Wednesday, December 9, 2020

In the Room with Abstract (A.K.A. Mayor CJ)

ID: 22349

by Chaz Hamilton

Good day, Sentinel Readers. Chaz Hamilton here once more.

When I first came to this fair setting, I encountered many different people, both those with and without powers. My first contact was with Heretic, a brief exchange of friendship, and from then on, I met many new people on a daily basis. Other members of this community we call Heroes Rising.

When in a new community, one which serves as a forum for communications between individuals, it is very common to hear names and titles exchanged without context. I heard many names spoken of and I had no idea who they were, but did my best to follow along in the threads of conversation. My next interviewee is one such person. I would hear others talk about Mayor in passing when I first arrived on the scene, but I didn’t know who he was or what location he represented.

Where we all meet, in an online, faceless environment, is almost its own living, breathing, and at some points, dying entity. Krystal Fae will speak of her previous realm of Dimension SHC and her journey to this place. To be honest, I don’t know what exactly that is. I came into this world knowing only Dimension HR. Her comments weren't the only ones that confused me. There are many other individuals who share in the long legacy and bonds created by their shared experiences prior to this place. Individuals who because of their time and investment with their friends and characters, feel an ownership and love for the HR Dimension that goes beyond the everyday routine of protecting the streets we as citizens walk.

This will likely be one of my most controversial interviews. It isn’t every day I get to speak one-on-one with a politician with an agenda like his, but I feel it was an opportunity I needed to pursue. I can ask some questions so that others new to the HR Dimension might learn who it is that this Mayor is. What does he do? Why is he spoken about in the forums and what part does he play in the world at large.

(Forewarning, things are going to be a bit meta here, so hold onto your seatbelts and grab some popcorn. It may get bumpy. At some points, edited for content.)

He agreed to meet me in his offices with a view of nearby little-league baseball and youth football fields.

Good day, sir. Chaz Hamilton here with the Sentinel News. Would you like to take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers?

Mayor CJ: My name is Christopher Justice, A.K.A. Mayor CJ the Corrupt, A.K.A.  El Alcalde Corrupto, A.K.A.  The Island. A.K.A.  Abstract. I am a former senior moderator of a former game’s forums, league wars team-builder extraordinaire, and multi-caste player. And self-proclaimed apex personality in both game’s histories. You would be hard pressed to find a louder voice in most rooms.

Chaz: This community is filling with new people with regularity, but I have to ask, do they get much of an opportunity to get to know you as mayor or are you too busy behind the scenes to give them any face time? I cannot recall the last time you gave a press briefing.

Mayor CJ: In all honesty, I don’t volunteer press time frequently, but I will never turn away an interview. EVER!! I’m quite fond of the sound of my own voice. The reality is most people will see me in my common monologues within our players page (the Heroes Rising Players Page) and the Official Town Square when active. I make my stances on various subject clear and pointed.

Chaz: Yes, I am aware that there are several different locations where people can gather to talk things over. The Official Town Square Facebook page and The Antarctic Bar and Grill are both meeting spots for people to let their hair down and get vocal. I’m certain there are others as well, hidden throughout the world.

Mayor CJ: If you find any that my office doesn’t know of, please pass that information back to us. For tax purposes, of course.

Chaz: What were your goals when you campaigned for the position? Would you say you have been able to keep your campaign promises?

Mayor CJ: Here comes the hard pill to swallow. The position of “Mayor” was never an official position sanctioned by Heroes Rising management. The original idea was for the mayor to be a middle-man between players and management. A sounding board to bounce ideas found favorable from the community up to the worldbuilders. While we as a community loved the concept, the “Mayor” position has sadly never been openly embraced by management from its inception.

Chaz: That seems unfortunate. It sounds somewhat of a Don Quixote, tilting-against-windmills-type situation. I’ve heard you referred to as Mayor several times in public, but never realized the origins behind the title.

