metal and other objects continued to gather and assemble into a demonic castle.

Clicking on his communicator, he said, “Hey, Closer, it’s still growing.”

“What do you propose?”

Tri-Blade watched as a school bus floated around this castle, shredded into thousands of pieces which were absorbed into the structure. “I don’t really know. This thing looks dangerous.”

The Closer said, “Fifth Precinct is keeping the media at bay. Don’t want any downed helicopters or other civilian casualties. However, they’re going to want to get in there, and BADGE already gets enough blame from the media for concealing this kinda stuff.”

“I know. But, they’re just going to... wait, he’s coming back.” Tri-blade put his communicator down as a large spray of water moved toward him.

Shadow Walker blazed across the surface of the ocean, leaving an impressive jet of water in his wake. With a well-placed foot on a jutting stone out of the surface, he used his incredible momentum to make the leap up to the cliff. He landed next to Tri-blade, wobbly at first as he calmed down.

Tri-blade asked, “well?”

“My shadow clone got a good look at Krampus. But, he’s not alone. That fire lady is there as well.”

Tri-blade clicked on his comm, “Hey, Closer. We’ve got a positive ID on Krampus.”

The Closer said, “Good. Then, I say we move right in. Catch them off-guard.”

“Woah, woah, wait,” Shadow Walker said and then grabbed the comm out of Tri-blade’s hand. “Krampus is up there for sure, but the sensor device picked up a signature that is off the charts. This thing was designed to find that Jinn jerk. What we are reading from her... makes Jinn look like just another bad guy.”

The Closer said, “all the more reason to use a surprise attack. They’re still preparing for something. Let’s not give them time to finish.”

Tri-blade said, “wait, we should...”

The Closer said, “who’s the leader of this group?”

Both men huffed and reluctantly replied, “you.”

“Good. Now, call in the rest of our League Mates and go.” The comm clicked off.

Tri-blade stood, ready to head out, “next time we take a vote on leadership, I want a recount.”

Shadow Walker smiled, “he’s headstrong, but good. Now, let’s move.” He jumped off the side of the cliff, doing a perfect tumble. As he headed for the water’s surface, he projected a dozen more of him, each a shadow clone. The moment all met the water’s surface, they took off at top speed, running right over the surface.

The massive castle of Lady Phoenix coasted above the ocean waves. The once mangled remains of shipwrecks, refuse metals, debris, and the old League Wars arena were now a glorious castle. Not the glistening fairy-tale castle or a majestic ancient structure, but a dark creation that appeared deadly at a distance. Walls surrounded it with large spikes lining them, the surface was a solid, rusted looking metal. Statues of nightmarish creatures stood guard at the corners along the walls. Layer upon layer of walls rose higher, creating this mountainous castle.

The field that once held the grand battles of League Wars was the center of this monolithic structure. The colorful designs and surrounding seats were gone, only stark walls and rusted metal. Above, the sky was open as it had been before. At the back of this enormous court rested a huge mound of stairs that led to a point where a throne rested. Upon it sat the glorious Lady Phoenix.

Krampus stomped into this courtyard, his deep voice echoing across the vast space. “We have company. A small team of heroes approaches.”

Lady Phoenix smiled, “it is as I said. Some shall cower, some shall attack. Let them come. They will only further my plans.”

Krampus looked back toward the opposite end as he cracked his knuckles and then craned his head side to side. “Good. I’ve been wanting to bloody my claws.”

“You shall only go as far as I will allow you, and no further.”

Krampus turned back to her. “Let’s not forget who is really in charge here. You may be the power on the throne, but I gave you life.”

She flicked her hand at him, and it threw him across the field. “Do not presume to be anything more than my servant! Let’s not forget who holds the power!”

Krampus pulled himself up. “ lady.”

Just then a man landed on the ground in the middle of the arena, his giant mechanical fist punching the ground. Another arrived next to him, deftly moving as shadow versions of himself appeared. Another came flying over the side of the walls, flipped in the air, and slid to a stop on his skateboard.

Lady Phoenix leaned over on her throne, giving them a dismissive look. “And what do you want?”

