Sunday, December 6, 2020

Leagues? Are they for you?

By Chaz Hamilton

ID # 22349

    It has always been proven true that one cannot do everything alone. Even the greatest superhero cannot be everywhere at the same time and defeat every villain, save every innocent bystander, or prevent all natural disasters. 

    So, the hero league was formed.

    This may be a much-abbreviated version of what all actually happened, but in the end, superheroes began to join together, team up, and become a whole greater than the sum of their individual parts.

    While playing Heroes Rising, new players may wonder “Should I join a league?” or “What League is right for me?”.

    Let’s take some time to explore those questions.

    First and foremost, most players look at joining a leagues as the mandatory means to participate in League Wars. They want to be a part of a winning team that takes the gold, wins prizes, and earn the belt that can be shown on their avatar.

    In the last league war, there were forty-eight different leagues fighting in eight different division. Placement in divisions is based on the average level of members of the league itself, grouping each different league into a four- or eight- group pod. After three rounds of combat, it is determined who becomes the winners of Gold, Silver, Bronze, or participant rewards.

    Each league fighting in a league war must have a minimum of seven members up to a maximum of twelve. The strategy behind each league will vary, but the goal is the same. To win the most battles for your league each round and prevent your opposing league from defeating you as much as possible.

    If fighting in a league war is your primary desire, you can use the League Recruit button on the home page of Heroes Rising to search through ads placed for leagues looking for members. You will find that some leagues only look for specific levels, so to remain in certain ranges for hopefully advantageous placement into certain divisions. Others welcome any level of character and some are only for the purpose of doing league buys of Morphons.

    For example, Time’s Arrow is a league that welcomes new players. Led by Timebender, this league is actively seeking to aid new players by offering advice about how to effectively advance as they level. The Time’s Arrow league also helps its members through the construction of its League Headquarters.

    Another League currently seeking new members is ~666~ Hor$emen of the Apocolyp$e ♦♞♦. Their invitation states:

Ask yourself, are you man enough to wear the ~666~? If so, prove it and join the fight to help overthrow the Democratic hierarchy of Heroes Rising and implement the new Republic. If not, then step aside or get run over. The choice is yours....

    The third and final organization I will highlight is the No Mercy Death Squad, or NMDS. They have multiple leagues searching for members. They are also very clear about the members that they are seeking to add to their rosters, as noted by the following blurbs from the league's advertisements.

We put the F 'n' FUn... Join Today. - (This is the blurb for their league seeking members in any level range.)

This NMDS team is Looking for High Level Player's that would like to compete in DIVISION 1 in the next up in coming League Wars. We’re Accepting Free Player's, Budget Player's and High Dollar Player's. JOIN TODAY. - (This is the blurb for a higher-level league with more specific membership requirements.)

    There are many other leagues searching for additional members. Too many for me to list in one article. Take a look at their individual posts on the League Recruitment page and feel free to message the leaders of the league for more information. Here is a list of some of the top performing leagues in the last league war event, League Wars: Haunted Heroes:

Division One:

Gold: ][☣][ WMD - BLACK ORDER

Silver: ] ✡ [ ANGELS OF SORCERY ] ✡ [

Division Two:


Silver: TᕼE ᑕOᒪOᑎY 5¹

Division Three:


Silver:~☠666☠~ HO$ ♦♞♦

Division Four:

Gold:♦ Avengers: lemon law enforcers ♦

Silver:‡BคPƮ♦Z€Đ BⱠ๏๏Đ Wค℞℞♦๏℞S ‡

Division Five:

Gold:♦️Avengers: Drop the D♦️

Division Six:


Division Seven:

Gold: ‡ ☠SUเCเD€ SQU₳Đ☠ ‡

Division Eight:

Gold: Ꞗꝶꬽʈḩꬲꝶḩꬽꬽɗ

    Switching in and out of leagues has its pros and cons. A pro is that it is easy to do. You as a player can explore leagues until you find one that suits your play style. Many leagues use this to switch members around, effectively trading their talent to try to “game” the system and land in a desired division. The con is this type of ‘come and go’ mentality keeps some of these leagues from building a strong rapport with one another. Players may be viewed as pawns and not people. A character can just as easily be removed, or booted, by a league leader if they are no longer wanted as if they chose to depart themselves. 

    For some, participating in leagues wars is not the primary motivation for joining a league. Some leagues are built for the purpose of in-game league buys and for others, a league might be a means by which to share a community with other players. Others might seek to build a league for the creation of league headquarters and the advantages the different buildings can offer.

    Who knows how the game will evolve and leagues may change over time? Leagues may change and grow to suit a different future. League Headquarters are a recent addition to the game that continues to improve.

    And any player always has the availability to create and start a league of their own at any time, but a player may only be in one league at any one time.

    There are many excellent developing leagues out there looking for good members to join them. Be sure to find the league that suits you best.

    Here are some final suggestions to help you find the best league for your enjoyment:

  • 1) Figure out what you first want from a league. Are you a spender, a budget-player, or a free-player? Find out what league will best suit your plans.
  • 2) Talk to different league leaders and ask questions. Talk to other players and get a feel for the other players on the team.
  • 3) Don't be satisfied with a league that isn’t working for you. There are other ones out there that might be better for you. Don’t feel trapped by your decision. Unless it is the window of league war where rosters are locked, you can leave a league you are not happy with for another.
  • 4) Talk to other players you see in Fight Clubs, Events, or read comments from on the Heroes Rising Players Page. Active participants make for better leagues and overall game experiences.
  • 5) Have fun. That should be number one, but I saved the best for last in this case.

    Best luck with your search for the ideal league for you. Each league is as individual as the players who comprise its membership. You will get out of it what you, and the other members, put into it.