Mayor CJ: In the beginning, only 2 people really either campaigned or seemed fit for said position. The Closer and the Fallen. The Closer wanted the position. The Fallen, who already worked close with management and would have been ideal, did not. He was already planted in a position that met the criteria for what we envisioned, but because he did not want it... it was felt by my constituents I should attack the campaign ferociously and win. Which I did in dramatically lopsided fashion. My democratic opponent, The Closer, campaigned on an honest platform of equality and honesty and candy. I campaigned on blatant fabrications, manipulations and poison. I’m pretty sure i promised a public pool, weekly pizza parties and free MPs. Things I knew I couldn’t manifest. But I knew my opponent couldn’t manifest anything either. So, I made my lies better.

Chaz: I don’t know if our readers will be refreshed by your blatant honesty behind your schemes or bothered. With today’s political climate, I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t more pleased by your admission. A politician who admits he lies is more palatable that one who lies but will never admit it.

Mayor CJ: It takes too much effort to hide lies.

Chaz: Have you faced many obstacles during your term? Would you care to discuss any of them?

MCJ: My biggest obstacle has been myself really. Coming to grips with the helplessness of the made-up position. In my heart, I know what makes a community explode in population. What makes a city profitable. What makes everything tick from years of personal experience at all levels. Knowing you are perfect for a job and not being able to take it seriously because you are just the Mayor and the Governor doesn’t seem to hear you. For a personality like my own, with a short fuse and a vast vocabulary, this is crippling.

Chaz: There are typically at least two sides to every viewpoint. You in the trenches with the people and then the other individuals higher up the food chain who seem to have all the power in this instance. I’m sure it can be frustrating when there doesn’t seem to be a meeting of the minds, but from their point of view, I’m sure they believe themselves to be doing the best they can. Have you ever considered inviting them out for dinner? Having some face time with them?

Mayor CJ: It would depend on who is footing the bill. The bar tab alone might break both our banks.

Chaz: There have been rumors of attacks on your reputation and even on your life. Can you confirm any of these?

Mayor CJ: There SHOULD always be attacks on my reputation. This is fair. I welcome such attacks by constantly acting in a manner of ill-repute. I AM the most openly corrupt politician you will ever find. When I’ve learned my hands are tied and I’m basically a poster boy, what does one have to lose by behaving poorly at that point?

As far as my life, I welcome their attempts. I have the most advanced and capable defense team ever assembled by god.

Chaz: Who do you use for your security team?

Mayor CJ: We utilize Fuma Hanzo’s Para-military Ninja Corps of Unorthodox Fighting Techniques. We also occasionally use Pretty Mike’s bodyguard service. And Skelanimal’s wallet, which can’t be beaten.

Chaz: I’ve heard of Fuma Hanzo’s unit. They employ the Monkey Plucking the Peach technique, don’t they.

Mayor CJ: That, and many others. No bits, naughty or otherwise, are safe.

Chaz: Would you say your list of friends or enemies would be longer? How do you feel about that?

Mayor CJ: This is going to seem insane for someone who so clearly lies, cheats and steals and is unapologetic about it as I am, but I would say my list of friends is decisively longer by a substantial margin. I’ve always excelled at being personable, relatable and working across league lines in the interest of the community’s growth and development. I really only have 2 or 3 "enemies" and I probably hate them far more than they hate me.

Chaz: Do you have any plans for another term?

Mayor CJ: I think knowing what we know about the actual power, or lack there-of, involved in being Mayor of Heroes Rising, most wouldn’t even consider running against me. I believe I could manifest enough lies to win a lifetime of terms if the desire were present.

Chaz: What does a typical day in your mayoral office look like?

Mayor CJ: It honestly fluctuates with my appeasement in the Heroes Rising product. There are times when it feels like you know the answers to the test, and you are trying to help management cheat, but they just don’t want the answers. They would rather fail alone than take free answers. When I’m pleased with the product, it’s a very active day of grinding and testing gear combinations and charity work.

Chaz: The world doesn’t always run the way we think it should, does it. I keep trying to tell the Editor-in-Chief my ideas, but he runs me out of the office every time I ask to fly first-class when I travel on-location for live reporting. Doesn’t he realize I can’t sleep and am not rested if I fly economy?

Mayor CJ: Sure… that’s… next question please.