The Closer stood and pointed at her with his normal hand. “It’s over. Surrender and come back to BADGE for processing.”

“What a tempting offer,” she cooed. “I would like to thank BADGE for the use of their former arena. A well-built object, to be sure. But, I have other plans.”

Just then Dr. Silver-Strange appeared with Tri-blade and Nevets. The Closer smiled as his forces grew. “Sorry to interrupt your plans, but Earth has had enough super powered psycho’s this year. GET HER!” Her dashed toward Lady Phoenix.

As his team joined the assault on the throne, the Lady didn’t even flinch from her casual position. Suddenly, the brutish form of Krampus intervened and The Closer literally bounced off of him. With an enormous swipe, he sent the rest of the team tumbling back.

The Closer punched Krampus, but Krampus merely absorbed the blow and then punched right back, sending the mechanical hero reeling. Dr. Silver-Strange blasted a purple beam of energy at Krampus and actually caused the brute to stumble. Tri-blade caught Krampus by the arm using his two energy blades.

“YAH!” Krampus screamed as the blades dug in deep.

Shadow Walker and his army of shadow clones raced in to help when Krampus lifted his arm with Tri-blade still attached. He swung the hero around, smashing clones around and then crashing Tri-blade into Shadow Walker, both falling away.

The Closer came running, his arm charging up. Krampus returned to his feet just in time. Suddenly The Closer’s arm buzzed and shorted out.

“Not now!”

Krampus laughed and then grabbed The Closer and rammed him with his forehead. Both fell away from the other, The Closer taking the most damage from the attack.

Dr. Silver-Strange came running with Nevets at his side. He blasted a bright beam of power right at Krampus’s face and then purposefully fell to the side when Krampus attacked. Nevets deftly avoided the strike as well and then grabbed Krampus by the arm and twisted his entire body around into a judo-flip, using Krampus’s massive weight against him.

“STUPID HUMAN!” Krampus used his floored position to kick Nevets.

Nevets slid away slightly, but withstood the full power of that kick. He twisted his body around and kicked Krampus in the side.

Krampus screamed and then shoved himself up. He punched Nevets right in the face, but the hero held his ground and didn’t even flinch. Nevets smiled, “I can take a hit.” He then made a perfect flip backward, nailing Krampus right in the groin.

While Krampus roared from that attack. Ten shadow clones fell on him and pulled him down. The Closer was tossed into the air by aid of Dr. Silver-Strange and came down with a massive blow right to Krampus’s gut.

“FOOLS!” Krampus suddenly grew to ten times his size and all the heroes, and clones, were tossed aside as ants that had been crawling on a piece of bread.

The Closer and his team scrambled away from the behemoth and regrouped in the middle of the old arena. “Get ready, we almost had him.”

Krampus let out a fearsome roar and then bellowed, “I suffered the attack of hundreds of you pathetic heroes, and they failed to bring me down. What do you plan?”

The Closer held up his comm. “We are Fifth Precinct, we have a lot of friends.” he clicked the emergency league call button. “Come on! Let’s take him down!” The Closer rallied his league.

“Enough!” Lady Phoenix’s voice boomed as a flash of light exploded in the middle of the room. The heroes were sent flying, crashing into distant walls. As they gathered their wits from that attack, Lady Phoenix floated up in the air, flying next to the enormous Krampus. She held up her hand and out of the sky came a rain of fire. Piercing beams of power struck the heroes, melting the shadow clones, and pressing the others into the ground. “Play time is over, children. That was amusing, but now it is time to move on to the important matter.”

“Let me tear them apart!” Krampus took a step closer.

“No, not yet.” She cautioned with one hand and then hovered down directly over The Closer. “You, leader, I commend your valiant effort, but this battle was over before it began. I let you and your team live for one purpose. Tell the world that a time of sifting is at hand. Send me your heroes, let them test themselves, and see if they are worthy.”

The Closer groaned under the crushing pressure of the energy. “What...if we...don’t...accept.”

She grew closer to him. “Then my wrath shall be glorious to behold.” With a flick of her hand, the entire team lifted out of the arena, into the sky, and was thrown into the ocean.