Chaz: Have you ever accepted a bribe while in office, off the record, of course?

Mayor CJ: Keep it on the record. I openly accept bribes of all types for basically anything in return. Come see me and let’s negotiate my price.

Chaz: What are your top three accomplishments as mayor?

Mayor CJ: Easy. First would be winning on a platform of I’m a liar and a thief and I hate you all. Second would be accidentally coming through on a campaign promise. I promised a public pool, a downtown district with a community center... Well. Heroes Rising BASES. Boom. The mayor comes through. Forget y’all, I’m claiming it. Third is just as easy for me. A complete and total willingness to work with other leagues to expand the community. I’ve actively followed through with that during the course of my term. Its bureaucratic red tape preventing the actual growth.

Chaz: Is there anything you would consider a failure during your term in office?

Mayor CJ: I am not a man of many regrets. What is in the past is in the past. I typically forgive quickly and move on. Especially if an opportunity to develop this world into something greater than it is today presents itself. My only true regret is so few opportunities are presenting themselves.

Chaz: Who is in your inner circle of advisors or do you come up with it all by yourself?

Mayor CJ: IMO, my greatest strength is my strong personal relationships with many players. And the value I place in their opinions. Obviously, the Avengers with Rak, Hanzo, Law, Heretic, Bones, Scream, Fiero, Chrome, Moon and numerous others. But being able to reach across aisles and show value to the opinions of other leagues and their leaders. I have a strong friendship with Skel, Anomaly, Zen, Nightshadow, Sadist, Birdflu, and The Avenger. IMO, all of these players deserve a seat at the adult table for what can build this game into tomorrow. I would include the Closer, but he too frequently goes against the grain.

Chaz: He does seem to have a large degree of influence in the ranks of the 5th Precinct organization. There must be those who value his opinion.

Mayor CJ: <Comments redacted based on common decency laws>

Chaz: There has been a fair amount of drama running around in the forums recently. Do you have any plans for bringing peace back to your constituents?

Mayor CJ: Probably not. The population of peeps, aka the peepulation, knows what it wants. It’s been voiced. Until its thirst is sated, we are likely in for fairly consistent doses of chaos.

Chaz: Is there anything you would like to add?

Mayor CJ: I was fortunate enough to make friends with 100s of members of this community going on 10+ years ago. We developed bonds so strong that they survived an almost 3-year jump between the old world’s demise and the new world’s birth. We stayed friends all that time despite no longer having a common medium. For the most part, we picked up on day 1 of Heroes Rising like we all just walked into our high school reunion. All smiles. All love.

Now, a year and change later, it feels like we stand on a momentous moment where our numbers could explode into tremendous success or fall into the void. I will always root for the community of Heroes Rising to keep churning their feet and defy the odds. To not only survive but thrive. But it will take a village. A cumulative effort by all players and a receptive management team.

I thank you for your time today. It has been my truest pleasure.

Chaz: And mine as well. Thank you for speaking with me today.

As you can see, Mayor CJ may indeed be the most corrupt politician ever, but he does it for a reason he is cares about. He seeks to bring agency to the world to help improve it in ways he and others believe to be best. And there are many others who also seek to have their own voices heard as to what is best in their own opinions. In many cases, varied and differing opinions.

While it is sometimes hard to hear that others have opinions different to one’s own, it should also be noted that the fact people care enough to voice their opinions means that they care about what is being created.

I prefer care over apathy every day of the week.

Reporting on this topic, it is not for me to say how varying ideas and options should be incorporated based on player input. I am reminded of the old saying “You can please some people some of the time, but you can never please everyone all of the time.” I can comment that during my time in Dimension HR, I have seen and witnessed the developers responding to many suggestions and comments from the community. I have also witnessed other times when ideas don’t get the attention that I think they deserve. The relationship between players and developers is never an easy one.

We can all hope that as time goes on, we can eventually look back at this game and enjoy the reunion-like bonds of friendships we make here more than the moments of frustration caused by friction between differing opinions.

Happy Holidays, everyone. Next time, for my In the Room guest, I hope to have an extra-special interviewee for you all to enjoy.


Chaz Hamilton
